Comments on: Locking Airports On The Gateway https:/2021/06/locking-airports-on-the-gateway/ Developer resources for the X-Plane flight simulator Fri, 25 Jun 2021 10:30:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian Howlett https:/2021/06/locking-airports-on-the-gateway/#comment-40272 Fri, 25 Jun 2021 10:30:33 +0000 In reply to Ulrich.

I was thinking the same thing.

By: Julian Lockwood https:/2021/06/locking-airports-on-the-gateway/#comment-40271 Thu, 24 Jun 2021 16:52:36 +0000 In reply to Carlos Renan.

The road network tool is present in WED 2.4, but requires new tech that is not currently supported in the sim. Additionally, the presence of a road network will result in a validation error that prevents submission to the Gateway.

By: Julian Lockwood https:/2021/06/locking-airports-on-the-gateway/#comment-40270 Thu, 24 Jun 2021 16:30:46 +0000 In reply to Stephen “Highspeed1964” Kruse.

Hi Stephen. Definitely leave the airport locked until it has been approved on the Gateway. There’s always the possibility it will be declined and a follow up submission is needed. The lock will prevent another artist acquiring the airport in the interim, and there’s no longer a penalty for holding onto the airport while awaiting moderation (per the blog above). If the status of the submission is ‘Uploaded’ or ‘Accepted’ it won’t be counted against your lock tally.

By: Erwin https:/2021/06/locking-airports-on-the-gateway/#comment-40266 Thu, 24 Jun 2021 10:58:58 +0000 In reply to peloto.

Alrighty then.

By: Stephen "Highspeed1964" Kruse https:/2021/06/locking-airports-on-the-gateway/#comment-40263 Thu, 24 Jun 2021 08:49:24 +0000 So I guess I need to understand the proper process for locking/unlocking airports I’m working on. My current practice has been to lock an airport when I start to work on it, do the work, submit it, and then unlock the airport.

Should I leave it locked after submitting the airport and if so, will it be unlocked upon approval? If this is the proper procedure, then I am guilty of “abandoning” airports I have worked on if it is counted as abandoned when I unlock it after submission. As such, I may not have the “experience” points to work on multiple airports at the same time or even consecutively (leaving them locked pending approval) due to my incorrect procedure of locking airports.

Have the stats been reset to give us a fresh start? I’ve completed every airport I have locked but I’ve not left it locked until approval. Probably shot myself in the foot.

By: Carlos Renan https:/2021/06/locking-airports-on-the-gateway/#comment-40259 Wed, 23 Jun 2021 23:37:18 +0000 In reply to Julian Lockwood.

But not with Roads, right?

By: myb https:/2021/06/locking-airports-on-the-gateway/#comment-40258 Wed, 23 Jun 2021 19:40:50 +0000 Sure, a possibility to lock any Airport, while this one is currently under construction, is a very big advantage for the Gateway artists in comparison the others guys. Perhaps that’s why a wish to lock more and more Airports has appearing so often. Thanks, Julian, for this post.

By: Julian Lockwood https:/2021/06/locking-airports-on-the-gateway/#comment-40257 Wed, 23 Jun 2021 16:30:11 +0000 In reply to Markku Siipola.

The Gateway is now open to WED 2.4.

By: Ulrich https:/2021/06/locking-airports-on-the-gateway/#comment-40256 Wed, 23 Jun 2021 15:48:41 +0000 The story reminds me a bit of RCS vs. Git: While in RCS only one user can make a change to the locked version, Git works without locks. Basically in Git the user works with a copy to make changes. When “pushing” (uploading the changes) the upload is accepted only if there were no changes in “upstream” since the copy was made. Otherwise the user has to “rebase” his work against the updated version. Basically that means “merging” (nanually resolving conflicts).
The advantage is obvious: Thousands can work on a single version in parallel.

By: peloto https:/2021/06/locking-airports-on-the-gateway/#comment-40249 Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:46:30 +0000 Now the first priority at maximum level since Nvidia support DLLS in VULKAN since now, is its implementation in X-Plane 11, a really game changer and in VR if X-Plane is the winner for me still, with DLSS would be the first one during months sure. All the best and thanks for all.

I have been talking with Austin and told me that tell you that begin the work in that for to have it released this afternoon.
