Comments on: Try X-Plane 10.32r1 https:/2015/01/try-x-plane-10-32r1/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Fri, 16 Jan 2015 14:15:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Philipp Münzel https:/2015/01/try-x-plane-10-32r1/#comment-10007 Fri, 16 Jan 2015 14:15:13 +0000 In reply to Andrew Cook.

The setting we are all looking for already exists!
In Plane-Maker, there’s the following checkbox:
“only airports on map| If your moving map does not show helipads and seaports, then check that here.”
With the next version, we will simply adhere to the value of this checkbox. Of course, whether all designers of fixed wing land aircraft did indeed check that PlaneMaker box is another story, but at least the new GPS will then be consistent with the rest of the X-Plane instruments.

By: Andrew Cook https:/2015/01/try-x-plane-10-32r1/#comment-10001 Fri, 16 Jan 2015 01:36:45 +0000 In reply to cessna729.

I’ll second that….There really should be someway to have it usefull for seaports and helipads.

By: cessna729 https:/2015/01/try-x-plane-10-32r1/#comment-9986 Wed, 14 Jan 2015 21:00:49 +0000 In reply to cessna729.

I wasn’t suggesting “Displaying ALL heliports or seaplane bases by default “, just that it is a shame you can’t enter say a heliport as a “Origin” or “destination”, so your idea of a option for a helicopter [H] – or seaplane [S] -friendly version of the GNS would make a lot of users very happy!
Maybe a [H] or [S] on the NRST page?
Great idea!! 🙂

By: Philipp Münzel https:/2015/01/try-x-plane-10-32r1/#comment-9964 Wed, 14 Jan 2015 16:29:06 +0000 In reply to cessna729.

Displaying heliports or seaplane bases by default would be VERY DANGEROUS. Imagine you are flying along in the C172 which does neither have a main rotor nor floats. The engine quits and in the knee-jerk reaction you twist the right knob fully to the right, to get to the nearest page, and select the topmost airport from the list. While you are happily gliding down your way to the “nearest airport” you’d be very surprised to find yourself headed for a pond, or what would be even worse, the rooftop of a hospital.

The real G430/530 have special variants for helicopters with a different database that include heliports along with HTAWS, and the certification for that was added rather late in the G430 lifecycle. No special variant that I know of exists for seaplanes, though seaplane pilots might know more about that.

I could possibly add a setting for PlaneMaker that allows you to get a helicopter- or seaplane-friendly version of the GNS. But it doesn’t make sense to dump it into the standard database without asking questions.

By: Michel Zehnder https:/2015/01/try-x-plane-10-32r1/#comment-9957 Wed, 14 Jan 2015 13:58:42 +0000 In reply to Ben Supnik.

Important work as well! 🙂

By: cessna729 https:/2015/01/try-x-plane-10-32r1/#comment-9953 Tue, 13 Jan 2015 23:43:33 +0000 In reply to cessna729.

Shame it doesn’t add Seabases or Heliports (bug report sent) 🙂

By: Andrew Cook https:/2015/01/try-x-plane-10-32r1/#comment-9952 Tue, 13 Jan 2015 19:10:00 +0000 In reply to Philipp Münzel.

Any chance stock,and custom seaports can be added so they work also with the new GPS’s?

By: Fergus Moloney https:/2015/01/try-x-plane-10-32r1/#comment-9948 Tue, 13 Jan 2015 00:27:48 +0000 Phillip have you had any time to explore oculus rift support any further? Is it something we may see in 10.40 even in beta form?

By: cessna729 https:/2015/01/try-x-plane-10-32r1/#comment-9946 Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:05:27 +0000 In reply to Philipp Münzel.

Phillip said: “That means it’ll do that no matter if you use data updates from Navigraph, Aerosoft, or none at all.”

That’s very clever Philipp. 🙂

By: Philipp Münzel https:/2015/01/try-x-plane-10-32r1/#comment-9945 Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:35:21 +0000 In reply to cessna729.

No, it does not require any file to be changed, neither in Resources/GNS430/navdata nor in Custom Data/ – no information was added to these files by us, nor will data providers need to put more data in their files.
Instead, X-Plane looks at ALL airports it knows from scenery, that is global scenery, gateway airports and custom scenery airports, and matches up the airports with those from the Airport.txt (GPS database). It then adds the airports being present in the scenery, but not in the GPS data, to the _internal_ memory of the GPS, without touching any of the _external_ files.
That means it’ll do that no matter if you use data updates from Navigraph, Aerosoft, or none at all.
