Comments on: RIP Beta 8 https:/2012/01/rip-beta-8/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Wed, 11 Jan 2012 21:57:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bob Marsh https:/2012/01/rip-beta-8/#comment-3979 Wed, 11 Jan 2012 21:57:47 +0000 Have been using ATC and have some (helpful) comments and suggestions relative to ease of operation subjects. Is this a current permitted discussion subject?

By: Nenad Jankovic https:/2012/01/rip-beta-8/#comment-3978 Wed, 11 Jan 2012 20:32:36 +0000 In reply to Ben Supnik.

Hi Ben,
thank you for your answer! I fully understand why you need trade off concerning rendering options in XP10 in order to achieve optimum performance of XP10 for most of the users, BUT please as Steve pointed out don’t leave us with high-end computers without options to get most of XPlane as simulator. I think that adding Advanced settings button(option) in rendering options should not be that hard and it should make even us with “special” needs happy.
Concerning option with DataRefEditor I don’t want to become developer to get to the extra options. I just need options within the XPlane. Please don’t understand me wrong, this is just friendly suggestion.

By: Bob Marsh https:/2012/01/rip-beta-8/#comment-3942 Tue, 10 Jan 2012 04:19:38 +0000 In reply to Ben Supnik.

OK Ben I will file abetter description as a bug
Sorry for causing any confusion.

By: Ben Supnik https:/2012/01/rip-beta-8/#comment-3933 Mon, 09 Jan 2012 22:54:34 +0000 In reply to Bob Marsh.

Hi Bob,

I’m afraid I didn’t follow _any_ of what you have posted here. But this is also the wrong venue.

Please file a bug – otherwise the report is basically lost. Please try to describe what is going on as clearly as possible, using very specific descriptions of any file format attributes, programs and versions, and exact technique to reproduce a problem; I suspect I do not understand what you have posted because you are referring to some parts of the scenery process by names other than what I expect; more specificity will help!

By: Bob Marsh https:/2012/01/rip-beta-8/#comment-3932 Mon, 09 Jan 2012 22:40:54 +0000 You have the full set of data in the bug bucket.

Just one further comment about .fac files. When you implement the 1.2 version of WED that does the first establishment of any facade , the first instance of a named .fac as an object establishes the height of the facade in the DSF for all facade instances of that name that occur in that scenery package. The Windows Scenery Editor for XP-8/9 is supposed to select this height from the content of that named .fac file from the second factor in the SIZE spec. For the Windows scenery editor it actually sets the height to the FIRST factor. I do not know if the Apple version makes this same error, but I assume it does not, because most of your scenery designers must be Apple users. Everything else works the way the spec describes, and you can see that this comes up with some rather different than expected results in the case of facades of lengths different from heights … the simplest form of which are my fences. If you know what the situation is, you can work around this but it would be really nice to have it corrected and if this code is somehow embedded in WED 1.2 unchanged, it will continue to present a problem to Windows Scenery developers.
Best Regards

By: Ben Supnik https:/2012/01/rip-beta-8/#comment-3931 Mon, 09 Jan 2012 21:47:08 +0000 In reply to Bob Marsh.

Hi Bob,
The v10 fac file is extended, but the read-in is still near instant. But I think what people are seeing are just bugs, so please just file a report and I’ll figure out what’s up.

The long load time is typically the road grid being built and autogen being placed – in both cases X-Plane does a lot of work to turn the vector data into real 3-d locations on the fly.

By: Bob Marsh https:/2012/01/rip-beta-8/#comment-3930 Mon, 09 Jan 2012 21:39:07 +0000 In reply to Ben Supnik.

I thought that perhaps some of the format specs for .fac and other files had perhaps changed in XP10 and were being converted to their new form as they were being loaded. The load process at initial X-Plane 10 load up is significantly longer than its corresponding load in XP9 and I thought that perhaps making compatibility transformations at load time might be the reason.. and perhaps a source of some of the bugs like the one I have filed on .fac behavior.

By: Ben Supnik https:/2012/01/rip-beta-8/#comment-3927 Mon, 09 Jan 2012 16:05:23 +0000 In reply to Bob Marsh.

1. If you haven’t done so, please file a bug re: facades and include a small test scenery pack! I have a few open facade bugs, but incorrect LOD isn’t on the list yet I think.
2. Yyyyyes – WED 1.2 will edit both library and custom OBJs and FACs. I’m not sure what you mean about conversion here. Perhaps you think X-Plane is doing something that it is not doing?

By: Ben Supnik https:/2012/01/rip-beta-8/#comment-3925 Mon, 09 Jan 2012 16:00:53 +0000 In reply to Steve.

Almost. I am saying that the lower level rendering controls are mostly accessible via art controls (which are plugin writable); some may not be. But:
– They are _not_ the same as what was in v9.
– They are subject to change.
Remember, this is the tuning of the engine – if the engine changes its _algorithm_ then what you can tune changes.

So yes, there’s a huge potential for tweakability, but caution is advised.

By: Bob Marsh https:/2012/01/rip-beta-8/#comment-3924 Mon, 09 Jan 2012 15:56:13 +0000 Have ported my custom NY Airports into FS10. I find that all my facade-built fences are now only visible from about 100 meters or so. This short view distance must be a result of a change to the .fac files created by your conversion process? My originals specify 1000 meters as the view distance. The current settings destroy the look of my airports.
Question: Will WED 1.2 provide all of the functions of both the Scenery Editor for selecting and positioning .obj and .fac artifacts, as well as General purpose standard objects such as cars, lights, etc.etc? The processing of scenery files ported from XP9 seems to be handled as a conversion process each time a new scenery tile is required.
When WED 1.2 is released, is there some way in which a converted file can be handled by WED 1.2 (which I assume will itself produce fully compatible files when used to make airports or other scenery from scratch for XP10.)??
Video Card:
My Video Card (Nvidia GTS 450 – 1GB-PCIE 2.0 16X) operates quite well at about 45 frames per second with medium cloud settings and medium scenery complexity.
I have a 3.1 GHz AMD 64 3 Core Processor and 16 GB Main Store on a Gigabyte 770 UD3 Motherboard providing the power. I am getting some of the Blue Grey Sky darkening overlay on the screen on occasion. I will check for a Driver upgrade and see if that helps. Otherwise I am encouraged by the present capabilities of the XP10 as it stands. I am running W7 – 64Bit and executing XP 32 Bit code, of course.
Hope to see WED 1.2 and its specs/instructions soon. Would be willing to do some testing or help in some other way if you can use my help.
Best Regards and Thanks Bob Marsh
