Comments on: Key Frames in Version 9 (and datarefs) https:/2007/10/key-frames-in-version-9-and-datarefs/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Tue, 01 Feb 2011 02:23:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2007/10/key-frames-in-version-9-and-datarefs/#comment-1248 Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:34:00 +0000 Direction of the wind is already a dataref! And all datarefs can act on key frames. This is how the windsocks work in 860!

However, you can’t DIRECTLY control the direction of windmilling with the wind, because something has to make the object spin. So what you’d really have to do is…

Have a outer animation that rotates the object 180 degrees when the wind changes direction (basically it’d be like taking the prop off the plane, flipping it, and putting it back on).

THEN have the rotation animation that makes the prop move. (But you can’t easily scale this to wind speed – you need to use a timer.)

THEN flip the object over again (inside the rotation) using wind direction.

In other words, what we’ve done is flip the object twice (so no visual changes happens) but flip the rotation once (so CW becomes CCW).

But…this is an ugly solution and probably not what you want…it won’t create natural windmilling the way x-plane does when it calculates the interaction of the prop with the wind, taking the heading of the prop vs. velocity vector of the wind into consideration.

Animation is not a substitute for simulation!

By: Dan31 https:/2007/10/key-frames-in-version-9-and-datarefs/#comment-1249 Fri, 19 Oct 2007 03:25:00 +0000 Is the direction of the wind able to act as a datarefs ?
Changing the direction of windmill automaticaly could be nice
