7 comments on “Algorithmic Mountains (and Flash Crashes)

  1. Yeh, I watched a show were they were buying property in the middle of nowhere just too be close to the pipe, it was weird from the air like a little spider’s web of streets and all nested around one single switcher station,
    It is also the truth (no kidding) of why Hollywood make such crap movies over and over AND still can’t understand why they don’t make any money!….and from now on if i am flying in Xplane and my B744 just disappears in a blink of an eye, i’ll call it the “flash crash of 2:45…

    Could listen to the guy for hours, lovely speaker, could Laminar employ him?

  2. This is what happens when you have dummies making decisions in government instead of wise old men or philosophers. Deregulation is abrogation of responsibility and surrender of control and supervision due to a lack of intellectual capacity, if not cynicism or greed. In geologic time, the human race is rushing toward extinction — but that’s fine for a species believing in life after death, which, by my definition, is any life after cleansing the planet of this destructive organism so full of itself.

    1. Vonhinx et. al….while I probably agree with you and I started this (with the TED talk) I have to issue an “edge of the cliff” warning here: if the blog spirals into a giant political debate in the comments threads I’m going to have to kill it — I love the discussion — but it has to go somewhere else.

  3. Just commenting on the link. I’m getting so old I’m struggling to reverse-engineer algorithms I created mere weeks ago, even after looking at the formulas and proof/test-data documented in spreadsheets. I suppose you young fellers have more robust brains. On a macro level though, which is what Slavin was talking about, I’m not convinced.

    Viva el algoritmo!

  4. Clearly, I should base my stock trading decisions on the profile of the Olympic Mountains that I can see from my condo. But which peak (sorry, which valley) represents today?

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