Comments on: X-Plane 10.40 Beta 9 Is Out https:/2015/08/x-plane-10-40-beta-9-is-out/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Fri, 21 Aug 2015 14:40:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Supnik https:/2015/08/x-plane-10-40-beta-9-is-out/#comment-11439 Fri, 21 Aug 2015 14:40:12 +0000 In reply to Tom Knudsen.

I’d rather have the bug filed against me than find out after we shipped.

By: Tom Knudsen https:/2015/08/x-plane-10-40-beta-9-is-out/#comment-11438 Fri, 21 Aug 2015 06:41:18 +0000 “I still have at least 30 bugs filed against me”

I am sorry to have filed a bug against you Ben, but it was for the greater good 😉

By: Ben Supnik https:/2015/08/x-plane-10-40-beta-9-is-out/#comment-11437 Fri, 21 Aug 2015 03:45:19 +0000 In reply to Torbjørn Dalland.

We may someday support the Vive. I’m not going to commit us to doing so before we have had time to work on device support, and I’m not going to ask Philipp to jump on device support this early.

If the Rift has shown us anything, it’s that there’s a huge huge gap between “cute tech demo” and shipping product.

(I did briefly look at the OVR SDK and it looks not-totally-insane. But there are some basic things missing. For example, there is no way to submit stereo eyes from two layers of an array texture, which is likely to be the fast path for DX-11-type cards. The problem that the OVR SDK may have is the same one as the Rift has had – improvements in implementation leading to big shifts in the API.)

By: Torbjørn Dalland https:/2015/08/x-plane-10-40-beta-9-is-out/#comment-11436 Fri, 21 Aug 2015 01:41:26 +0000 Hi Ben

I see some mentions of Oculus Rift, but have been unable to see as statement on potential SteamVR (Vive) integration. Is this also under consideration?
-Win, Mac and Linux support from day 1 (sometime in 2015)
-Shipped input solution for 3D interaction
-OpenGL support and in future Vulkan.
-You are already on the Steam Platform with X-plane 10.

If you could make a quick statement on Vive it would really be appreciated.
Thank you for your good work with X-Plane and building the flight sim community

By: Kirill https:/2015/08/x-plane-10-40-beta-9-is-out/#comment-11435 Thu, 20 Aug 2015 20:08:38 +0000 By the way, no longer works on the default traffic from “aircraft and the situation” when running SASL (JAR Designs A320), it is easy, but when I disconnect SASL everything works.
Just a great big moon and the stars do not look realistic, like dark clouds without movement, I really like this simulator and I hope that it will be better.

By: Ben Supnik https:/2015/08/x-plane-10-40-beta-9-is-out/#comment-11433 Wed, 19 Aug 2015 18:19:51 +0000 In reply to Udo Thiel.

PAPT packets were mis-interpreted by the sim in beta 8 – they should be interpreted correctly in beta 9. In beta 9, if you send us a PAPT packet and we screw it up, please file a bug!

By: Udo Thiel https:/2015/08/x-plane-10-40-beta-9-is-out/#comment-11431 Wed, 19 Aug 2015 13:36:53 +0000 “Fixed PAPT networking packets to work properly.”

Could you please post details about this? Thanks.
