Comments on: X-Plane 10.10 Beta 1 Is Here https:/2012/07/x-plane-10-10-beta-1-is-here/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Tue, 17 Jul 2012 12:21:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Iivari https:/2012/07/x-plane-10-10-beta-1-is-here/#comment-5419 Tue, 17 Jul 2012 12:21:05 +0000 In reply to Ben Supnik.


Sorry, I’m not very good in explaining things in english but I’m talking about the view “Free-camera” and how it’s controlled using mouse. In new version free camera view when you hold mouse button and move the mouse view moves exactly like you move the mouse but in V9 free camera view when the mouse was moved the view continuously turned that direction.

With the old controls you could get the camera moving very smoothly and make it turn as much as needed but using the new controls you can only turn the view something like 30 degrees at the time.

By: Nick https:/2012/07/x-plane-10-10-beta-1-is-here/#comment-5363 Sat, 14 Jul 2012 22:27:04 +0000 In reply to Murmur.

I suppose one would prefer to save space on (expensive) limited capacity SSD by just installing the sim on it, and keeping 10s of GB of scenery on an external disk.

By: Ben Supnik https:/2012/07/x-plane-10-10-beta-1-is-here/#comment-5356 Sat, 14 Jul 2012 21:33:00 +0000 In reply to XJUANNOX.

Someday, yes, but it’s not on the short list. When we designed the v10 terrain upgrades, we made sure the terrain could respond to height changes on the GPU so that tessellation + some procedural terrain enhancement (tasteful enhancement, of course 🙂 could cause texture changes.

But I do not think tessellation offers any performance improvement in the “busy scene” case; on systems performing at their peak vertex count is not a factor.

By: XJUANNOX https:/2012/07/x-plane-10-10-beta-1-is-here/#comment-5355 Sat, 14 Jul 2012 21:29:00 +0000 Hi, At this time you are thinking of implementing a Tessellation solution? , for example on airports, AI airplanes, static airplanes, facades, gates, etc?

This would help the renderer process, for example when we are on final approach at an airport with lots of complex objects

By: Ben Supnik https:/2012/07/x-plane-10-10-beta-1-is-here/#comment-5353 Sat, 14 Jul 2012 21:22:11 +0000 In reply to Iivari.

I don’t know exactly what you’re describing here with free cam but…please file a bug.

By: Ben Supnik https:/2012/07/x-plane-10-10-beta-1-is-here/#comment-5352 Sat, 14 Jul 2012 21:20:33 +0000 In reply to Dom.

Ground textures were edited by Albert, and the car headlights did receive animation. Any coastline improve is happy juice I think.

By: Sapam https:/2012/07/x-plane-10-10-beta-1-is-here/#comment-5351 Sat, 14 Jul 2012 17:43:11 +0000 In reply to Ben Supnik.

Got the Point. Thanks a lot. All seems good for me. 🙂

By: Iivari https:/2012/07/x-plane-10-10-beta-1-is-here/#comment-5349 Sat, 14 Jul 2012 09:26:58 +0000 Haven’t yet tried this but I looked the release notes and you did some changes to view angels. How about the free cam? Would it be possible to get the V9 freecam mouse control back? You just can’t make proper movies using new freecam because you can’t move it much using mouse and you can’t get the view move naturally.

By: Simunut https:/2012/07/x-plane-10-10-beta-1-is-here/#comment-5348 Sat, 14 Jul 2012 08:13:00 +0000 In reply to Aussi.

I was thinking the same thing. Something along the lines of a plugin. You could send bug reports while flying and capture internals of the sim. What about an acars/fdams like system, something that can talk to the mothership.

By: Dom https:/2012/07/x-plane-10-10-beta-1-is-here/#comment-5347 Sat, 14 Jul 2012 07:00:28 +0000 Hi Ben,

Great update, it’s coming along well. A few things I’ve noticed (positives mate, don’t sweat), the cars don’t seem to have so much of an impact on frame-rates, and ground textures and coastline (especially north of Seattle) seem to have improved. Did you make adjustments or is me just pouring happy juice into my coffee?

PS. HDR on my 2011 imac has improved greatly. Well done!
