I spend most of the time working on global scenery, shaders, v10, the big ticket items.  But there are always little things going on too.  A few random things:

I have a JavaScript taxiway-sign editor I’ve been working on – it lets you type taxiway signs with the keyboard, see them using the real sign artwork, and then get the sign code out (you know, that cryptic {^ul,@r}27-9{@@,no-entry} gak) automatically.  I was inspired by WordPress’s insanely nice back-end web UI to see if I could make a web-based sign editor that was reasonably usable.  The answer is: with jQuery – yes.  Once it’s further along, I’ll post it; maybe someone can help make the CSS prettier.

We put another download server up this week; as we transition between hosting providers, we’ll have extra servers for a week or two, so, um, enjoy the bandwidth!

Finally, I’ve been poking (very slowly) at the panel documentation on the wiki.  In particular, I’m trying to delete documentation of legacy features. A lot of the complexity in the panel system comes from the interaction between old backward compatibility features and the latest way to make a modern aircraft. My hope is that by documented only the “modern” path, the documentation can be clear, concise, and a lot less confusing to new authors.  I figure if you’re reading the Wiki, you want to know how to make a panel now, not how to make one for X-Plane 3 years ago.

The real work of the week was the new road system and debugging the new global illumination code.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

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