Comments on: X-Plane 10.22 Is Almost Done https:/2013/06/x-plane-10-22-is-almost-done/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Thu, 27 Jun 2013 22:45:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: vonhinx https:/2013/06/x-plane-10-22-is-almost-done/#comment-7555 Thu, 27 Jun 2013 22:45:38 +0000 In reply to Alpilotx.

It’s what happens when one doesn’t understand the process and/or roadmap, which is partly due to the screen that keeps the process and/or roadmap from being understood by the one. So far you’ve all done a great job — big that it is.

By: Philipp https:/2013/06/x-plane-10-22-is-almost-done/#comment-7551 Thu, 27 Jun 2013 16:22:52 +0000 In reply to Dom.

This is already possible now, though admittedly not that easy. Since XP10, a scenery pack can include a custom plugin. That plugin can be used not only to drive anmiations, but also to play sound files.

By: Carlos https:/2013/06/x-plane-10-22-is-almost-done/#comment-7548 Wed, 26 Jun 2013 18:55:12 +0000 In reply to stuart.

Stuart, if you know so much about algorithms, then one way you can help yourself is to get_on_the_wagon and start contributing!!!

By: Alpilotx https:/2013/06/x-plane-10-22-is-almost-done/#comment-7547 Wed, 26 Jun 2013 18:21:28 +0000 In reply to stuart.

Now just for a moment, think about it: if our team develops XP10 for over 4 years (not to talk about the many years spent on previous versions), how likely is it, that nobody has spent thoughts (many many thoughts) on most of these topics? Of course some (not all!) of your ideas might make sense, but they might also be detached from the hard reality of doing all of these things (knowing about how/what/when/with which data/under which circumstances is possible/doable at what “cost” etc. etc. etc.).

Of course many things are not ideal (and they can never be a 100% perfect representation of real life) … but they are like they are for a reason (even if that reason doesn’t makes you – not even us – happy for now). And neither did anyone say, that they will always stay the way like they are now … Change is inevitable, but it doesn’t come overnight 😉

By: Udo Thiel https:/2013/06/x-plane-10-22-is-almost-done/#comment-7546 Wed, 26 Jun 2013 17:04:36 +0000 I have to apologize, I didn’t know a bug reporter existed. Will do next time!

By: Ben Supnik https:/2013/06/x-plane-10-22-is-almost-done/#comment-7545 Wed, 26 Jun 2013 14:53:01 +0000 In reply to Udo Thiel.

Please file a bug. This is _not_ the right place to file a bug like this. Please file a bug on the bug reporter ASAP!

By: Udo Thiel https:/2013/06/x-plane-10-22-is-almost-done/#comment-7544 Wed, 26 Jun 2013 11:17:44 +0000 Hi, I’m the author of XAirports for iPad. I use ISET in my app to transmit the IP Address of the iPad in order to receive UDP packets from X-Plane.
When it was released, X-Plane 10 changed a lot of the codes without updating the documentation. Thus I have a lot of this type of code in my app in order to support both X-Plane 9 and 10:

#define kXplaneNetISET9 60
#define kXplaneNetISET10 64

[self sendDSEL:kXplaneNetLat]; // lat
[self sendDSEL:kXplaneNetLon]; // lon
[self sendDSEL:kXplaneNetAlt]; // alt
switch (xp_vers) {
case kXplaneNetISET9: // X-Plane 9
[self sendDSEL:kXplaneNetHdng9]; // pitch,roll,heading(true),heading(mag)
case kXplaneNetISET10: // X-Plane 10
[self sendDSEL:kXplaneNetHdng10]; // pitch,roll,heading(true),heading(mag)

This is already a nightmare for both me and the users, because I have to instruct them to set the proper version of X-Plane etc.

Now, in 10.22r1, suddenly everything has changed again. Is this intentional so am I supposed to introduce another switch, or is it a bug? If this goes out into the release version, I’m in big trouble, and so are a couple of hundred of my customers.


By: stuart https:/2013/06/x-plane-10-22-is-almost-done/#comment-7543 Wed, 26 Jun 2013 03:01:56 +0000 Oh!! I Forgot. Fix that crazy AI Traffic!!

By: stuart https:/2013/06/x-plane-10-22-is-almost-done/#comment-7542 Wed, 26 Jun 2013 02:49:54 +0000 Hi y’all.

Sorry, going to take the opportunity to have a bit of a rant here. But please persevere, you might find it interesting.
I watched the videos of Austin prior to release of X-plane 10 saw the night shots. (Previously owned x-plane but not used in favour of FSX). Couldn’t wait. Particularly happy to hear the phrase “believable” environment… Believable.

