World Editor 2.6r1 is now available. This is the first release candidate, for which we encourage you to explore before we lock it down for release! Version 2.6 packs quite an extensive feature list. Features include :

New Shape Entities

Allowing users to define lines and polygons, and then export to .kml or .osm for use in third-party tools!

Polygonal Exclusions

A highly requested feature! (Note, these do not work on forests in current-gen scenery. The default behaviour will instead treat the defined exclusion as one large bounding box)

Terrain Objects

Some of you may have noticed that the terrain for TNCS and TFFJ in 12.1.2 looks a bit more defined. This is somewhat of an illusion, as we are still using the same base mesh that shipped in 12.0.9.

Terrain objects are designed to interface with orthophotos and create small scale 3D details.

*This is NOT a replacement/new/next-gen system for mesh-editing. But rather an additive tool that can help define more awkward structures

Dual-docking Jetway support

Another highly requested feature, WED can now support dual-docking jetways. Existing sceneries are NOT automatically ready, and must be defined by an artist first. Thanks to Michael, in a future version of X-Plane, we will push a new Gateway cut with some demo airports that are ready for dual jetways. These include (*subject to change):


Non-Integer Object String Spacings

Strings can now be defined down to the centimeter, instead of the meter… allowing for more accurate object spacing.

For WED newcomers

In the past, whenever users have attempted to open a scenery pack without an .XML file, all you got was an empty project. This was obviously confusing to users who did not know how to import the scenery files in. Now in WED 2.6, we analyze what is inside your scenery pack and offer to import the relevant files for you. If starting from a completely blank project folder, we now also give you the option to download directly from the gateway! These changes should help newcomers and seasoned artists get stuck into a project with ease!


In addition, a number of UI enhancements for users have been made available.

You can download Worldeditor 2.6r1 here: Download

You can also view a full changelog from Michael here: Full changelog

2 comments on “World Editor 2.6r1 is available!

  1. This may not be a bug but a feature no longer available but I just wanted to draw attention to: Action objects that once exhibited smoke no longer appears. Example, smoke from the exhaust pipe of a truck or steam from a chimney stack from a power plant no longer is seen. Will this feature be resumed in upcoming releases?

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