What is This?


This website (xp-docs.xppython3.org) and I are not affiliated with Laminar Research. This website is run by Peter at xppython3.org. (xppython3.org is a project of my aviation weather site, AvnWx.com -- so you may see references to 'avnwx.com': it's all the same person.)


This is a proof-of-concept and demonstration platform for documentation. It is my personal test bed, not guaranteed or even sanctioned by Laminar Research.

However, MOST of the information provided by this system is rendered directly from information retrieved in-real-time from the Laminar Research's developer.x-plane.com website. Essentially, when you attempt to view a page here, I retrieve it from developer.x-plane.com, add a bit of alternative formatting and pass it through to you. Technically, I assume Laminar Research retains copyright for the original data, and at their request, I'll cancel or alter this site.

Use this with caution: changes to Laminar's website may break data presentation. They're certainly free to change content (or block this access!) without notice.

  • Search Engine: I'm using a Solr-based search engine, tuned in a way that delivers better results than the generic Google search engine available from Laminar. Tuning is on-going.
  • Improved Linking: Using a known set of keywords and patterns, hyper-links are injected into the original source material, pointing to other existing Laminar documentation. Injected links will not take you off-site.
  • In-line Commenting: A custom commenting system allows logged-in users people to select information on the Laminar page and add a comment displayable to others. These comments are then injected into the page when viewed from this site. The original page is not altered.
  • Improved DataRef Display: While the data displayed associated with Datarefs is very similar to the data provided by Laminar, I've modified the format, and the search capabilities in a way I believe is easier and more informative. This includes the ability to add comments associated with any dataref (if you're logged in).


Seriously, I have no need for your "personal data".

I do not track you with cookies, sentinels, pixels or other techniques. I do not sell, trade or give away emails or other data you may provide, with the exception of your provided comments (see below).

  • A "session cookie" named "sid" is used to maintain your session and is removed automatically if/when your browser is exited. This Session ID allows me to know if you're currently logged in.
  • A "remember me cookie" cleverly named "remember_me" is set and updated if you select "Remember Me" on login. It will allow you to skip logging in each time. You can opt-in to using this via the Login popup. This cookie survives browser and computer re-starts. If you select "Logout", or if you stop accessing the system for 30 days, the cookie is automatically removed.
  • For performance and security, I also use a "logged_in" cookie and a "csrftoken" cookie. Both of these are removed when your browser closes. Neither of these have any personally identifying information.

Login is not required to access information on this site. If you login, I record the fact you have logged in for load analysis and abuse detection. No one other than me will ever know.

The Laminar pages appear to have have tracking associated with their site:

  • _ga is for Google analytics,
  • _gads, _gpi, _eoi are for Google ads,
  • _cioanonid is related to Customer IO (https://customer.io) and tracks users somehow.

I don't disable them, so Laminar may store additional data.

Your Provided Comments

You may, if you have a valid login provide comments related to (most) pages on this site. These comments:

  • Will be public
  • Will be tracked with your email, though your email will not be publicly visible.
  • May be provided to Laminar at their request to assist with their documentation (or whatever purpose they choose). If provided to Laminar, I will provide them with your registered email.
  • May be edited for content or deleted by me. I anticipate editing simply to clarify wording; Deletions may occur either because comment no longer applies to the (possibly changed) underlying content, or in case of abuse.

My server, my rules.

Your Responsibilities

This service is free (to you). It's not free to me, so be gentle with this little server.

Be nice. Obnoxious and abusive comments will be removed and may get you banned.

Be helpful. This project's intent is to help people create great additions to X-Plane. If your comment isn't helpful, don't add it. (If you want to send compliments, offer meta-comments on the documentation system, or donate beer-money, contact me at XPPython3, on the Forums or slack).


I've worked with documentation, technical training, and developer support since I started programming at Bell Labs in 1981. While working on the XPPython3 plugin for X-Plane, I've been exposed to much of the existing Laminar Research documentation. Some of it is fantastic.

I contend that many of the problems associated with the existing documentation is that it's hard to find, or missing some key example, clarification, or caveat. Often these gems are found in forum threads, chats, or emails, yet lost to the community.

This site provides me with the ability to document many of these small changes as I move through trying to understand more-and-more of the elaborate world within X-Plane. Hopefully it may be helpful to you also.