Comments on: Stuff I’m Looking At https:/2009/02/stuff-im-looking-at/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Tue, 01 Feb 2011 18:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: RD https:/2009/02/stuff-im-looking-at/#comment-821 Thu, 05 Feb 2009 21:04:00 +0000 Benjamin,

So, is it theoretically possible to have towers appear based on the airport layout data at airports where no scenery exists?


By: Anonymous https:/2009/02/stuff-im-looking-at/#comment-822 Tue, 03 Feb 2009 20:09:00 +0000 “Using OpenStreetMap (OSM) for roads. We’ve been looking at OSM for a while, but it’s too soon to announce a plan.”

I just LOVE to see this!

By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2009/02/stuff-im-looking-at/#comment-823 Tue, 03 Feb 2009 13:10:00 +0000 Hi Dan,

Who said anything about random? (There have been a lot of proposals and feature requests, so maybe you are reacting to something specific other than this blog post?) Generally I think I completely disagree with you:

“I for one oppose the idea of having generic buildings placed at random locations in and around an airport.”

Me too – random buildings are not good – buildings need to be placed, either algorithmically or manually, with some attention to detail.

“Any efforts beyond random placement of buildings, such as maintaining a database of building outlines, locations etc., is a waste of time in my opinion and is in direct competition to quality work done by third parties, either freeware or payware.”

I disagree. A database of building placements is a much lower cost art project than custom scenery. It is therefore not in competition – “default buildings” (e.g. placements of library elements) would provide a stop-gap where custom scenery does not exist, not a replacement to custom work. We cannot expect there to be 20,000 custom airports – it just takes a lot longer to model a terminal in 3-d than to place a library object. Apples and Oranges!

“I believe resources should be spent on more important areas to start with.”

But what resources? Default placements can be made by users who do not have the 3-d skills to make custom scenery. I would argue that not only do the efforts of custom vs. default not compete, but the resources to create them don’t overlap much.

Re: tools. Yes. You need better tools. No one is disputing that. But better tools are necessary for BOTH efforts.

“And finally, we need better tools. Tools are the number one reason we don’t see more quality scenery being made for X-Plane.”

I disagree with this too. Market share is the number one reason. Tools are important, but they don’t change the marketshare situation.

Anyway, tools are coming, and necessary for either effort, but I don’t think you can convince me that we shouldn’t allow default buildings because they compete with custom work…I think we need both.

By: Dan https:/2009/02/stuff-im-looking-at/#comment-824 Tue, 03 Feb 2009 13:01:00 +0000 I for one oppose the idea of having generic buildings placed at random locations in and around an airport. Any efforts beyond random placement of buildings, such as maintaining a database of building outlines, locations etc., is a waste of time in my opinion, and is in direct competition to quality work done by third parties, either freeware or payware. There is already a growing availability of quality scenery, including MSFS conversion, and I believe resources should be spent on more important areas to start with.

Instead, what I would like to see is some attention to the global scenery. Enhanced library of regional buildings subject to location, enhanced city and town textures and intelligent placement of these, aligned with the underlying texture. Not to mention seasonal textures, which has been missing in action for far too long now.

And finally, we need better tools. Tools are the number one reason we don’t see more quality scenery being made for X-Plane. Third party developers have done a great job of filling in the gaps, and most things are possible to create, but it is a bit cumbersome, at least for new scenery authors. A more streamlined and integrated “tool palette”, a one stop shop, would be welcome. Not to mention the ability to edit and flatten “rough terrain” with Mesh Tool or a similar program.

Just my two cents…

By: Daveduck https:/2009/02/stuff-im-looking-at/#comment-825 Tue, 03 Feb 2009 10:20:00 +0000 I think scenery designers everywhere will greet the “more library objects included” part of that road map with a standing ovation.

Anything that allows us to create self-contained scenery packages, without dependencies on a library that we can’t know whether the user even possesses, would be a huge step in the right direction.

By: naoliv https:/2009/02/stuff-im-looking-at/#comment-826 Sun, 01 Feb 2009 23:00:00 +0000 Something at the lines of and (that uses OpenStreetMap too)?
