Comments on: A missing Mac? https:/2006/08/a-missing-mac/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Tue, 01 Feb 2011 00:30:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous https:/2006/08/a-missing-mac/#comment-1472 Mon, 04 Dec 2006 12:02:00 +0000 Then what is a machine that can be maxxed out on all the options on X-Plane and not be overkill. I have a Mac G5 single 1.8mhz with 3 Gigs of memory and an ati (cant recall) with 256 of video memory. I hate getting the too much rendering message.

By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2006/08/a-missing-mac/#comment-1473 Mon, 04 Dec 2006 07:59:00 +0000 I don’t know what the three options are for the Mac Pro these days…when I last looked, the GeForce 7300 GT and the ATI X1900 were both good cards..the X1900 is definitely a stronger card, the 7300 being “low end” but the whole 7000 line is so fast that the 7300 is reasonable. It’s a question of how much money you want to spend on a Mac graphics card I suppose.

(The Mac Pro is already a very expensive machine…very good for what it’s meant for, but probably overkill for most tasks. Austin and I like them because with 4 processors and 4 drive bays they’ll spit out global scenery generation, a task that can take days, very efficiently. But for a home machine, I think it’s a bit overkill, and the price tag says so.)

By: Anonymous https:/2006/08/a-missing-mac/#comment-1474 Mon, 04 Dec 2006 07:53:00 +0000 I’d like to get a mac pro, pretty much for x-plane only. Is the second option, the ati with 512 video memory a more acceptable card?

By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2006/08/a-missing-mac/#comment-1475 Sun, 20 Aug 2006 17:37:00 +0000 I have not used any Intel-based graphics on a Mac before at all. (I don’t get to sample that many machines.) The most comprehensive comments I’ve seen were Cormac’s test of a single-core Mac Mini with the GMA chipset…he was pretty detailed and objective about what the machine could or couldn’t do.

I suppose one of the problems is that this is all so subjective. Some users seem perfectly happy with the default settings and a few miles vis at 20 fps, and some feel like the sim is useless unless all settings can be maxed out.

By: scottp https:/2006/08/a-missing-mac/#comment-1476 Sun, 20 Aug 2006 17:27:00 +0000 Has anyone actually used X-Plane on a Mac with the integrated graphics? I have a 2GHz MacBook, and while it gags on the extreme settings, it performs quite admirably overall.

That said, I’d like to upgrade (give my wife my current machine) sometime next year), but let’s not scare off casual or new users who don’t want or need all the fancy eye candy by saying that machines with the integrated Intel GPU are completely unusable.

Phew! I’m winded after typing that sentence. But I feel so much better with that off my chest.

By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2006/08/a-missing-mac/#comment-1477 Sat, 19 Aug 2006 15:14:00 +0000 Anonymous – I’m glad you are still happy with your system – we put a lot of work into keeping X-Plane quick and responsive eve on hardware that’s not that modern. But we got Randy (our marketing guy) a new PC, components are all the modern things you’d expect like DDR memory and PCIe 16x and it just screams. In some ways this makes it harder for us – the range from the min system requirements to our fastest users keeps getting wider!

By: Anonymous https:/2006/08/a-missing-mac/#comment-1478 Sat, 19 Aug 2006 14:32:00 +0000 Even the generic windows PCs run Xplane very well. My PC is a home build system that’s about 3 years old now. It’s a HT 3Ghz P4 with 1Gb RAM and a 8xAGP 6600GT. It’s still a fairly quick machine by todays standards.

By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2006/08/a-missing-mac/#comment-1479 Sat, 19 Aug 2006 11:36:00 +0000 Well two ways to look at it…
– Compareed to the machine, the 7300 will probably be the limiting factor for flight sim. But indeed it is upgradable. (The 7300 isn’t a slouch…it’s comparable to a medium-level 6600, which we were all raving about a few months ago…it’s just the bar moves so fast!)
– For an audio user or photoshop user, the 7300’s just peachy – why add more power usage, heat, and spend money? Not everyone is an X-Plane user (but they should be).

I suppose the iMac is the low-end option for those who don’t want a Mc Pro. The trick is to stop thinking of the Mac Pro as a desktop – it’s more of a workstation. It’s for the user who is doing digital video, tons of audio, massive photoshop files. If you just want to check email and surf the web, downgrade to the iMac, which is still a very nice machine! (Did I mention the x86 iMacs fly X-Plane very nicely? 🙂

By: Mike Ash https:/2006/08/a-missing-mac/#comment-1480 Sat, 19 Aug 2006 11:23:00 +0000 I just got a shiny new Mac Pro yesterday, and it really flies. I got the default video card, partly to save money and partly because getting the ATi card was going to add a month to my shipping time. The way I see it, this thing is so massively upgradeable in the video department that it doesn’t matter if I get the cheap card now; upgrades will only get cheaper as time goes by.

I haven’t had much of a chance to play with X-Plane yet, but I tried it out a bit and it performs very nicely. It’s certainly much better than my PowerBook, although that’s so obvious that I’m almost embarrassed to say it. I’m sure a better card would do even better, but it’s perfectly smooth in the countryside with 4x antialiasing, extreme texture res, and higher than average object/road density. (I haven’t tried cities.)

With the low-end Mac Pro coming in at over $2,100, it is sad that there isn’t a more economical option, but the default Mac Pro video card should be just fine for casual X-Planers such as myself.

By: Reuben https:/2006/08/a-missing-mac/#comment-1481 Sat, 19 Aug 2006 10:32:00 +0000 If you were buying a Mac pro, I would definitely recommend you go just that little bit further and get the X1900 with it. If you’re buying an expensive computer like that, you’re making an investment, and it’s nice to have a card you can use for a long time yet. Getting a 7300 (even 3 of them together is still cheaper than the X1900!) would just let the whole system down when it comes to X-Plane, in my opinion.
