// *************************************************
// This example illustrates drawing a terrain object that moves in relation to the aircraft. In this case
// the object is located directly forward of the cockpit.
// For this example to work it is necessary to create an object in the aircraft folder. Example:
// "Aircraft/General Aviation/FP404/objects/TestObject.obj". See line 143.
// To turn the object on and off it is nececssary to place generic triggers on the panel of your aircraft keyed
// to the command: BSUB/ShowObject/TestObject and BSUB/HideObject/TestObject.
// Blue Side Up,
// Bob.
// Bob@RogerThat.ca
// *************************************************
#include "XPLMPlugin.h"
#include "XPLMDisplay.h"
#include "XPLMGraphics.h"
#include "XPLMProcessing.h"
#include "XPLMDataAccess.h"
#include "XPLMMenus.h"
#include "XPLMUtilities.h"
#include "XPWidgets.h"
#include "XPStandardWidgets.h"
#include "XPLMScenery.h"
char gBob_debstr[128];
XPLMDataRef gHeadingDataRef = NULL;
XPLMDataRef gPitchDataRef = NULL;
XPLMDataRef gRollDataRef = NULL;
XPLMDataRef CofG_refx = NULL;
XPLMDataRef CofG_refy = NULL;
XPLMDataRef CofG_refz = NULL;
XPLMCommandRef ShowObjectCommand = NULL;
XPLMCommandRef HideObjectCommand = NULL;
int ShowObjectCommandHandler(XPLMCommandRef inCommand,
XPLMCommandPhase inPhase,
void * inRefcon);
int HideObjectCommandHandler(XPLMCommandRef inCommand,
XPLMCommandPhase inPhase,
void * inRefcon);
// Used by the Draw Objects test
XPLMObjectRef gTestObject=NULL;
const float Pi = 3.14159265358979;
const float RadToDeg = 180.0 / Pi;
const float DegToRad = 1.0 / RadToDeg;
// Prototype for Draw Object tests
int DrawTestObject(XPLMDrawingPhase inPhase,
int inIsBefore,
void * inRefcon);
PLUGIN_API int XPluginStart(
char * outName,
char * outSig,
char * outDesc)
// Plugin Info
strcpy(outName, "DrawTerrainObject");
strcpy(outSig, "BlueSideUpBob.Example.DrawTerrainObject");
strcpy(outDesc, "Draw, hide, and show a terrain object that moves along with aircraft.");
// Create the test commands; these will Show/Hide the test object.
ShowObjectCommand = XPLMCreateCommand("BSUB/ShowObject/TestObject", "Show TestObject");
HideObjectCommand = XPLMCreateCommand("BSUB/HideObject/TestObject", "Hide TestObject");
// Register our custom commands
XPLMRegisterCommandHandler(ShowObjectCommand, // in Command name
ShowObjectCommandHandler, // in Handler
1, // Receive input before plugin windows.
(void *) 0); // inRefcon.
XPLMRegisterCommandHandler(HideObjectCommand, // in Command name
HideObjectCommandHandler, // in Handler
1, // Receive input before plugin windows.
(void *) 0); // inRefcon.
// Get the aicraft position
CofG_refx = XPLMFindDataRef("sim/flightmodel/position/local_x");
CofG_refy = XPLMFindDataRef("sim/flightmodel/position/local_y");
CofG_refz = XPLMFindDataRef("sim/flightmodel/position/local_z");
gHeadingDataRef = XPLMFindDataRef ("sim/flightmodel/position/psi");
gRollDataRef = XPLMFindDataRef ("sim/flightmodel/position/phi");
gPitchDataRef = XPLMFindDataRef ("sim/flightmodel/position/theta");
// This used to draw the test object.
XPLMRegisterDrawCallback( DrawTestObject, xplm_Phase_Objects, 0, 0 );
return 1;
PLUGIN_API void XPluginStop(void)
XPLMUnregisterCommandHandler(ShowObjectCommand, ShowObjectCommandHandler, 0, 0);
XPLMUnregisterCommandHandler(HideObjectCommand, HideObjectCommandHandler, 0, 0);
PLUGIN_API void XPluginDisable(void)
PLUGIN_API int XPluginEnable(void)
return 1;
PLUGIN_API void XPluginReceiveMessage(
XPLMPluginID inFromWho,
long inMessage,
void * inParam)
int ShowObjectCommandHandler( XPLMCommandRef inCommand,
XPLMCommandPhase inPhase,
void * inRefcon)
if (inPhase == 0)
gTestObject = XPLMLoadObject("Aircraft/General Aviation/FP404Master/objects/TestObject.obj");
if (gTestObject == NULL)
sprintf(gBob_debstr,"Test Object not found, inPhase %d \n", inPhase);
// Return 1 to pass the command to plugin windows and X-Plane.
// Returning 0 disables further processing by X-Plane.
