X-Plane 11.32 is available as a opt-in public beta for Laminar and Steam users. If you are seeing the sim randomly crash more frequently than before the X-Plane 11.30 series, please try this beta.

NOAA dropped non-HTTPS access to weather data today, causing Real Weather to fail; this is fixed in this beta build. The NOAA issue should not affect any weather add-ons, nor will the fix.

Edit: 11.32 release candidate 1 appears to fix only part of the problem; upper winds are all “zero”. I’m traveling now so it will be a few days before this is fixed.

Most of the crashes we’ve seen have been the GPU driver failing to get us memory. We don’t know if 11.32 will help, but we have tried a change to how we work with the driver that is more like 11.26 and more conservative, that we are hoping will be more stable.

Edit: there have been very few auto-reported crashes with 11.32 – less so than the number of “it crashed” blog comments!  Remember to it “send” on the auto-reporter if X-Plane crashes; you don’t need to enter any data, just hitting send captures your Log file and where the sim crashed, which is what we need most.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

90 comments on “X-Plane 11.32: Real Weather Fix, GPU Memory Fix (Maybe)

  1. I have personally not had many issues with crashes and framerate in 11.30… but my real concern is the issue of getting the “error 1114” of plugins overloading the dlls” which are plugin conflicts… and yes my drivers are current. I think you should do a post on explaining this dll overload… I sent the details to Jennifer…

  2. Real world weather issues are still prevalent in 11.32r1. I’m seeing only surface winds since I’ve updated to it. No winds at altitude anymore. I’ve tried refreshing the weather, switching to manual/CAVOK and back, yet only surface winds.
    Is this a known issue, or a new one?

    1. yeah winds aloft and any thing other first cloud layer are not being pulled correctly every one should submit a bug for this

  3. Thanks again Ben for all your great work. I was hoping that this update would fix a little annoying problem I have been having but no joy. XP straight out of the box, with or without Global Scenery has no problems. But when I add just orbx’s True Earth photoscenery (which I really love) there are a small number of airports where XP will be OK but if I quit XP and then go back into it XP to the same airport XP will quit immediately after loading with no error messages or crash reports or anything useful in the log.txt file. If I turn the computer off and go back into XP to the same airport no probs! But if I quit XP and then open it at the same airport, the problem re-occurs. Weird eh? Have filed a report with orbx who seem to think it is XP!. I have a top of the range late 2014 iMac which is pretty powerful. Any ideas? Should I file a bug report with you guys or just wait for the next update? At least my XP is still useable and beautiful! Thanks again for everything. Cheers.

    1. I am curious if you are flying a default aircraft or one that keeps the last settings and maybe that aircraft’s plugin may be causing issues.

  4. Just updated to Xplane 11.32r1 (build 113200 64-bit) and it still gives me “weather failed to download” message after 100%

    1. What does your log.txt say? If it’s a 404, the server just doesn’t have the data yet – that happens a lot. If it’s something weirder, please file a bug. The 404 will clear after a little bit.

  5. Weather has been fixed but GPU CTD is still present. I’m in the process of installing a fresh copy of 11.32 and see if it works. Previous versions would not work AT ALL where as my modified (with add ons and sceneries) works.. intermittently. It will crash randomly over certain areas of the United States (Michigan, San Diego, Southern Texas are some of the areas I’ve crashed over) and I am not able to load flights from any location in California. I am able to fly to some of these locations such as KLAS-KLAX, but I cannot initially start the sim in KLAX because it crashes.

  6. Active Sky stopped working with version 11.32. Rollback to 11.31 didn’t solve the problem.
    Active Sky log say:
    “Unable to copy metar.rwx and winds.rwx to the sim folder. Possible network connection and/or file permission issue”

  7. Weather is now downloading successfully but the result is quite different to the relevant METAR on NOAA, eg X-Plane gives a temp of 15C, NOAA gives M06. Bug repot filed.


  8. Mindblowing how you guys all keep on doing this, really appreciate all the hard work!
    That said, the 11.32r1 just cost me 10 fps, back to 20 now, so please don’t give up!


  9. Updated this morning and weather works as it used to. FPS looks better too. May be now would be a good time for x plane to check for metal updates every 30 minutes? I think at the moment it only updates once an hour.

    1. Jeff. There is an option alongside the update in the settings/ rea; weather page. You can set this to 15 mins

  10. I’ve just had another Crash to Desktop I’m afraid. The sim kept running with a frozen screen, I could hear it and see my cockpit but failed to recover. I left it for 10 mins and eventually I End Task in the task manager.

