Comments on: CPU or GPU https:/2007/04/cpu-or-gpu/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Wed, 20 Apr 2011 01:03:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: vic joseph https:/2007/04/cpu-or-gpu/#comment-2013 Wed, 20 Apr 2011 01:03:31 +0000 I have a cooler master 922 with a power supply 500 watts and a imtel i5 2500 3.33 ghz
on a Asus P8 h67-m pro mother board with the video 3000 on board with 8 gigs on ram and a Asus 24 inch screen.

I just perchased the x-plane and : forget it the software runs in constant fog even with minimum or low settings. Sandy bridge is ok for normal everyday stuff but forget it .You need a GPU with VRAM as much as possible if you are to have fun with x-plane.

If any one out there have any tips I am open to read about them

By: Anonymous https:/2007/04/cpu-or-gpu/#comment-1358 Thu, 23 Apr 2009 20:21:00 +0000 shame on me for buying a 4870×2.
but crysis runs great, and thats all i really cared about at the time.
im using a fresh install of x-plane 9, updated to 9.22.
i am also using multiple ati catalyst versions, including 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4.
with crossfire enabled (catalyst A.I.), i get a crash on the loading screen and the following error:
Unhandled exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (C0000005)
Flags=0, Address = 0x695384e5
0) 0x695384e5 (atioglxx.dll + 5276901)

with crossfire disabled, the sim boots fine.

just wondering if you’ve heard of this phenomenon, or had any suggestions.

By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2007/04/cpu-or-gpu/#comment-1359 Sun, 11 Jan 2009 18:24:00 +0000 jeffg54 – I don’t know…see also my other posts regarding us NOT targeting the highest settings to a specific CPU. Also this blog is not a support forum.

You’re probably drawing too many objects in the distance. Start with low settings and work your way up to see what’s hitting fps. Discuss with other people on who have similar hw.

By: Jeffg54 https:/2007/04/cpu-or-gpu/#comment-1360 Sun, 11 Jan 2009 18:02:00 +0000 I am getting a message in v9 that my rendering settings are too high.
I would like them to be even higher. My pc has a Q6600 quad core with 8 gigs of ram. My video card is a xfx geforce 9600gt with 512 megs of vram.
The settings page shows at my current settings I am using 353 megs of vram. I am set at 20miles visibility. CPU usage is between 35 and 53% and ram is at 29% usage.
Frame rate is set at 19. I am also getting a sparkle on buildings at a distance.
What CPU do I need to use for the higher settings? I am using Vista 64 bit.

By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2007/04/cpu-or-gpu/#comment-1361 Sun, 03 Jun 2007 13:53:00 +0000 Mario, this is 100% true…for what it’s worth, most of what I post on the blog about GPU performance is going to be a gross simplification of what is really going on. But in the case of FSAA vs. resolution you’re right…cards now do a lot of opportunistic shortcuts to deliver something roughly equivalent to huge FSAA without the large penalties.

(In the case of large resolutions, frame buffer access doesn’t necessarily scale as well as shadero perations. Running at a huge resolution has to, by definition, result in more frame buffer access, but FSAA trickery can optimize some of this away.)

By: Mario. https:/2007/04/cpu-or-gpu/#comment-1362 Sun, 03 Jun 2007 12:49:00 +0000 The statement about “FSAA is equivalent to a higher screen resolution – that is, running at 2048×2048 and no FSA is similar to running at 1024×1024 and 4x FSAA.” is not true these days! The FSAA many GPU companies do consist from 80% of trickery and 20% of real work. These days the AA stuff is not what it used to be.

In conclusion, comparing different resolutions as the means of determining GPU utilisation makes more sense. The compared resolutions need to be of similar size, like 1 and 1.5 MPix, comparing resolutions which are far too different is not a good idea, since every graphic card suffers a drastic penalty from extreme resolution at some point. Some GPUs go to their knees at 1920×1200, some at 2560×1600, so compare the drop in performance in similar class of resolution. If it does drop by the same amount of % the resolution increased, then it is fully utilised. If it does no drop at all, the GPU is waiting underutilised. “RivaTuner” utility can be used with any GPU to display the 3D framerate.


