If you have 11.10 beta 1, you’ll be auto-notified to update.  (If you’re locked out, e.g. for users on Linux who didn’t have libc++, use the installer and check “Get Betas”). See the release notes for bugs fixed in this beta.

Thanks to everyone who reported bugs!  If your bug is not yet fixed, don’t panic – we cut b2 quick to fix the pile of “OGL_ubo_is_valid(s_environment_ubo)” crashes. If you have one of these in b2 please re-report it (and auto-report it!)


About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

70 comments on “X-Plane 11.10b2 Is Live

      1. Hahahahaha.

        Did you get enough sleep the last days and weeks?

        Many Thanks also from my side. I can only imagine how hard it must be to work for LM 🙂

  1. The only bug for now is VERY LOW FRAME RATE!

    My frame rate is about 15 FPS. I have a good computer configuration, and in X-Plane version 11.05 my FPS was with these setting about 25-35 FPS. Now my frame rate drops to 10, sometimes goes to 15-18.

    Can you fix that please?

    Thank you!

    1. The Laminal lauch beta’s for testing… FPS is “always” bad. If you want good FPS use 11.05. Test another things, like electric system/ ground effect, etc….

  2. One more bug: JAR A330 aircraft has no SOUNDS with this version. Everything was ok with 11.05.

  3. i have today with b2 this error

    This application has crashed because of the plugin: PluginAdmin/64/lin.xpl

  4. OS Ubuntu 16.04, XP11.10b2 crash.
    –=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: PluginAdmin/64/lin.xpl}==–
    Other problem with 11.10b1, my Saitek rudder pedals is recognized but I can not calibrate it and does not work.

      1. Removing “lin.xpl” (by placing it in a .zip file) let xplane start the menu window but if you try to start a new flight it crash again with:
        –=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: [XPLM_PLUGIN_XPLANE]}==–
        I’ve tried to .zip any single default file that I’ve in the plugins directory with no success so far.
        OS: Debian GNU/Linux 9.2 (stretch), XP11.10b2

      2. Is a Linux bug related by issues with the Rudder Pedals or XP 11.10b2 crash –=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: PluginAdmin/64/lin.xpl}==– I had the same crash some minutes ago.

      1. An almost inanimate physical state where nightmarish AI flight paths, roads, scenery, etc., appear in ones mind along with occasional bug solutions or brilliant ideas that you wish you could remember after the cat woke you up.

      2. sleep
        a condition of body and mind which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.

        Rings a bell?? 😉

        I did just realize though that you published this post last night, and not at 5 am….for a while there I thought you had pulled an all-nighter. 😉

  5. Thanks! Life is good now.
    I’ll open a new bug, but also here just for awareness; I run a 3 projector sim and there’s no keyboard attached to the sim PC, so I manage it thru VNC.

    Auto-reported is broken when using VNC, you can type email and the other text field, but there’s no way to move the focus to any of the button (tab does not jump into them) and mouse does not work either.

          1. Hi,

            I understand nobody wants to ‘use’ X-Plane over VNC, but it’s needed to manage it on big sims (where you can’t see the full screen due do projector setup).

            X-Plane works fine on VNC (i.e. you can access menus, setup things..) only is the crash reporting issue not supporting keyboard to move focus.

            Could you consider adding the buttons of the bug reporter as tab stops?

      1. VNC is means of controlling one computer by remote connection to another. (I use it in my cockpit too, FWIW).

      2. A remote desktop software, similar to TeamViewer.
        I also noticed a few weird things when using my 4th monitor as only full-screen source, like plugins not drawing at all (DataRefEditor/X-Camera/IXEG side menu) or also not being able to submit a crash report because you are unable to click the buttons or select the textfields.
        Will submit a bug report if i find the time.

        Is there anything like a bug tracker where i can see if this has been reported already?

  6. I love the handling, temperature variation, and sounds on the default Baron 58, I prefer flying it over my Carenado version. A polished cockpit and outer textures like the Cessna 172 would absolutely put this plane in a class of it’s own.

      1. … and they’re fantastic. The sound pack does make you want to use it more. A G1000-variant of it would be fantastic 😉

        Really makes me wish for the Baron to reach the 172’s level of quality (and I know you guys have said those are your long-term plans, to bring up the quality to that standard). It would be a great twin engine to complement the superb 172.

  7. I love the handling, temperature variation, and sounds on the default Baron 58, I prefer flying it over my Carenado version. Before staring the Baron up I opened the small window, and let me tell you, hearing those pistons thumping, it feels like a living engine. I found that I could really dial in my power settings and easily get the plane configured to where I wanted her to be. A polished cockpit and outer textures like the Cessna 172 would absolutely put this plane in a class of it’s own.
    p.s. I felt the first comment didn’t really begin to touch on how much I love X plane 11 and the Baron.

  8. Hi, I have sent auto report, I can’t even run X Plane in b2, it crashes in menu. Sorry, I’m new to X Plane, and have no knowledge on how to get more info on crashes yet. There are no errors in Log.txt file, and crash reports are not text files.


