Comments on: Linux and Libs – How to get 10.30 working again on Linux https:/2014/09/linux-and-libs-how-to-get-10-30-working-again-on-linux/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Tue, 30 Sep 2014 15:17:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Forestguy https:/2014/09/linux-and-libs-how-to-get-10-30-working-again-on-linux/#comment-9568 Tue, 30 Sep 2014 15:17:01 +0000

I’ve tried it and it is fantastic (this is 3rd party not LM), works without any issues in direct mode.

However, I prefer X-Plane, so can’t wait for that 🙂

By: Paul https:/2014/09/linux-and-libs-how-to-get-10-30-working-again-on-linux/#comment-9567 Mon, 29 Sep 2014 13:23:45 +0000 In reply to Tom Knudsen.

I’m only replying to the first half of your post, the question about why Occulus Rift is taking up so much attention at LR and elsewhere.

I have not used any of the Oculus Rift prototypes myself, and I haven’t used any other VR headset either. I dip into quite a few tech and gaming blogs though, so I have read the first hand experiences of lots of people who have, and there isn’t a single one of them who doesn’t describe the experience as extraordinary.

If the guys at Oculus manage to get a release candidate out there in the public’s hands, and the gaming developers manage to get their act together too, then it doesn’t take much imagination to see that Oculus is going to revolutionise gaming and simming.

Furthermore, field of vision is a big problem in home flight simulation. Most people only have a single monitor and don’t have the resources or the space for anything else. Yet, onto that monitor, we try to squish an entire dashboard, an outside view and the ability to look around, plus maps, charts and any other resources we might need reference to. Any solution is a compromised solution, but you only need to look on the forums to see the 3,4, 5 and 6 monitor rigs people put together to try to solve the problem, let alone projectors and real world hardware.

True VR solves all of those problems in one fell swoop.

I just hope LR and Oculus between them can work out a way to solve the interface problems that currently exist.

By: Alex https:/2014/09/linux-and-libs-how-to-get-10-30-working-again-on-linux/#comment-9566 Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:36:49 +0000 In reply to Philipp Münzel.

Hi Philipp,

Its good to see Clang being used. It’s actually become the default compiler in FreeBSD, Clang blitzes GCC when it comes to compile times (compile a large project via GCC then do the same in Clang and you will see what I mean).

So the steam version of X-Plane is compiled with a newer GCC? That is interesting. I wonder if any noticeable performance improvements are evident by this?


By: Philipp Münzel https:/2014/09/linux-and-libs-how-to-get-10-30-working-again-on-linux/#comment-9563 Sun, 28 Sep 2014 14:48:08 +0000 In reply to Alex.

We use several different compilers for development, for instance the Steam build of X-Plane is compiled with gcc 4.8 (the Steam runtime itself requires a much more recent Linux environment, so we cannot build X-Plane for Steam on our ancient 10.04 server) and my own development version even with LLVM/clang 3.5. Though the latter will not be for the prime-time release any time soon. We try to minimise changes in runtime environment for X-Plane plugins at least within one major version run, to keep disturbance for third-party developers to a minimum.

By: Tom Knudsen https:/2014/09/linux-and-libs-how-to-get-10-30-working-again-on-linux/#comment-9562 Sun, 28 Sep 2014 14:31:47 +0000 Oculus Rift is indeed a technology I would love to see and use with X-Plane, personal opinion I think it’s not all there yet.. Thanks for your reply Phillip, will try the first method then..

By: Alex https:/2014/09/linux-and-libs-how-to-get-10-30-working-again-on-linux/#comment-9561 Sun, 28 Sep 2014 13:16:03 +0000 Running such an old LTS distro is not necessarily a good thing, especially if you are using old versions of GCC to build your application. There have been improvements to GCC over the last 4 years (10.04 was EOL’d in 2010). Newer compilers generate better machine code. Better machine code = improved application performance.

Ps: Disregard what I am saying if you are using a recent compiler backported to 10.04.

By: Philipp Münzel https:/2014/09/linux-and-libs-how-to-get-10-30-working-again-on-linux/#comment-9560 Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:05:50 +0000 I will leave it to other users to explain why we care for Oculus Rift, and just say that we are excited about this new technology and it’s potential for an unprecedented VFR flight experience.

From the technical side, yes, the first method outlined in the linked github page would totally work and is even better than the one suggested on, because it limits the effect of the symlink to the folder of X-Plane only, rather than making it available system-wide. I do not recommend trying the second method of modifying the binary.

By: Tom Knudsen https:/2014/09/linux-and-libs-how-to-get-10-30-working-again-on-linux/#comment-9559 Sat, 27 Sep 2014 23:14:23 +0000 Why is Oculus Rift so important now when the release is hopefully due 2015 and even then I would only buy it if the motion sickness is gone (personal experience)…

PS.. Please provide an alternative link for the sym-link workaround for all of us that are banished from and could this work?