// In this case we might return 0 or 1 because X-Plane does not duplicate our command.
return 0;
int HideObjectCommandHandler( XPLMCommandRef inCommand,
XPLMCommandPhase inPhase,
void * inRefcon)
if (inPhase == 0)
// Unload the imported object
return 0;
// Function for Draw Object tests
int DrawTestObject( XPLMDrawingPhase inPhase,
int inIsBefore,
void * inRefcon)
static float LongitudinalOffset = -20.0;
static float VerticalOffset = 2.0;
float AircraftHeading;
// Draw the imported object. Only do this if we have everything we need.
if (gTestObject && CofG_refx && CofG_refy && CofG_refz)
//Locate the test object by its heading.
AircraftHeading = XPLMGetDataf(gHeadingDataRef);
if (AircraftHeading <= 90)
XPLMDrawInfo_t locations[1] = { 0 };
locations[0].structSize = sizeof(XPLMDrawInfo_t);
locations[0].x = XPLMGetDatad(CofG_refx) - LongitudinalOffset * sin (AircraftHeading * DegToRad);
locations[0].y = XPLMGetDatad(CofG_refy) + VerticalOffset;
locations[0].z = XPLMGetDatad(CofG_refz) + LongitudinalOffset * cos (AircraftHeading * DegToRad);
locations[0].pitch = XPLMGetDataf(gPitchDataRef);
locations[0].heading = AircraftHeading;
locations[0].roll = XPLMGetDataf(gRollDataRef);
// Draw the object
XPLMDrawObjects(gTestObject, 1, locations, 0, 0);
return 1;
if (AircraftHeading <= 180)
XPLMDrawInfo_t locations[1] = { 0 };
locations[0].structSize = sizeof(XPLMDrawInfo_t);
locations[0].x = XPLMGetDatad(CofG_refx) - LongitudinalOffset * sin ((180 - AircraftHeading) * DegToRad);
locations[0].y = XPLMGetDatad(CofG_refy) + VerticalOffset;
locations[0].z = XPLMGetDatad(CofG_refz) - LongitudinalOffset * cos ((180 - AircraftHeading) * DegToRad);
locations[0].pitch = XPLMGetDataf(gPitchDataRef);
locations[0].heading = AircraftHeading;
locations[0].roll = XPLMGetDataf(gRollDataRef);
// Draw the object
XPLMDrawObjects(gTestObject, 1, locations, 0, 0);
return 1;
if (AircraftHeading <= 270)
XPLMDrawInfo_t locations[1] = { 0 };
locations[0].structSize = sizeof(XPLMDrawInfo_t);
locations[0].x = XPLMGetDatad(CofG_refx) + LongitudinalOffset * cos ((270 - AircraftHeading) * DegToRad);
locations[0].y = XPLMGetDatad(CofG_refy) + VerticalOffset;
locations[0].z = XPLMGetDatad(CofG_refz) - LongitudinalOffset * sin ((270 - AircraftHeading) * DegToRad);
locations[0].pitch = XPLMGetDataf(gPitchDataRef);
locations[0].heading = AircraftHeading;
locations[0].roll = XPLMGetDataf(gRollDataRef);
// Draw the object
XPLMDrawObjects(gTestObject, 1, locations, 0, 0);
return 1;
if (AircraftHeading <= 360)
XPLMDrawInfo_t locations[1] = { 0 };
locations[0].structSize = sizeof(XPLMDrawInfo_t);
locations[0].x = XPLMGetDatad(CofG_refx) + LongitudinalOffset * sin ((360 - AircraftHeading) * DegToRad);
locations[0].y = XPLMGetDatad(CofG_refy) + VerticalOffset;
locations[0].z = XPLMGetDatad(CofG_refz) + LongitudinalOffset * cos ((360 - AircraftHeading) * DegToRad);
locations[0].pitch = XPLMGetDataf(gPitchDataRef);
locations[0].heading = AircraftHeading;
locations[0].roll = XPLMGetDataf(gRollDataRef);
// Draw the object
XPLMDrawObjects(gTestObject, 1, locations, 0, 0);
return 1;
return 1;
Is it possible to draw an object inside the Cockpit such as an HUD or a separate display ?
Eu queria saber se é possível desenhar letras no chão também, voce saberia isso ?
What happened to the source code? Looks like someone checked the HTML format converted version. What is shown on this page is the same that is downloaded in the .zip file.
Wow @Laminar, it’s been 2 years since the last person asked a valid question about the broken source code in this example (HTML entities sneaked into the source code, for example & instead of & to mention one) with neither a response, nor a correction given.
This example code which most people consider to be representative, does not even comply to your own recommendation of using instancing, and instead uses deprecated methods ( XPLMDrawObjects). As you may imagine, this will stop 99% of the people who are trying to learn something about development for this simulator.