    It never provided a crash report option but did do a windows crash report.

    This is the last few lines of my X-Plane log file:-

    0:05:25.425 I/ATC: Changing EGNS CabState from 2 to 0
    0:13:44.665 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
    0:13:44.665 I/WIN: Opened window Settings
    0:13:51.211 I/OVR: Initializing VR Subsystem.
    0:13:51.211 I/OVR: This device DOES have a proximity sensor.
    0:14:06.603 I/JOY: REGISTER Joystick device: lighthouse – vr/HTC/lighthouse, this is a familiar device.
    0:14:06.603 I/OVR: Adding device 3 (HTC)
    0:14:09.719 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
    0:14:09.719 I/OVR: Artificially initializing the VR system for an already-loaded P0.
    0:14:09.719 I/OVR: Reading VR conf file: Aircraft/B737-800X/b738_vrconfig.txt
    FlyWithLua Info: This XPLMWindowID 0x2beb513ac00 is for LuaCreateFloatingWindow

    I was flying in VR.

    I must say though, sim was much improved, better frame rates. Sham eit crashed. I’m now going to replicate the same flight but in a different aircraft.

    It crashed almost exactly where it crashed last time I did the same flight with 11.31r1. I’m going vanilla now to see ifs the addons or plugins.



  11. Thanks so much for this. I’ve been having random crashes and have been pulling my hair out testing all my hardware etc. Hopefully this will resolve the issue. Thanks again! Love this sim!

    1. Crashed to desktop as soon as the sim loaded unfortunately. Nevermind, I have faith in you guys!

        1. No option to report a bug after crash. Just straight to desktop. Game still shows as running in Steam (not in task manager).

  12. I would be really to report with auto reporter, but instead of CTD with an option to report I mostly get sim becoming unresponsive with Windows suggesting to stop it, and it doesn’t recover. When you end it with the Windows means, there’s no option to autoreport. Any way we can help you despite that?

  13. very nice to see it comes along! I too get a lot of openGL crashes ever since 11.3x. I also switched from AMD to nVidia, but still the same. So, what is this “Auto-Reporter” thingy? Thanks Ben & Crew

  14. UPDATE: CTD with clean copy of XP 11.32r1. As I said above, my working copy of XP 11 works… sorta… so it’s funny to see that a fresh 2nd copy does not.

    Thanks in advance for all your hard work!

  15. Forgive one’s ignorance but, is there any reason why this update is currently unavailable for those of us using the discs as opposed to the download version?


  16. Experienced a CTD a few days ago which I DID send to you the auto report. The flight was from Heathrow to Hong Kong in the default Boeing 747-400 with real weather engaged with the updates set to every 15 minutes. Approximately 4 hours into the flight and cruising at Mach 0.84 and at an altitude of 39,000 feet and flying with autopilot engaged, the simulator ‘Crashed to Desktop’.
    Repeated the flight today, and no problems whatsoever. Weather during the second half of the journey was mostly cloud free, and particularly around the Hong Kong area. Smooth landing at VHHH and parked successfully. XP v11.31 installed.

    So, it worked the second time today, but not the first time when I tried this flight a few days ago. Just publishing this as matter of interest.

  17. Hi Ben, when you are going to select a flight plan in the gps, there is a noticeable loss of fps.

  18. currently in contact with Jennifer via email and im sending in my test results when she ask. 11.32r1 giving me the same serious FPS issues. 11.26 was great and actually the last time I’ve been able to fly. Appreciate the efforts and i’m hoping to help with log files. The sim does not really crash for me, iv’e had a couple but it starts out at 70 FPS on the runway then slowly drops down to 9 FPS as i ascend.
    i7 7700 4.2
    32gb Skill Ram
    1080ti 11gb
    Win 10

  19. Good Morning! Trying the second flight with 11.32. The first one crashed while on taxi. I’ve been running xEnviro 1.07 and disable that. Doing the second flight this morning with the FF A320. We’ve made it to top of climb and not a single burp. (except on the part of that one passenger that had too much to drink). On a KBIL to KDEN flight. KBIL was a slightly modified default airport. (I added an autogate). KDEN is the super-duper payware Denver and it usually hesitates while on landing. Currently using the Fly With Lua frame-rate manager and better pushback. Flying on VATSIM too. (not livestreaming this flight). So far so good. Sending back to the cabin for coffee and Bailey’s.

