The X-Plane 12.1 release candidate is out today!* The last twenty four hours have been a mad dash to get the release candidate posted before we head to Las Vegas for FlightSimExpo 2024. If you are attending, stop by the X-Plane booth – there will be a bunch of us there including myself, Austin, and Marco, our new release manager.

All of this is a little bit exciting because we can’t recut the release candidate while in Las Vegas – one of the machines involved still requires a human to sit in front of it. We’ve been racing to get the RC done while we still have access to those machines, and the build system responded as you’d expect – by failing in all sorts of new ways. My plan is to just not breathe until I’m on the plane tomorrow.

(*) Because this is a release candidate you still have to check “get betas” in the installer to opt in to getting the RC; once the candidate has been out for a week, if nothing huge goes wrong, we will declare it final and it will become the official update for everyone.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

2 comments on “What Gets Released Before Vegas Stays Released in Vegas

  1. Nice to hear from you again Ben, and thanks to you and the team for all your hard work. I hope FlightSimExpo goes well for you all!

  2. I’m a relatively new developer for xPlane but have been coding C since the 80’s. I’m primarily interested in the Navigation area of xPlane and would like to report API issues but the regular bug report form doesn’t lend itself to development issues. It says contact the plugin developer for plugin issues but that is myself and I don’t seem to be of much help.

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