  9. On Linux this release bombs out almost immediately on startup during menu item initialization of PluginAdmin. Bug reported via bug submission form /w stack trace & core dump included!

  10. Why are the odds always cut to the axe ?
    Is it possible to modify the water file lovering thé level ?

  11. In 747-400
    1-in clock, timer when activated does not mark elapsed time correctly, one lap of the pointer takes 2 or more minutes.
    2-button SPD (speed controlled by A / T), in panel, after activated can not be deactivated anymore
    3- Yoke can be hidden, but there is no clickable area to make it visible again

    1. 1. Correct, the timer logic is “broken” right now and will be fixed for a future update.
      2. There are several parts of the autopilot that are currently “disabled”. This includes the autothrottle and a new 11.10 feature for auto-switching from the FMS to “”Approach Mode”. ComingSoon™.
      3. There is currently no click spot in the cockpit to hide/show the yokes. You can use the “Y” key on your keyboard or assign a button to the default command to hide/show the yokes.

    2. 1 – this is to simulate how boring long-distance flights really are. In fact, a minute can feel like an hour sometimes!

      2 – Its a feature. Aircraft designers these days don´t trust the pilots to fly the airplanes well, so once you engage automation, it can´t be turned off anymore.

      3 – That should teach you to hide the yoke!!

      Seriously – this is not a bug tracker. File a proper bug.

  12. Ben would you ever consider applying different water/ocean colors for different parts of the world i.e tropical blues for the carribean?

  13. Just filed a bug through the bug reporter about the map orientation setting in the G1000 only affecting the MFD while the Inset map remains North Up regardless. In the real world G1000, both the MFD and Inset map orientations are dictated by the same orientation setting.

  14. Like I said in my comment below the previous blog post, Philipp has done an excellent job making this G1000. Apart from Garmin’s own G1000 simulator software, this is the only simulated G1000 I have tried that is realistic and essentially works like the real thing.

    After playing around with the G1000 for a while, I have one question: I am wondering if you have any future (more or less long-term) plans for implementing more of the settings that are present in the real world G1000? There is no rush as the essential stuff is already there. I am just curious about what is potentially yet to come. 🙂

  15. Don’t know why the post is lost. I repost the crash status here for beta 2.

    My all computers work fine in master mode. But if one computer change to external visual mode for showing independent view, it will crash immediately while it receive the data from master (Ethernet Lan, linked by cable).

    It is similar when I use 11.05. Most of time the master computer will crash when it receives the data (for multiplayer, all linked by wifi). After all the computer were linked by Ethernet cable, the crash disappear! I feel that the network bug still remain in the new version.

    1. New crash status:
      Now the external visual computer works fine with master computer. But if a new master computer link with this master (link with external computer) for multiplayer, the external visual computer (for independent view) will crash immediately and the two master work fine.

      Another question is also about the multiplayer, sometimes the plane vibrates or appears in the incorrect position. For instance, I see the multiplayer plane in front of me, but its pilot also see my plane in front of him. The network seems not stable and I suggest to check these bugs more detailed. Thanks for your quickly respond!

  16. What I would like to have is an additional user defined option to prevent planes to be used as ai planes without editing the plane itself. So if I don’t want fighter planes or glider planes i can just put them on a list not to be used for ai.

  17. Dear Ben and team,

    Fantastic work. I’m here to report that the visual drawing “lag and stutter” on networked multi-computers running visuals is no longer a problem since 11.10. . Thank you!! Great work! Absolutely blown away by the work you guys do to make the best simulator software. To all multi-monitor cockpit builders : adopt Xplane 11! Game changer!!

  18. good morning, air traffic fix bug fix !!!, new autogen when you release it? , microscates when will they be eliminated?

  19. Running much better now. Very smooth fps 40+ in the Netherlands. On a iMac 27 later 2013 2gb vram and 24gb ram on MacOs High Sierra 10.13b2

  20. i think its worst update of x plane 11 until now
    my fps drop down to 20-15 before this update i had 45-50 fps
    in every flight the x plane crashed
    i dont know how can i return to previous version
    please please please repair it in new update or hot fix

    1. You can return to the previous beta by:
      1. Running the updater
      2. Unchecking “get betas” and then
      3. Not participating in early betas.

  21. I never had any serious issues with any beta so far. With this one I get frequent crashes when entering “new flight”. If I get past this and into the sim, clouds and lights are drawn last, mean they are superimposed over everything. Some of the UI-Layers are missing or drawn in the wrong order, eg airport-layout on map-screen is missing. Im on a AMD GPU (RX390). Did reinstall and tried different drivers to no avail. However performance overall is very good (and smooth). I have filed a bug-report along with some screenshots, but thought I mentioned it here, so the chance of fixing this for us AMD users is a bit higher 🙂

    Love the G1000 and the multiple profiles. Outstanding work!
    Thank you very much

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