Hint: not the comments section of this blog.  If you have not filed a bug but did write a comment, please do not assume that we know about it.

You can email tech support here: info@x-plane.com.

You can file bugs here: http://dev.x-plane.com/support/bugreport.html

If you file a bug an do not hear back from us immediately, please be patient; I am back-logged with reports right now, so if it is going to my part of the code, it’ll be a bit of a wait.

I will post more on reporting airplane compatibility bugs later today.

***EDIT*** Chris says: Please do not email Austin, Ben or Me directly unless we ask you to…Even if we’ve asked you to do so for a bug in the past, please do not email us directly for a new bug. Bugs need to go through our support channel. Ben wakes up to over 100 emails each morning…I can only imagine what kinds of emails Austin gets. This takes away precious development time.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

9 comments on “Where To Get Help, Where to File Bugs

  1. Just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work you put into this stuff, it’s much appreciated. 🙂

    And yes, I did file a bug report. 😛

    ~ Ben

  2. First, thanks for all the amazing work and good support,

    I’d like to suggest enabling some means of us knowing about known bugs, so we don’t notify you 1000 times about the same issue – For my projects I use bugzilla, but there are other solutions as well. Just anything so we are not blind and can limit flood to you guys.

  3. I’ve reported several busg via the proper channels, does anyone know if there is a visible bug list somewhere, where we can track the bug-fixing process? Something like the sourceforge bug lists?

    1. I just want to add that my question is a duplicate of Francisco’s above… I didn’t see it when posting mine because it was awaiting moderation! 🙂


  4. Great jobs far guys. I like where you’re headed with 10.

    I know you’re busy trying to corral the elephants but I have a quick question and am not sure where to ask it.

    How do I use the “conditional attributed to hide the shadows when global lighting is enabled. I’ve seen your references to using it, but can’t find any examples of how to do it.

    here is a short snippet of code from an aircraft.obj file

    IDX 5299
    ATTR_LOD 0.000000 3000.000000
    TRIS 0 6
    ATTR_LOD 3000.000000 7500.000000
    TRIS 14067 1383
    TRIS 15450 6

    where should I put it and what is the format?

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

  5. Good morning

    Just wanted to report that X-plane 10 version beta 2, (10.02b) has improved for me the performance with HDR OFF ONLY. AS soon as HDR is back on, or clouds are added, even with only 25% clouds settings, I still hit below 10 fps, which to me is very strange with the following hardware:

    i7 core
    Windows 7 64 BIt
    24 gb of RAM (with 3.2 Gb visible to X-plane)
    ATI Radeon HD5870 PCIe 16X
    Latest CAtalyst Drivers
    Resolution of 3840×1024 with no fps increase if set to lower

    Thanks for the great work however. Night flying is absolutely superb especially when there is some fog on the ground.
    I’m confident that the code will be optimized and I read the blog almost everyday. Always interesting stuff to read!!

    thank you

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