Comments on: Tips for better frame rates Pt #1 https:/2011/12/tips-for-better-frame-rates-pt-1/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Wed, 14 Dec 2011 15:39:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patrick Bureau https:/2011/12/tips-for-better-frame-rates-pt-1/#comment-3639 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 15:39:48 +0000 OK. I tried it again. This post will be an optimistic one, contrary to the previous ones I made.

I noticed a few things that I haven’t seen mentioned anywhere yet on the forums. A few more observations:

– The sim seems to perform BETTER when NOT using the Cessna 172. For example, sitting in KSEA in a B747 gets me 19fps. In same conditions, loading up the C172 gets me 15 fps. Very strange. IN flight the different is even worse.

– The sim is not constant in the fps. Something changes as the simulation advances in time. I can takeoff at 20 fps, climb and as the sim goes and goes, and as my flight advances, the frame rate drops as if something was stucked in some kind of loop.

– Changing the 3D view to look at my seat only (no external view at all), DOES NOT IMPROVE THE FRAME RATE at all. Very strange and you probably have a point of optimization right there. Version 9 would increase the frame rate by a lot when the view changes to just inside the plane vs. external. This is very strange because the frame rate does go from 19fps to 60fps in clouds.

– The F-sim and F-ACT is very confusing. The F-SIM is constantly sitting at 19.90 fps. However, I’ve seen it climb by stutters to 20 and even 23, only to drop back to 19.90 again, stable for 10 minutes or so. What causes the F-sim to go up like that??? Even with F-ACT being 24 fps, the F-sim stayed at 19.90. There is some loops that are not working properly. I have looked at the log.txt after. There are a lot of errors all over the place. Error finding this, error finding that, etc. That’s after a brand new installation of the demo. (last night)

– Flying faster seems to be getting more fps. Strange, completely the opposite of FSX. FSX, the faster you went, the more the computer struggled to display the same amount of things in less time. In X-plane 10, flying faster provided me with faster fps.

– I’m repeating myself here but, something is blocking the fps from going up, even if the GPU is not used to its maximum and the CPU either.

I think I’m confident things will improve a lot in the near future.


By: Ben Supnik https:/2011/12/tips-for-better-frame-rates-pt-1/#comment-3634 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 05:44:51 +0000 In reply to Patrick Bureau.

F-act is the actual framerate. F-sim is the framerate the sim is pretending to have to try to keep the flight model from blowing up.

By: Patrick Bureau https:/2011/12/tips-for-better-frame-rates-pt-1/#comment-3629 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 04:08:08 +0000 Quick question.

What is the difference between F-SIm and F-ACT in the frame rate display. that is new. also, my F-Sim is stucked at 19.0 always, while the F-ACT is very low. I’ve seen the F-SIM go up above 19 only once. Even at very very low settings it still shows 19


By: Anonymous https:/2011/12/tips-for-better-frame-rates-pt-1/#comment-3621 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 09:28:13 +0000 […] and possibly improve load times when going to different airports, see tips in the following link: Tips for better frame rates Pt #1 | X-Plane Developer Blog Here is the present status of video cards being used with v10 X-plane: X-Plane 10 Graphics Card […]

By: Extreme!!!! https:/2011/12/tips-for-better-frame-rates-pt-1/#comment-3612 Mon, 12 Dec 2011 16:02:30 +0000 Will X-Plane 10 ever run crossfire? I bought a 6850 ATI the other day and didnt help much. Also will it ever be upgraded to run faster with the current hardware? I thought X-Plane 10 was supposed to run at max settings with atleast 1GB of VRAM.

By: Hull534 https:/2011/12/tips-for-better-frame-rates-pt-1/#comment-3602 Sun, 11 Dec 2011 19:07:15 +0000 In reply to Heiko.

Wow, I can’t disagree with this more. Less is more? You want to head over to Microsoft Flight Simulator X then. X-Plane is all about giving the users power and control. That’s what it has always been about and hopefully will remain so. X-Plane offers so much tweak-ability for everyone, which is why it has been so successful. You have to spend the time tweaking, as Ben recommends. Start with all options off, and go from there. Learn what each one does, it’s part of the fun of X-Plane man!

By: Chris Serio https:/2011/12/tips-for-better-frame-rates-pt-1/#comment-3586 Fri, 09 Dec 2011 23:32:02 +0000 In reply to Patrick Bureau.

No one’s denying that there may be something that can/should/will be improved in the sim. You did exactly what you’re supposed to and you now know that your bottleneck is not your CPU or GPU or RAM…so perhaps it’s bus bandwidth. You can try to reduce things that consume bus bandwidth. This also means you can INCREASE your settings so that you consumer more CPU/GPU and make the sim “prettier” without hurting performance so long as you don’t increase bus traffic. We’ll be getting to performance tuning soon where we can talk in more specifics and we’ll have tools to help figure out what’s going on.

By: Patrick Bureau https:/2011/12/tips-for-better-frame-rates-pt-1/#comment-3585 Fri, 09 Dec 2011 23:25:39 +0000 thanks for this post. I did exactly as described. However, I still think there is a problem with X-plane 10. I am running the latest version 10.03b. I have 8 cores all running below 50% average, and GPU never exceeds 75% usage with HDR on. I get 30 fps at KSEA sitting on ground blue skies. As soon as I reach 4000-5000 feet, FPS descent to 10!!!! 10-12 fps. GPU is the same as well as CPU. there is definitely something wrong. I can’t be out of RAM for sure.. I have WAY more than 4 gb.

If I put everything to default, and HDR on, and 40% clouds, I still can’t MAX the GPU Activity, nor the CPU activity, nor the memory ? How am I supposed to find the “bottleneck” ?????

By: Alexander https:/2011/12/tips-for-better-frame-rates-pt-1/#comment-3554 Tue, 06 Dec 2011 10:38:32 +0000 These are excellent hints! I tracked down all performance effects today and got very sup rising results – for example that my system does not care about high texture resolution quality or AI Aircraft, but does not like high settings on the Anisotropic Filtering at all.

By: David https:/2011/12/tips-for-better-frame-rates-pt-1/#comment-3551 Tue, 06 Dec 2011 08:42:16 +0000 I have an imac mid 2011 and I’m very happy with my settings and the fps even though I have to give up a few things totally like HDR, and water reflections, my clouds details are at 24% only. The fps I get go from 32-39 on the runway going up to 75 when airborne, I get even better results in a night flight. The only problem which is particularly irritating is a big stutter the second I take off and there are clouds, this happens only in the daylight, in that split second that I pull the yoke to take off the system is probably starting to process the clouds and my fps, for a fraction of half a second drops from 32-39 to 13!!! Then goes immediately to 45 and when passing again through clouds it drops to 24 no stuttering anymore. IMHO is clear to me that the clouds are a weak point in my system but I hope there will be some improvement here, my settings for the clouds are 24% detail 40% size puff 40% opacity.
