Comments on: Plugin-Based Prop Discs https:/2010/05/plugin-based-prop-discs/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Tue, 01 Feb 2011 19:01:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jack https:/2010/05/plugin-based-prop-discs/#comment-362 Sun, 30 May 2010 14:48:46 +0000 I like what Arista brought up. I have my Q400 for which is has huge prop discs. i want to eventually have the plugin running my props but I am no programmer. So I am holding off till the end to finish the prop disc, cause I know it will take me a few days to really grasp what the plugin is and how it works and then how I can get it to work for me.
If it was in any way simpler. hell even if there was a short video tutorial on how it works and how it can work for me, that would be fine. if you guys decide to make it even simpler then that, its all pluses for me.
and as always you guys do a great job. love the blog.

By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2010/05/plugin-based-prop-discs/#comment-363 Sat, 29 May 2010 21:38:05 +0000 These aren't "massive flaws". They are design limitations.

By: vonhinx https:/2010/05/plugin-based-prop-discs/#comment-364 Sat, 29 May 2010 21:27:33 +0000 Two points. Most newbies start out with Plane Maker; not everyone goes all the way. You can make a very decent looking plane in Plane Maker with a bit of care, but there's no way you can overcome a few massive flaws:

• You can't have a perfectly smooth windshield on both sides because of the asymmetry;

• Control surfaces are limited: no spoilers overlapping flaps, no end balance tabs attached to main control surfaces, no partly buried flaps, no cut lines perpendicular to hinge line.

The first one is low hanging fruit; the second is much harder but not impossible. Both would make Plane Maker-only aircraft pretty decent to start with.

The biggest limitation to instruments are their single dependency: show if this dataref <=, = or >= to n. Take an idiot-light annunciator, for example: green if tank pump moving fuel; orange if fuel low; red if fuel exhausted; off is tank pump off.

It's possible to include some logic by simple boolean combinations. All that is needed in this case is an additive dependency at the top: Requires Bus1, Bus2, Avionics, AND Pump is On, (AND EFIS page is p, AND… whatever).

By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2010/05/plugin-based-prop-discs/#comment-365 Fri, 28 May 2010 14:45:45 +0000 Steve, I would say it does not.

1. You can't use the prop disc tech unless your plane has…a prop.

2. Jet fan discs do not suffer the problems that causes all of the prop disc issues:

– Prop discs are translucent geometry outside the plane that interacts with scenery.
– Prop discs can be viewed from the side.

So…most authors just make a separate rotating disc out of an obj for jet discs, and since they are fully inside the engine housing teh Z and translucency issues are not issues.

By: Steve https:/2010/05/plugin-based-prop-discs/#comment-366 Fri, 28 May 2010 13:54:37 +0000 How does this apply to custom turbofan discs, Ben? Can it be applied? The same effects, albeit somewhat concealed, apply to the spinning blades of a jet engine. I recall a spiffy demo on a 757 once that was very convincing…same sort of advancement and stroboscopic effect. Thanks for working on this, by the way – it's the little things that really make this sim sing.

By: Benjamin Supnik https:/2010/05/plugin-based-prop-discs/#comment-367 Wed, 26 May 2010 16:59:06 +0000 Arista, you are spot on re: scripting to lower the barrier of entry. See also my previous ranting:

Basically the C ABI provides a base level with maximum power/flexibility, and what we need now (from LR or a third party) are layers on top that increase abstraction and simplify ease of use at the expense of some flexibility and performance.

By: Arista https:/2010/05/plugin-based-prop-discs/#comment-368 Wed, 26 May 2010 16:54:06 +0000 What would be really great for these kind of things would be a simple scripting facility. At times, the overhead of developing a full-fledged plugin for one simple custom behavior can feel like overkill. Besides, many content creators seem to be reluctant to learn writing plugins in the first place – C can be a scary beast for someone who never programmed before. If, on the other hand, we could enter a couple of lines of, say, Python or Lua, at a few strategic places right in Plane Maker, the overhead would be much lower, and while this would technically still be programming, it might be much less scary for the uninitiated.