  20. Ben, for people who fly from high altitude airports, real weather set by the XP U I has not been working for a long time, see XPD-8898; whatever you do to fix this latest bug will not correct the AGL/MSL mix-up unless you use this opportunity to fix XPD-8898.

  21. I guess I am in the minority of those who didn’t have a problem with 11.30 but with 11.31/.32 my CPU (Ryzen 5 2600x, 4.1 Ghz clock 32 GB dd4 mem) time fluctuates wildly .021-.056 over a second or so with a relatively static 3D cockpit view (GTX1080 3 monitor wraparound moderate graphics settings) and no change in airport surround. Not necessarily a bug but the higher values make the sim extremely jerky and not really usable. It was fairly stable at .02 with 10.26 and 10.30 in similar situations. I appreciate the work you are doing getting to vulkan that will put a multi-core solve on this, but I wonder if in the interim you might make it easier to revert to 11.26 or 11.30 on the download website with a no-support proviso. Unfortunately I do not have a backup of either.

  22. Hi,

    I still run 11.26 and use Xenviro.

    I can’t get any winds a loft in the sim, and the weather is a little screwed up.

    Is this the same issue you report above?
    Would I have to update to 11.32 to sort this out?

    Thank you in advance.

  23. 11.32 alt T pauses for a few seconds then resumes at the new speed; if in auto pilot with VS selected at -1 to -5 alt T resumes level flight until alt T takes you back to real time do you want a bug files?

    1. The autopilot locking in the altitude in ground-speed compression is actually a feature: The AP used to be massively confused by ground speed compression, resulting in altitude oscillations that quickly became huge excursions, making the altitude hold all but useless at high compression rates. Now that it anticipates the multiplier between vertical speed and altitude change, it can actually hold the altitude even at 16x ground speed compression without big excursions.
      The thinking is that you will want to use ground speed compression mostly in cruise, where you will likely be using altitude hold mode. It’s more important the autopilot be able to do that, and make compression useful in cruise, rather than compress the “interesting” phases of flight where you are changing altitude.

  24. Love it LR i got a night bugg that light glow up inside aircraft at night, sa,e as outside. Then sudden it changes back to dark. Never seen it before. Game crashes every time you exit.
    Otherwise wise preformance is better and moving good

    Will it LF implementing light beams to reflect on clouds in future and when passing clouds all gray and massive flashings?

    Keep up good work love you work!

  25. Just wondering if I install this v11.32 beta and it causes more problems and still doesn’t allow real weather downloads, is it possible to return to v11.31 and if so. how can that be done please? Thanks.

      1. Thanks – but just might wait for the v11.32 non beta to arrive. The CTD’s seem just to happen on long haul flights, so I’m ok with just tootling about locally (UK) until v11.32 proper arrives.

        Greatful for all your efforts!

  26. Running 11.30 with no real issues other than weather. Love the sim! Of course there are little annoying things that happen once in a while, but that’s true in a real airplane too, so I tend to ignore most of those.

    I’m just happy I have a sim I can fly on my desktop!

  27. Hello thank you all for your efforts.

    Keep an eye even on users running AMD GPU or eGPU on Mac.
    Tried even this beta on an MacMini 2018 and a Radeon RX Vega 56 at lowest setting and maximum FPS still around 19 maximum 28…
    But since now no crashes!


  28. I have not updated my beta of 11.30 for fear of running into the same issues as my 11.31 “stable” release. The FPS issue is the problem for me. I only get about 9FPS on th efinal release but on the 11.30 beta I am getting 60 or better. So I will not sacrifice something usable until the issue is fixed.
    Keep trying, you will get there.

    1. If you get 9 fps on 11.31 but 60 fps on 11.30, there is something seriously, seriously wrong with your system. Please file a bug immediately – this is astonishingly weird behavior.

  29. I use 11.32 (Steam Version) and I still have the weather bug, unable to get the METAR in my A330

  30. Bump “fixing” winds or menial stuff like that. How about “fixing” these subsonic FRAME RATES???

    I doubt that the majority of the simming public, have the funds available to run out and buy a RTX 2080-ti card–just to be able to obtain flyable frame rates!

  31. 11.31 has been working like a charm – afraid to update it. And I have a 7 yr old system. Suuurreee is nice when it runs this good!!! TY X-Plane!

