From fearless leader:

X-Plane 9.68 is here (in Beta) for Mac, Windows, and Linux!
Just some TEENY little tweaks and enhancements to make v9.xx perfect:

  • new airport and NAVAID data
  • fix for lighting in non-generic instruments with esys (rare bug)
  • sound stays on when X-Plane is pushed to background on windows… as requested, and now in sync with Mac version for better consistency
  • improvement in the situation saving and loading

Just run your installer (from with the BETA options turned ON to get it
Have at it and let me know how it goes!
ps: X-Plane 10 is much, much, much slower in coming along than I planned.. but it is much, much better as well. It is slow because I have raised the bar ridiculously high for this release, simply because I CAN. SO, I am keeping v9 totally bug-free while v10 is developed, which I am hoping to have ready by the end of this year.

I am hoping to have v10 ready quite a bit sooner than that.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

22 comments on “X-Plane 9.68 Beta

  1. hoping by the end of this year!!! uggggggg. from september, to move back some number of months. now its release is a “hope” by the end of the year. One of the longest waits and frustrations with technology and gaming in all my life. I can’t wait, for sure it will be amazing don’t get me wrong , but still. Such a vague statement is un easy for me and others as loyal fans

  2. The impression that it pass is that version 10 is still in an early development stage (ie, it will have great features but it seems that they aren’t developed yet).

  3. Pingback: Anonymous
  4. First the release could be August, now it could be late 2011, then it could be early 2012, it is starting to sound like Boeing with the 787, I hope Austin’s computer doesn’t start smoking like the 787 equipment rack, I may as well sell my computer!

  5. End of the year, hmm? Wow, that is quite a disappointment, especially when we were hoping for a release date before X-mas 2010. Well, I know you guys are really busy, so every day of delay is a day of improvement 🙂

    Keep those screenshots coming, please – the feeling I get when watching them reminds me of the anticipation I felt as a kid when christmas was approaching. Almost better than unpacking the presents!

  6. Anxiously waiting! I’m sure it will be worth the wait. Meantime, we still have V.9 to play with.

  7. I agree that this confirms V10 being in a very early development stage (suggested previously by screenshots and statements). There must have been absolutely no way it would have been released in 2010… However, no matter how much we *want* to fly X-Plane 10, I can’t get enough of V9 yet 🙂 So keep working Laminar, we’ll be waiting patiently

    1. Well, if it’s not released before 2012, we can forget it. You know, since the world is going to end… 😀

      Seriously, what a letdown. It may be nice knowing Xp10 is developing far beyond what was originally planned, but if we have zero sense of when it might be ready for release, then it’s hard for me to be happily patient. Ben, I hope you’re right, and it will be released far sooner than -maybe- the end of this year.

  8. I’m not going to echo the general frustration about that faraway release date.

    But I’d like to remind Laminar Research that the second semester of 2011 is going to be an extremely busy one. What with Mass Effect 3, Elder Scrolls 5, Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, The Last Guardian, BioShock 3, Gears of War 3 — not even mentioning the uber Blu-ray boxes of Star Wars and LotR…

    For better of for worse, X-Plane 10 is going to compete with other entertainment products and I personally know that my wallet priority will not go to XP at that time of the year.

    1. I expect XP10 to compete with Micro$oft Flight, DCS A10 and so on… not really with a first person shooter.

  9. I’m sorry to hear that it’s going to take so long, but I’m confident that the extra time is necessary to turn out a product up to the standards of this stellar development team.
    Thanks for all the hard work! We will all be eagerly anticipating the release.

    If there’s one thing I would ask for while waiting… consistent screenshots!! I think I speak for everyone when I say that seeing screenshots really makes the waiting bearable!

    thanks again


  10. Yes, I agree, keep the screen shots rolling more consistently. Been two months since the last real decent shots were posted. Hoping for a late 2011 release sucks, first it was hope for a late 2010 release. Never ending wait.

  11. More frequent screenshots and even videos seconded. This is disappointing news, but I know what you must be going through. Late 2011? Can’t wait to see the improvements that justify the delay till peak games release season. Everyone releases their products in November.

  12. Ben,

    when you said above “I am hoping to have v10 ready quite a bit sooner than that.”

    is that just a hope, serious realistic nonetheless, but all of us fan hope for sooner, or do you really see it coming out before christmas season 2011 ( being way past “some number of months” delay to almost a year. *however, giving the benefit of the doubt of a premature date and screenshots, still is a long time. Lets not forget the debunking of August release date, sadly I feel it is debunked because august would be “early” please tell me i’m wrong. More time to save up though and excited, still loyal fan. 🙂

  13. my dog ( an old husky with no dreams of flying ) started howling as i read that post… ah. big up for transparency though! on a less related note: as a very new user to xplane (formerly a ms user) i find the night view with those tracks turned on ( the purple ones that show where you have been ) to be one of the most amazing things ever! Even in 9.xx when its reflected on water, at night, it is stellar. I would suggest taking some screen-shots of that and putting it in as part of your promo materials. Am I alone in this? MS cant touch this…
    here is a sample
    Yeah 2012~!

  14. Hey hows it going ?

    Do you know if the water/ocean will be improved ? It would be nice to see some 3d swells, waves, etc… Take a look at Outerra Ocean Rendering !

  15. Better late and good than early and sub-par, take the time you need the community will be better off for it.

  16. I am willing to wait for what I think is going to be an outstanding product, and the standard to beat in flight simulation, from what I’ve seen and heard about so far. I am very encouraged.

    The only disappointment is all the great new features in X-Plane 10 have made me realize the deficiencies of 9, which while still a great product, I don’t think will compare to 10.

  17. Thanks for the info Ben. I can just say what others have: please at least post more dev screens and examples of new tech to make the wait shorter. In particular, I am extremly interested in the new OSM implemented data. Please tell us more of how the implementation looks and what will be imported, where. Keep the good work up!

  18. If I recall correctly based on past releases and website dates of x-plane versions, V-9 was announced to come about two months +- of the for sale date. Would any early guesses for V10 be similar? will be on this coaster of not knowing much until Bam, its released a 2weeks later or something immediate, or can we at least know that fans will have a rev up of info, screenshot, media and time table prior to release?

  19. Looking at Microsofts “spoiler” for FLIGHT,announced last year.I am sure it was done to to stop “microsoft fans” migrating to the forthcoming X-Plane 10 and wait instead for the new”FLIGHT”. As it happens X-Plane has now been delayed and I believe that X-Plane developers are now looking at Microsofts forthcoming release and
    taking the time to ensure a better product now that there is new competition looming! I am sure that the release dates will be close between the two companies later this year!

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