Let me commit this to writing: I WILL get new tools (DSF2Text, AC3D Plugin, etc.) out this week!!

The rendering engine has been taking up all my time this week. To give you an idea, I spent part of the weekend and Monday rewriting the way we handle physics interactions between the simulator and the graphics rendering engine…only to find the new code improved framerates by…one frame per second!

When I complained to Austin about this he said, “good, I’ll take every one fp I can get”, and I realized…this is how we make progress forward. If after a week we’ve got a 5 fp boost, that’s definitely a big help to a user who is getting fog now.

(Of course, not all fps are created equal; a frame per second is the reciprical of the time the sim is taking, so a 1 fp improvement when the sim running at 20 fps is a huge victory; a 1 fp boost when the sim is running at 90 fps is negligable.)

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

One comment on “One Frame Per Second

  1. It’s nice to see a software developer going the extra mile to help ensure the little people (those with lower end systems) will still be able to utilize the developer’s product.

    Thanks for all of your time and hard work.


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