Comments on: WED – Click to Split https:/2009/10/wed-click-to-split/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Tue, 01 Feb 2011 19:01:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ainhoa. https:/2009/10/wed-click-to-split/#comment-567 Mon, 19 Oct 2009 11:50:54 +0000 Hey there! I checked your blog and liked it a lot! I see you're very handy with WED… well, if you could help me, I've got a doubt. I've created a runway with WED but I can't get to see the approach lights of one of its headings on X-Plane when it's dark. I've tried laying a grass-taxiway beneath the entire airport and trying many exclusions on Overlay Editor. Have you any clues on what's causing me this trouble? Thanks in advance.

By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2009/10/wed-click-to-split/#comment-568 Thu, 15 Oct 2009 07:51:58 +0000 Also: Andrew, please don't double-post comments…all comments are moderated for spam, so it'll take a little while for them to show up.

By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2009/10/wed-click-to-split/#comment-569 Thu, 15 Oct 2009 07:51:19 +0000 Andrew,

Not sure when I'll get WMS in but I do know it is useful – it's on my radar. File a feature-request bug in the SCENERY TOOLS bug base and include working WMS settings + an airport ICAO that could be use to test such a feature (e.g. here's an airport in Australia, here's a WMS that provides high quality coverage of the underlying aera).

By: Andrew Luecke https:/2009/10/wed-click-to-split/#comment-570 Thu, 15 Oct 2009 07:44:29 +0000 G'day,

I'm a user from Australia, and would like to know when WED will support a mapping service other then Terraserver (which appears to be US only).

Unfortunately, here in Australia, X-plane usage is almost non-existant. The main reason is because the scenary is unusable here (try navigating without instruments, and you'll be filling in a virtual incident report to CASA before you bat an eyelid).

Unusable scenary is caused however, because the tools to create the scenary in Australia are also problematic.

WED only allows Terraserver to be used as a satelite service (which is unusable in Aus). Whilst we can use photos from other services, the photos must be aligned and such (which is a pain). The integration of an International satellite service would make it much easier to add new airports and VFR features, and even open scenery development to newbies. Ideally, I would like to see the process be made easy enough that the Australian community can collaborate and work on free, but highly accurate scenary.

In fact, with the integration of OpenStreetmaps too, we could go about creating cities that are as accurate as our maps (and are accurate down to the "house" level in some places.

I think this would be enough to really kick off scenary development in Australia, and start a push from FSX to X-Plane in Australia 😉