OK here goes:

Several friends of mine have FSX (and now P3D). We’ve all invested a substantial amount of money in it so I guess you’d say we are the target market?? No?? I, and they are not idiots – we know price of sim + price of base mesh equals true price of product. They were kind enough to gift it to me for birthday because they knew I was keen. They still think I’m missing a slice out the pizza (ie brain deficient) when they rightly point out, no custom scenery for major popluation centres or airports. I try to argue the benefits but lose, every time. I understand you don’t have manpower MS used to create those custom objects and the community and tools you provide make it a lot simpler to make those customisations through a rapidly developing core of followers. This part I win.. MS has never done anything to support it’s core followers. It’s time you spent a little time thinking how to best support those groups of people who will sell your product. So here goes.

1.In this believeable world.. why so many goddamn petrol stations!! It irritates the hell outa me to be constantly seeing clusters of up to 6 of the things on the same juction!!

2. I have read about your technique for autogen zoning, seems reasonable. You have a separate library for the US. Reasonable. Then why are northern latitudes populated solely by detached wooden houses!! It’s generally cold wet and damp in the northern latitudes. Industrial revolution in Europe + Population explosion = cramped brick terraced housing. Easier to model whole rows.. No?? Your world looks like a florida suburb all over!!

3. Those “”***!!!***king”” brown apartment blocks are the only occupant of what should be a poplation centre!!
Here is a simple algorithm for autogen that pretty much works worldwide.. a couple of hundred houses = Church. Pub. Shopping area!!
3 or more main roads of more than 5 miles long intersecting = major poplation centre. Major poplation centre = Suburban shopping centres. Local high streets. Business district and industrial area. Why not write an “exclude” airports, 1-2 petrol stations/churches – no more for at least a mile? The really irrtating thing is.. Your default object library has these things in them!! but you’re not using them. We can make our own custom buildings – OSM2XP – but your Florida suburb model doesn’t make that much of a change to what is simple poor town planning. Every city is not N.York or Chicago, every suburb is not Florida.

4. Believe it or not, the rest of the world has virtually no caravan parks away from coastal areas. It’s a virtually exclusive American phenomen to have trailer park shanty towns. Algorhythm: are we within 5 miles of coast?? light house, harbour, dock yard, hotels caravan parks. All generic.

5.Billboards. Modern towns are full of them. Sell adverts, make revenue. Your new digital road signage shows it can be done. Not everyone likes to constantly be above 10,000 feet on autopilot. But you knew that otherwise why so careful to model roads.

6. Your landclass orthophoto is better than MS or P3D, You represent geography much better. It isn’t the part that needs attention. This said.. why Oh why do you have the only animal roaming in airports!! Sheep, cattle and horses are far more ubiquitous and could make large pastoral empty regions a litle more interesting. Deer inhabit forested areas.. even in America. If you bothered to be able to animate deer, why not cows/horses?? Away from what are high poly areas anyway? I do like the birds.. You scored a hit there. Vary the colour/species a little.

8. Every reasonably sized population area has an electricity generating plant. They look much the same all over, cooling towers plus industrial complex size buildings. Even the Simpsons creators knew that. Take a look at the powergen project, Uk Refineries scenery, they are not place specific, customised.. they would work where ever in the world. Consider offering to include them with updates with a small contribution to loyal lone developers. It would help them and can only benefit you. You could maybe foster a system of freelance developers to boost your lack of manpower. I don’t know for certain but I’d guess they must really like your product to spend so many hours trying to make it more “believable” and enjoyable. I think they might be proud as punch to have their creation offered with the main product. At leat as a recommended optional downloadable upgrade. Best of the independent devs?? No?? It would cost you a little advice from a legal team, a little server storage space, and a little donation. Cheap. Enhanced product=more sales, better market share. Something for independent developers to aspire to.

7. I have my cars on Siberian Winter, there’s still loads of them?? I have trees on sparse, there’s still loads of them.
Algorithm: Roads/railways equals= mostly bushes and trees alongside out of urban areas. Just a thought.

Phew. that’s it for now. hopefully you can see some logic in my ravings. I’m going to carry on trying to convert my peers to what is a better product overall, one that has certainly more potential to develop anyway. Give me some help guys.


By: Rudy https:/2013/06/x-plane-10-22-is-almost-done/#comment-7541 Wed, 26 Jun 2013 02:10:12 +0000 In reply to juanox.


i think atmospheric visuals (clouds, fog etc) are essential to fix and improve *ASAP*, i can wait for the rest …
