One of our servers is down for maintenance.  This means that the following are temporarily offline:

  • Scenery tools downloads.
  • GIT repos (and the cgit web interface).

The installer-updater is still running – it runs off of a different server.  I just fixed a number of broken links to the installer on the main website.

I don’t have an ETA on when the server will be back up, but if it’s not today I will stab myself repeatedly with something sharp.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

6 comments on “dev server is down for maintenance

  1. Hi ben ! May I ask when is the new patch coming ? Really excited about the upcoming patch !

      1. Ben, do you mean “weeks” more, given it has been two weeks since the 10.05rc1 posting / next major patch coming in a few weeks. If so, would it be safe to assume it will come in April.

        1. This isn’t a guessing game where we’re withholding information in some sick effort to tease people. As Ben said “there’s a fair amount of flexibility” which means we don’t have an exact date nor do we have a better estimate! This is almost always the case. Very very very rarely do we withhold dates for some marketing purpose.

          The next beta will be out when Ben’s changes are done, my changes are done, Austin’s changes are done, the dev server is working again and we feel confident that it’s ready to be beta tested.

  2. I have a feeling this next Beta cycle will have some big changes….just saying. Keep up the great work, can’t wait 🙂

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