Comments on: The Next Autogen Drop: With 64-Bit https:/2012/09/the-next-autogen-drop-with-64-bit/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Thu, 06 Sep 2012 17:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Supnik https:/2012/09/the-next-autogen-drop-with-64-bit/#comment-5798 Thu, 06 Sep 2012 17:31:52 +0000 In reply to andrew.

I dunno about cheap – what they’re doing is combining a filter based scheme (a la FXAA 1.0 and MLAA) with an over-sampling scheme (a la SSAA/MSAA) in a sane way. I can confirm the author’s comments: if you either apply a filter first and then a resize or a resize first and then a filter (e.g. using filtering and over-sampling one after the other in either order without them being aware of each other) the result is a fail.

But this isn’t cheap because it is doing both a filter AND over-sampling! This is a way to make SSAA and FXAA both work for even BETTER results. That’s not cheap.

More advanced versions of Timothy Lottes’ FXAA also do this (E.g. have ways to take sub-sample input) but I don’t know the IP status, e.g. if it’s only in the NV driver now (and how that’s ever supposed to work).

By: Tom Knudsen https:/2012/09/the-next-autogen-drop-with-64-bit/#comment-5797 Thu, 06 Sep 2012 08:13:59 +0000 In reply to Andrzej.

I think a priority of fixing bugs and performance issues are highly important. I also believe that finding the right amount of percentage between eyecandy and performance is neccesary in order to have a simulator that runs smooth.. As the end user and developer I can honestly say I do not want a replica of the infamous Microsoft Flight Simulator platform where performance has from the gecco went down the drain..

When performance and bugfixes is fixed or solved I think an focus on eyecandy could be great, in regards to autogen I aslo believe that this must be one of the first priority the company should have, then of course texturs.. US looking textures, houses etc. in Europe and other country is not realistic or just an american dream he he.

Anyway, XP is by far the better choice and if 64bit and seasons are coming in the future, Ill think you have a masterpeace on your hands, and I for sure would purchase every new edition there is…

Good luck

By: andrew https:/2012/09/the-next-autogen-drop-with-64-bit/#comment-5796 Thu, 06 Sep 2012 02:59:36 +0000 I know you have a ton on your plate, but it might be worth checking out SMAA if you don’t already know about it:

Might be a cheap (programatically and computationally) way to add a middle ground between the “ok looking” FXAA and “awesome but my computer is melting” SSAA antialiasing options in HDR mode.

By: Ben Supnik https:/2012/09/the-next-autogen-drop-with-64-bit/#comment-5795 Wed, 05 Sep 2012 20:41:19 +0000 In reply to florian.

We will release it for both. What we are not sure is how we can smooth off sharp edges on the 32-bit version. We have tossed around ideas like not allowing the absolute highest settings on the 32-bit version, but nothing has been finalized.

By: chris https:/2012/09/the-next-autogen-drop-with-64-bit/#comment-5794 Wed, 05 Sep 2012 17:32:01 +0000 In reply to vonhinx.

when he time is right prior to release, that would certainly alleviate mine and many others anticipation inquires.

By: florian https:/2012/09/the-next-autogen-drop-with-64-bit/#comment-5793 Wed, 05 Sep 2012 16:47:31 +0000 Great idea. And some showing-off à la “will blow FSX out of the water”, “hyper realistic” etc. etc. would be very helpful too. The best with X-Plane is the imagination of what it could be…, isn’t it?

Seriously: New Autogen will be released for both versions (32/64), right? So those having no ram-issues (like me) will “be able” to stick with 32bit until plugins are reworked for 64bit, right?


By: vonhinx https:/2012/09/the-next-autogen-drop-with-64-bit/#comment-5792 Wed, 05 Sep 2012 12:25:02 +0000 Time for a screenshot of almost “what it will look like when done”? Maybe that will calm the hordes. 😉

By: Andrzej https:/2012/09/the-next-autogen-drop-with-64-bit/#comment-5791 Wed, 05 Sep 2012 12:01:09 +0000 In reply to Andrzej.

Hi Ben,

As long as autogen stays as a HIGH priority , we will just keep our fingers crossed and wait…*smile.

Thank you a great simulator.


By: Ben Supnik https:/2012/09/the-next-autogen-drop-with-64-bit/#comment-5790 Tue, 04 Sep 2012 23:32:33 +0000 In reply to Andrzej.

Our priorities for features are _not_ directly observable from the list of what has been done on 10.10 for two reasons:

1. Features that have gotten a lot of work but are not done are simply not listed at all. But that does not mean they have low or no priority. Alex has done pretty much NOTHING but autogen since X-Plane 10 shipped – that we have had Alex do only this is an indication of how high priority it is, but since the work is not done, there is no indication of his progress yet.

2. Not everyone in the company works on the same features. So if Austin changes the supersonic model, this does not mean that autogen is low priority. It does mean that autogen bug fixes were on _my_ plate (and I fixed a number of autogen and road bugs, some of which are not in the release notes because only Alex sees them because the new autogen is not released) and autogen was not on Austin’s plate, freeing him to work on physics.

I fully appreciate the frustration that you and other users feel seeing incomplete autogen. The only ones who are more frustrated are Alex and myself, because we (1) know what it will look like when done and (2) have been working on pretty much nothing but autogen for literally _years_. So I cannot and should not say “do not complain about autogen” – of course you would like it to be done! But I can say that it definitely IS a very high priority!!

By: Ben Supnik https:/2012/09/the-next-autogen-drop-with-64-bit/#comment-5789 Tue, 04 Sep 2012 19:30:39 +0000 In reply to CrazyCajun.

No re-buy. You’ll have the 32-bit and 64-bit version and you can run whichever one is best for your OS, your computer, and your add-ons.