  32. So maybe I have lost my mind. But, in flights a couple hours ago both my MAC and Windows version (11.32) started downloading the full weather including winds at altitude. Could it have been a NOAA issue before.

    1. I wonder if NOAA stopped putting that one-time HTML “we’re moving our servers to HTTPS” warning down the pipe if you call up from the HTTP URL…

      1. Confirmed. METAR and upper level winds are loading correctly now with the default real weather.

  33. Just letting you guys know that I now experience hard freeze/crashes almost guaranteed every flight now.

    Using 11.32 rc1, + NoAA

    1. I know there was an issue with AWOS reports, due to there formatting lots of ///, I filed a bug about it months ago but was told it wont be fixed, than another guy reported it and was told it would be, but I dont think it has, any airport in the METAR file that has // is ignored as xplane thinks it is a comment and skips it, and if you look in the METAR file there are lots of airports formatted just like that.. Though from this latest one seems some changes have being made to the file there are less /// in it.

      YCFS 080500Z AUTO 03019KT 9999 // NCD 29/21 Q1006 RF00.0/000.0

      2019/02/08 05:00

  34. Just letting you know that the number of auto-reports are likely because of hard-crashes/freezes. On 11.32, I’m getting entire-PC wide hard freezes every flight session guaranteed.

  35. I have also the problem with the „no more memory“ error. In 4 times i have only 1 with a bug replay. The other 3 the sim ends up directly to desktop…

  36. Hey – first off, I wanted to say thanks to the whole LR crew for all the work you guys do on X-Plane. The improvements really add up over time and the sim is sooooo much nicer today than it was years ago in the 10 series.

    Since you’re speaking about weather, is this feature on your radar? One of the “immersion breakers” currently is that XP with real weather enabled is often unnaturally smooth flying in small planes above mountain terrain. IRL that tends to have some chop and turbulence even in the most silky smooth conditions, especially with a little bit of wind. I think XP could simulate that like it can do with rising/falling air near mountain ridges, by adding an augmentation on top of whatever turbulence came from the METAR.

    Is that on your radar already? Should I file an official request for it?

  37. Hi Ben, MacOs 10.12.6 w/11.32r1 — I am getting metars, global_turbulence.grib, and global_winds.grib. In the SIM interface there is no indication that it see winds above 40k which I have not tried, but at FL370 I do have winds that are relatively close to the VATSIM weather if I logon and use XSB as my generator.

  38. Hi devs, please any hint with which Dataref its possible to disable “smokes” over ships, buildings and other objects? Fps hit is still an issue here. Thanks.

  39. 11.32r1 (build 113200 64-bit)

    0:52:42.994 E/NET: Download failed with http error: 404 for URL http://www.ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.2019021318/WAFS_blended_2019021318f06.grib2
    0:52:43.067 E/WXR: Download of http://www.ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.2019021318/WAFS_blended_2019021318f06.grib2 failed with 2:404 (Erreur HTTP 404 (Ficher non trouvé)) at Wed Feb 13 22:35:59 2019
    0:52:43.067 E/EXP: WXR_DOWNLOAD_FAIL: Download of http://www.ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.2019021318/WAFS_blended_2019021318f06.grib2 failed with 2:404 (Erreur HTTP 404 (Ficher non trouvé)) at Wed Feb 13 22:35:59 2019

    Still getting those message for weather. It seems to work or not working difficult to say. At each start I still having the red message download failed and after 10 minutes or so then suddenly I got wind and Baro change. something still broken I think

  40. I’m using X Plane 10…no add-ons except a few aircraft…no weather mods. I just use X Plane 10 and click download real weather. So am I done using real weather and if so do I have any options other than preset weather themes…sounds like it won’t be fixed then. What to do…just got my rendering settings all set up to do some serious flying and now this. Advice please?

    1. You can try the NOAA Plug-In available at the .org – It works for most users. Right now there is a bug for MacOs 10.12.6 regarding the gfs files, but for everyone else, it seems to work fine and it’s donationware. I use it for v10.51

  41. Hope this patch is progressing and will be released soon

    I’m new to xplane 11 and it’s 10% better than other simulators

  42. Well, this one seems to fix the FPS issue for me.
    I had like 20 maximum at 36000 feet using 11.30/31 and now it looks like I’m back at 35/40 like it was one 11.26. Weather doesn’t seem to make them dip down either.
    Go figure… (I’m happy 🙂 )

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