By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2007/04/cpu-or-gpu/#comment-1363 Thu, 26 Apr 2007 13:03:00 +0000 Hi Ismail,

Please email me directly…X-Plane should not require more than a gig of RAM under normal circumstances.

(Please use the bug report page to report bugs, not my blog!)

Parallelism: X-plane already utilizes multiple cores to some extent – the amount of benefit will increase over time as we continue to refactor code to take advantage of parallelism.

Clearly the market is moving toward multi-core in a big way. On the other hand, the gap between an entry system and a high-end game system is also widening, so while it is good to utilize multiple cores, I think our assumptions about the minimum number of cores must be very conservative.

This kind of refactoring will take time…changing an application to be threaded is a major redesign.

By: Ismail https:/2007/04/cpu-or-gpu/#comment-1364 Thu, 26 Apr 2007 12:57:00 +0000 Mine is like a bug report, but will probably contrast more on influence of larger memory on overall experience.

I am running a quad core Mac Pro. I presume, you won’t question Apple’s stupidity (money-hunger, if I may) of shipping only 1 GB memory with a 4CPU system. Anyway, I have recently bought 2GB more and now I have 3GB of memory. In 1GB days, I was not able to:
1. Complete a long flight
2. Load a situation movie and make a QuickTime movie
3. Position aircraft to another airport (which is usually on another continent)

I suspected memory, because right before X-Plane gets stuck, I hear disk is spinning and VM usage peaks (X-Plane approaches well around 1 GB, entire system is closer to 10GB marks). It’s bluntly funny to see X-Plane to get stuck, if you enable too many options (or, if you overestimate your PC’s CPU-GPU power). After making Apple happier by buying extra 2GB memory, my Mac can afford more visual options.

I would love to learn, on a quad core Mac Pro (Intel) with 1GB and NVIDIA 7300GT (256MB), why X-Plane gets stuck. I am familiar with FreeBSD (and Windows, of course), but not with Mac OS X. Therefore, I have absolutely no idea what kind of features (API) does Mac OS X have that enables applications to handle out-of-memory conditions (well, assuming it’s an out of memory, but may not be). X-Plane runs, I can see it makes syscalls and it’s swapping, it’s even calling some OpenGL functions. Nothing but a kill (force quit) helps.

I can enable many more CPU-intensive options, but this breeds another question; is X-Plane ready (i.e. designed with parallelism in mind)? You see, we have 4 core CPUs, we can make hundred core CPU, but this doesn’t make any sense to most of software we use today, because payload is not designed to fit on to multi-core system! The first example I can think of right now is Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It might be designed concurrency in mind, but it just wasn’t good enough because it didn’t go any faster with my 4 CPU computer. Hopefully, they are fixing this.

Since X-Plane is the only simulator on Mac OS X, which is today shipped with at least 4 CPUs, it’d benefit a lot by implementing parallelism.


By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2007/04/cpu-or-gpu/#comment-1365 Fri, 06 Apr 2007 13:58:00 +0000 Short answer is — I have no idea. Please email me three screenshots in this config (that limits CPU use to 60%):

– Rendering settings
– Weather settings
– Screenshot of flying like this, with the data output for fps on screen, as well as lat/lon/altitude and camera location.

please send all as uncompressed original pngs.

By: Mac OS X-Plane https:/2007/04/cpu-or-gpu/#comment-1366 Fri, 06 Apr 2007 13:36:00 +0000 If 3D clouds don’t affect a modern GPU (X1600), why does my CPU usage go from 100% to 60% (out of a potential 200%) when I enable them? Something must be holding my CPU back when I enable 3D clouds. I’m using a dual core intel iMac with 1.5GB of RAM.
