The short answer is: I think it will be fixed for everyone in 24 hours, but less if you want to get it by hand.  Here’s the whole story:

The Paris DSF rendered incorrectly when we cut the global scenery.  We discovered this after we cut the global scenery DVDs, but before they shipped out to users.  I found the bug in the DSF generator (it was an error in airport processing) and fixed Paris and 5 other tiles.  This was a top priority fix – it’s been fixed for probably two weeks now.

The Paris DSF is included in the X-Plane 10.02 beta series – that is, it has been available for over a week!

But here’s where things go sideways: since we’ve never updated global scenery before, you need a new updater to actually get the file.  And what I am just realizing now is: while you need the X-Plane 3.02 updater to get the file, everyone is using the 3.01 updater, which doesn’t know to grab the Paris fix if you have Paris installed from DVD.

Hang on one second while I bash my head on my desk.

Okay.  So there are two ways you can get your Paris fixed.

The Fast Way

If you want Paris fixed now, do this:

  • Get the X-Plane Updater from here.
  • Run the updater on your copy of X-Plane.

Paris should be fixed, at least I think.

The Easy Way

If you have already installed global secnery for Paris and you do nothing now, but get beta 4 when it comes out, X-Plane will use the latest updater to get beta 4 and you’ll get Paris anyway.  I expect beta 4 tomorrow…maybe Monday at the latest.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

31 comments on “Where’s Paris?

  1. I filed a bug report for the San Francisco dsf because of the grossly in accurate shoreline around the south side of the field. Was that one files you updated?

    Current dsf totally spoils the flight around fiels.

  2. Hi, too bad it seems not only Paris is missing… I flew to Madrid only to find it like a desert. Already reported bug but not sure if you saw it – Can send captures if useful.

    1. I will look at the bug report when it comes through, but I just loaded Madrid and it does _not_ have the “Paris” bug.

      The Paris bug was a low level bug in my polygon processing code that caused the airport surface area of one of the airports to “leak out” and fill the entire DSF. The result was no autogen, no forests, and a single uniform texture over the entire DSF.

      When I repaired the bug I re-ran the entire planet and located 4 other tiles that suffered from the same bug; all are in the update with the new updater.

      1. Ah ok. What I see in Madrid is it’s like being on the desert – A 5M people city just empty .. Shouldn’t us see plenty of houses? Not sure what’s expected.

        Also, please let me do some rant – Not sure about the technical reasons of having (again) EMPTY airports by default, but it’s really bad. It causes a very bad impression on the sim. Please add some default buildings, having airports empty trashes away with the plausible world idea.

  3. I definitly hope you’ll get more facade object by the time so we can enjoy flying over a plausible PARIS…

    BTW, Is there anyway to fallback on XP9 texture for the city overlay we discussed about yesterday ?

    Cheers !

  4. How does the new updater replace the old one while in use?

    Is there a shutdown startup routine or has it got a different name?

    1. It doesn’t. The sim always gets the latest updater; the updater gets the sim. So when beta 4 comes out tomorrow, beta 3 will update itself to beta 4 by getting the latest updater, which will in turn get the Paris repair for those who need it.

  5. Ha, with all the EU crisis I thought the omission was deliberate 🙂 I wonder if Iran is in ok? Not that I’m going to personally visit to verify.,

  6. Pingback: Anonymous
  7. Sorry to say that, but probably X-plane is the most buggy game ever. I wonder why there was no public beta testing before official release? Anyway I still keep fingers crossed for you guys since now it is far for plausible…

      1. Well, I meant that it would be nice to have some more beta testing before the official release date (eg. preorders and DVD making) so that XPlane 10.00 was much more playable than it is now.

        I personally think XPlane is probably the best airplane simulation right now and can’t wait to have the same level of reliability as version 9.

      1. Skyrim has remarkably few bugs considering the vast world it has. Additionally, Skyrim is a multi-million block buster RPG with a large development team while X-Plane is being developed by a rather small company. IMHO you cannot compare both programs of which I do not even consider X-Plane being an actual game but a serious simulation.

    1. Show me a game that has had more than 50 updates (including bug-fixes).
      Xplane9 went from .00 to .70 if I’m not mistaken. Chances are that Xplane10 will follow the same path of improvements…

  8. With the big delay in X-Plane 10, I am surprised that there are so many bugs. I have filed a couple of bug reports (with good correspondence back from X-Plane). But I feel that I could flood you with problems. I’ve been flying around many areas with good road coverage, I notice little or no houses or buildings. I believe that the algorithm that fills these in based on road density must be quite flawed and needs to be revisited. No buildings at airports I have visited. I’m having problems with dimming (may be a shadow issue) and other graphics issues with my NVIDIA 260 GTX card and latest drivers (also with rolled back drivers). After my 6 hour install, and my 6 hr reinstall, I’m disappointed. I’ll play again when a few of the problems are fixed.

  9. it beta 4 coming today?/ will a patch help resolve why airport packages dont show up in v10, getting error codes about scenery not looking right which then it either does not show up such as sydney, paris charles du gaul, munechen and others. OR ohare has trees on runway. I thought v9 sceneries would just work, i dont have wed or overlay editor nor know how to use them.

    also, lastly, do you for see coming out of the “beta” releases in a month or so, then you guys can get to performance enhancements, cut load time , fix terrains ( iraq has green fields and homes near baghdad) and add features.


    1. Beta 4 today, yes. This will address the error codes and missing decals, the 5 tiles with no autogen.

      Re: v9 sceneries and airport packs not showing up, I do not know about this.
      If you have not filed a bug, please FILE A BUG.
      If you have filed a bug, I will get it in the next day or two as it goes through the system.
      DO NOT EMAIL ME DIRECTLY with bug reports.

  10. +1 for the missing buildings

    The KSEA demo has just the sides of the streets populated with residential houses. But the area should have been a downtown block.

    I thought the OSM data is properly flagged no? Doesn’t there exist an area with landuse=”totally_downtown_center” in between the roads, for example?

  11. BTW, I just saw that OSM also has aerodrome tagging, including terminals, gates, taxiways, aprons and runways. Not every airport seems to have been tagged properly. For instance, taxiway names are missing quite often. But you have them already. The outlines of terminals and hargar buildings (for placing facades) is quite consistent in quality. Any plans of importing these?

  12. chris: XP10 uses some but definitely not all aspects of OSM. And we definitely not use – for now – the building informations (where they are, what form they have etc.) or airport building information. The reason for this is, that even though, some airports or cities look good with the OSM data, there are still gazillion of other cities which do not have anything like this (or only in a very inconsistent way). Now think about it. What we do is a Global Scenery (read the first word 🙂 ) … This means, that we have to choose a process, that can generate a more or less usable scenery for the entire planet. Thus, using inconsistent sources (and heck, even the roads are far from trivial in OSM) is not a simple task … which is the reason why we avoided this for now (which doesn’t means, that we are not interested in using more from OSM in the future).

    So. XP10 – for now – uses from OSM the road vector data, railroads, power line, river polygons (NOT line river segments) and coastlines. This is more or less the complete laundry list. Everything else comes from landuse data etc. …

    Please red this blog entry i you want to get more in depth information about how this all works (its an interview I gave a few days ago to the Xplan10s Blog … about the global scenery!):

  13. I notice the new beta #4 contains a fix for the Oahu realscenery.
    I have this scenery but have avoided using anything other than the stock XP10 files so far. Can anyone explain the implications of using such legacy scenery with XP10?

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