If you’re at FSWeekend, say hey to our peeps there! In the meantime, we’re working to kill off the last 12.1.0 features. A few internal pics* from killing off the last features:

Author-controlled de-icing has had a series of bugs in 12.0.x. For 12.1.0 we’ve gone over it with a fine tooth comb; Alex ran the above tests with our Kingair, which has the unusual case of two overlapping de-icing zones. We’ll have updated docs, Blender exporter support, and builds for authors.

Some tests of real weather. In the first pic, the sky says clear but there’s a distant cloud…because the weather report is local.

Water turbidity is fixed for 12.1.0 and I am finishing documentation for authors. It looks like Oscar’s work on Ortho4XP is on GitHub. Please note that X-Plane 12.1.0 does not improve X-Plane 11 orthophoto water compatibility; v11 packs will only have 2-d water because their meshes are not triangulated properly for 3-d waves.
Based on the progress we done this week, I am hoping we will be able to test these features next week and start a private alpha in our developer lobby.
* Please note: these are internal pics from the developers that I am posting while the marketing team is too far away to object – literally what we were passing around while discussing the features. Don’t panic over FPS; the sim is running a debug build in those real weather pics, for example.
It just keeps getting better and better…. keep it up!
Really excellent, Ben. The whole team is to be congratulated. No questions. Just waiting patiently for a superb update.
Very clear explanation. Keep going.
Clearly you guys are pulling all the stops out. we salute you.
Has the vertical synchronization stuttering problem of NVIDIA graphics cards in windowed mode been resolved?
The pics look awesome, especially the (de-)icing. Thanks for keeping up the hard work and make XP auch a nice and realistic sim.
Windshield ice is already immersive, imho.
Awesome! Thank you for the update. Cannot wait to upgrade.
I’m looking forward to 12.1. I just hope that the ability to set the offset for the entire image by changing the value in the dataref variable will return, as it was before version 12.06 (sim/graphics/view/dome_offset_heading). Since I use X-Plane commercially in a full cockpit, switching the correct view between the person sitting on the left and right side has become impossible in the new versions. I also hope that AntiAliasing will become much more efficient – maybe some DLSS?
I think this is scheduled to come back. You’re the only one asking, but I think it is scheduled.
Will any of the ‘next gen scenery’ help with the sharp angles we see on the coasts, rivers, etc…?
Yes. By not having to improve smoothness with vector density we can improve smoothness without blowing up our VRAM budget.
You guys are doing a great job with XPlane. I’ve had to step back for a while…recently retired and moved to a smaller home. Lots of miscellaneous repairs. Almost done! AND THEN I can actually sit down at my computer and get back to flying my favorite plane and going to the airports that I flew to in real life.
What I like most about this sim is the accuracy of the flight modeling. There have been things I would have dealt with in real life (COLD engine startup, density Altitude, icy surfaces…etc) that I have rediscovered in this sim.
Things that so many others complain about, for the most part, are dependent on the hardware in their computer, and not understanding the capabilities of the many features of the software. And then, flying way beyond their actual capability.
Hey, in real life, I had a tire blow out when landing a Skyhawk at midnight at my local airport… night of July 4th, 1980. Apparently I made the right decisions in handling things.. good training and kept my wits. I’m still here.
Awesome, so glad with all updates and upgrades, not to forget better, more efficient CPU use. Keep up the good work!
Thanks – looking good. In the first of the runway pictures there are 4 orange lights near the top, with a white (runway edge?) line just below them. Should the line be continuous off into the distance, and, if not, is it an issue with anti aliasing that’s still being worked on?
* Please note: these are internal pics from the developers that I am posting while the marketing team is too far away to object.
You’re my hero!
Is the new ice on winshield effect going to be implemented as default for all aircraft?
It looks phenominal:)
No, an aircraft has to provide a rain-glass surface for us to apply the effect, so e.g. V11 aircraft don’t just get the FX by magic. I think our entire fleet is updated but I am not sure.
Well. im waiting for it patiently. If u need me for testing im here. Im A320 engineer with decades in flightsim. Love XP12, and i fly daily. So…Nice work everybody
Looking at your screenshots on runway, taxyway lines and runway/taxiway asphalt border lines are still jagged, just like on my 12.09 with MSAA turned on. Was antialiasing turned on when you took those shots? It’s my main remaining issue from upgrading from v11, where this looked ok
MSAA was off for the shots.