Comments on: D9: You Sunk My Battleship https:/2020/03/d9-you-sunk-my-battleship/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Sun, 29 Mar 2020 20:51:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Supnik https:/2020/03/d9-you-sunk-my-battleship/#comment-35445 Sun, 29 Mar 2020 20:51:43 +0000 In reply to Radek.

No – unfortunately in beta 1, load time is going to be _worse_.

The reason load time is worse is that under OpenGL, a lot of loading and prep was done “just in time” (either by us OR the driver) mid-flight, causing stutters.

Now the sim is like a prepper, compiling a shader for EVERY contingency up front.

Try this: in 1141, start at night cold and dark with HDR off. Turn on the aircraft battery. Then the landing light. Notice the stutters? That’s the specializations of the terrain uber-shader being built on the fly the first time they’re used.

In Metal/Vulkan, ALL of that is done up front. Clouds or no clouds, Shadows or no shadows (cuz night). Landing light or not. I could go on.

Anyway, in b1, you eat that loading cost – it’s _not_ that bad the second time you load, but on first load it can be several minutes.

I expect that during beta we’ll find ways to cut those times down, by doing more compiling up front and by removing some unused shader combinations. But we’re not going to hold public beta for it – it’s just a beta, not the final release.

We _do_ get some small benefit from Metal/Vulkan in that everything can be _fully parallel_, e.g. multi-core, which is useful!. But we have seen what appears to be locks inside the driver for shader loading, something we still need to dig into so we can report it to the driver guys. And scenery oad was already fairly parallel under OpenGL and the lock time wasn’t a huge issue.

By: John https:/2020/03/d9-you-sunk-my-battleship/#comment-35444 Sun, 29 Mar 2020 19:10:34 +0000 In reply to Ben Supnik.

Just to be safe, I suggest 3/29.

From an IT guy, this is totally the time to yolo into production 🙂 🙂 🙂

By: Eaim https:/2020/03/d9-you-sunk-my-battleship/#comment-35443 Sun, 29 Mar 2020 17:47:29 +0000 In reply to Ben Supnik.

A win win situation for LR, if the 11.50 Vulkan launch goes belly up, just claim it was all an April fool, if as expected that it runs without any major problems, then put your feet up and drink all of Austin’s expensive whiskey bottles dry as a celebration (if he has any left?)

By: Bond Igbinosa https:/2020/03/d9-you-sunk-my-battleship/#comment-35442 Sun, 29 Mar 2020 17:35:40 +0000 When does the public beta come out I am so excited and can not wait!

By: Radek https:/2020/03/d9-you-sunk-my-battleship/#comment-35441 Sun, 29 Mar 2020 17:20:49 +0000 Ben,

Thanks for your hard work.

Will Vulkan / Metal optimization have a positive impact on scenario / X-Plane load times? I’m not a professional developer, but with paging I think X-Plane load times should be faster, right?

Thanks for the reply.
Good health!

By: David Henricsson https:/2020/03/d9-you-sunk-my-battleship/#comment-35440 Sun, 29 Mar 2020 17:09:14 +0000 Any heads-up before the release? Like 24 or 12 h before so we can clean our schedule.

By: Dave Brown https:/2020/03/d9-you-sunk-my-battleship/#comment-35439 Sun, 29 Mar 2020 17:02:54 +0000 Release the Kraken…. er sorry Vulkan!

Technically, it means “Release the monster”
It’s a phrase for letting all hell break loose.

We have no chance of seeing it now Ben 😉

By: Ben Supnik https:/2020/03/d9-you-sunk-my-battleship/#comment-35438 Sun, 29 Mar 2020 16:40:44 +0000 In reply to Marco.

Hi Marco,

Stuttering and low fps are _not at all_ the same thing. You _might_ see an improvement in stuttering and no change in FPS.

Stuttering happens when _one_ thing that doesn’t happen very often in the frame takes a long time and slows the frame rate down for a single frame – that’s a stutter.. We have fixed an absolute ton of these, so I’d be shocked if your stuttering isn’t better. With that in mind, if a plugin makes us stutter, we can’t fix that. We have tools in 11.50 to measure this carefully so if you see stuttering _after_ the public beta is available, you can send us a trace of it.

Low framerate happens when some part of your system can’t render the frame very fast _every single frame_. If that is happening because of your CPU, it’s quite likely you’ll see an improvement with the new release. Once again, if a plugin is using up the CPU, we can’t fix that, but we do have new tools to diagnose it.

If your GPU is what is making the frame slow, run at a lower res or get a better graphics card.

By: Ben Supnik https:/2020/03/d9-you-sunk-my-battleship/#comment-35437 Sun, 29 Mar 2020 16:37:49 +0000 In reply to Kev Townsend.

There is actually an internal discussion about whether releasing the Vulkan on 4/1 is okay….

By: Marco https:/2020/03/d9-you-sunk-my-battleship/#comment-35436 Sun, 29 Mar 2020 13:39:41 +0000 In reply to Ben Supnik.

But does all the stuttering i have when i land go away? Or does the update do nothing to my system?? Because thats a bit sad. I have gotten more and more exited when the moment came closer that maybe this update could get all my stutters away. But if the FPS doesn’t change then i have waited for nothing since it has been announced. Hope it will help just a little bit. Fingers Crossed Is it right that the was announced a update with new sounds to the MD80 Default? Or is it just me? I have a feeling this would probably be one of the bonus features coming with Vulkan i guess.

