Comments on: ATC: Description of a System Pt 1 https:/2011/10/atc-description-of-a-system-pt-1/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Fri, 18 Nov 2011 14:20:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erlingo B https:/2011/10/atc-description-of-a-system-pt-1/#comment-3277 Fri, 18 Nov 2011 14:20:46 +0000 *’keeping my fingers crossed’

By: Erlingo B https:/2011/10/atc-description-of-a-system-pt-1/#comment-3276 Fri, 18 Nov 2011 14:19:10 +0000 I am really holding my thumbs XP10 can make use of the 16GB of RAM I purchased for it last month. XP in 64 bit really should be avalible in 2011. Any news about this, Ben?

Thanks guys for all your effort. XP10 will be #1 on my christmas list!

By: Zack https:/2011/10/atc-description-of-a-system-pt-1/#comment-3274 Thu, 17 Nov 2011 23:37:34 +0000 In reply to Scott A..

With the technology in Apple’s new “Siri” and it’s AI and incredible voice recognition, it’s probably not that far away.

By: Flo https:/2011/10/atc-description-of-a-system-pt-1/#comment-3273 Thu, 17 Nov 2011 11:49:23 +0000 Maybe it´s time to close this thread, redundant questions arising.
Desperately waiting for part 2 of the ATC description or a new post!

By: Stan https:/2011/10/atc-description-of-a-system-pt-1/#comment-3272 Thu, 17 Nov 2011 08:35:19 +0000 Just saw Austin’s presentation of X-Plane 10. It is UNBELIEVABLE. I am in awe! <3

By: Aaron https:/2011/10/atc-description-of-a-system-pt-1/#comment-3271 Thu, 17 Nov 2011 05:08:39 +0000 In reply to Bruno Silva.

I’ve had this same idea for some time now and actually was trying to make a voice recognition program that would bridge the gap. I never hated FS9/FSX’s built-in ATC as some did and never really warmed up to VoxATC enough to shell out the dough (and the trial didn’t go so well either). The other solutions didn’t seem to offer much better results as they all relied on a 3rd party 3rd party 3rd party’s program and they all had to get set up properly to work and I never could manage to get realistic voice interaction with ATC.

I then had a brainstorm to try to get the ATC menu information out of FSX itself. No luck. I’d have to try to hack deep into FSX and window enumeration and I just wasn’t wanting to make something so complex.

Now, with XP10 on the horizon, the idea has already been brought up several times to expose the XP ATC system interface via dataref. I could then (as well as anyone else) tie into the dataref system. The rest is all in making the speech recognition profiles and the selection logic to interpret what the user says and make the proper selection in XP10.

Hell, if the XP design team wanna do that for us, it would save me some time to work on my home cockpit. But exposing the choices and prompt via dataref should be on the list by now. Fingers crossed, a priority, but I’m sure there’s a lot that is on the list.

By: carrotroot https:/2011/10/atc-description-of-a-system-pt-1/#comment-3270 Thu, 17 Nov 2011 02:05:08 +0000 In reply to Antonio.

Heat Blurs are definitely in XP10.

By: Ilari Kousa https:/2011/10/atc-description-of-a-system-pt-1/#comment-3269 Wed, 16 Nov 2011 17:23:17 +0000 *Anything* is possible pretty much, it just needs to be coded. As Chris said, you can customize pretty much all the voice elements, which I think would include terminal procedure names as well once implemented into the system…

By: Riccardo https:/2011/10/atc-description-of-a-system-pt-1/#comment-3268 Wed, 16 Nov 2011 13:40:07 +0000 I hope this new great ATC will support monthly updated airac fix database and sid/star instruction. Only sid/star and fix/intersection database could be handled bu text to speeech, and other atc instruction via prerecordered voices. For example: “Alitalia 123 cleared for LIRF via CHI6A….”, where the name of sid could be pronounced like “charlie hotel india six alpha” or an holding pattern pronounced like “Alitalia 123 hold on PELEG intersection”. This will be a great feature imho. Could it be possible?

By: Bruno Silva https:/2011/10/atc-description-of-a-system-pt-1/#comment-3267 Wed, 16 Nov 2011 11:54:22 +0000 Hi Chris,

Like others here, I’m a long time MSFS user longing for XPlane to mature to jump in on board. This is not a feature request, it’s more a “Why couldn’t this be implemented?”.
When prompted to reply to ATC, we’re all used to press keys via a menu, which I think is a huge “imersion killer”, but beeing a fan of the well known FS2Crew Voice programs, I’ve started to question why couldn’t the same philosophy be used to interact with ATC: When asked for a reply, one would speak to a microphone, and a voice recognition program would search for trigger words and “understand” what the user meant to say, avoiding a line selection via a menu.
This kind of Default ATC would be a huge leap forward reality-wise and would surely be much apreciated among the comunity.
What do you say??…

Keep up the good work, XP10 is looking very, very promising.

Bruno Silva
