X-Plane 10.30r2 is out now.  You should go get this RC and try it.  I believe it is very likely to go final in the next week.

There are known bugs* in 1030r2 – the plan is to put 1030r2 out as final, then issue 10.31 in perhaps a week or two to mop up about a dozen bug fixes that didn’t make in.

  • By getting 10.30 out now, third parties can stop holding their breath and ship aircraft that use the new GPS.
  • By giving 10.31 another week or two we lower the risk profile on some of those extra bugs.
  • There’s always one big bug that gets reported as soon as we go final, so a 10.31 is inevitable; we might as well plan for it.

X-Plane 10.30 has had an incredibly long beta period, so our goal is to get it out now and unblock third parties.

* I know, you are shocked, right??

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

17 comments on “10.30r2 is Out and Will Probably Go Final

  1. *HELP* My 10.30r2 crashes and will not open at all right after finished loading regoins.. Ive tried opening several times and it will not open at all.. how can I fix that?

    1. Unknown. If 1031 is done before DK2, 1031 goes without it and DK2 can go into its own release. If it’s ready, we ship it. We won’t hold back bug fixes waiting for DK2.

      Philipp or I will write more about DK2 in a week or two – Philipp is going to the Rift conference next week and will have a lot more situation. But let me say this now: not only if the Rift “in beta” at best, but the developer SDK is really not a mature product. So I don’t know WHEN we will ship DK2 support because, for all I know, it might not even be possible!

      We will do what we can, and we understand that users in possession of the DK2 literally can’t keep their pants on about using it, but if the SDK isn’t solid enough, only Oculus can solve that. So we will see.

  2. Does these visibility and fog changes interact with overcast clouds layers to block the vision of the ground on IFR operations?

    1. Not in a way that is substantially different from what we have now. If the vis is high and the cloud rendering is set really low ,you may see through an overcast layer.

      1. It is a good notice! what I am experiencing now is setting the a low visibility (800 meters) and a stratus layer (at 1000 ft), when I am at +-15.000 fts is possible to see the ground bettewen the roles of large puffs(far puffs) and small puffs (near puffs) and this is with 100% of clouds on rendering settings. this situation is without HDR.

  3. since x-plane 10.30 beta my c172 stall warning sound like growling cat can you tell me why? and what i can do to fix

  4. Great work Ben, however for me
    10.30rc 2 32bit crashes every time on mac pro running 10.6.8 (ATI Radeon HD 5770)
    only default ksea and open scenery x installed , low rendering , default f4 and no plug ins , deleted prefs. Perhaps I’m going mad?
    10.25 is beautiful-and 10.30 b8 was smoother but prone to crashing-I will put this in bug report format with log text etc. as not to annoy you further.

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