This sample plugin plays a sound whenever an airplane is loaded. It demonstrates how to use OpenAL with a context from a plugin.
This plugin can safely run while X-Plane is using OpenAL.
This plugin requires the file “sound.wav” to be in the same folder as the plugin itself.
On Linux you will need to add -lopenal to LIBS. On Windows you will need to add the OpenAL include and lib paths and add openal32.lib to the linker settings.
- Download as a project for Xcode 14 or newer (64-bit Intel)
- Download as a project for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (64-bit; requires Windows 8.1 SDK)
- Download as a project for GCC 4.x/Linux (64-bit)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "XPLMUtilities.h"
#include "XPLMProcessing.h"
#include "XPLMPlugin.h"
// OS X: we use this to convert our file path.
#if APL
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
// Your include paths for OpenAL may vary by platform.
#include <OpenAL/al.h>
#include <OpenAL/alc.h>
// You can just use alutCreateBufferFromFile to load a wave file, but there seems to be a lot of problems with
// alut not beign available, being deprecated, etc.'s a stupid routine to load a wave file. I have
// tested this only on x86 machines, so if you find a bug on PPC please let me know.
// Macros to swap endian-values.
#define SWAP_32(value) \
(((((unsigned short)value)<<8) & 0xFF00) | \
((((unsigned short)value)>>8) & 0x00FF))
#define SWAP_16(value) \
(((((unsigned int)value)<<24) & 0xFF000000) | \
((((unsigned int)value)<< 8) & 0x00FF0000) | \
((((unsigned int)value)>> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | \
((((unsigned int)value)>>24) & 0x000000FF))
// Wave files are RIFF files, which are "chunky" - each section has an ID and a length. This lets us skip
// things we can't understand to find the parts we want. This header is common to all RIFF chunks.
struct chunk_header {
int id;
int size;
// WAVE file format info. We pass this through to OpenAL so we can support mono/stereo, 8/16/bit, etc.
struct format_info {
short format; // PCM = 1, not sure what other values are legal.
short num_channels;
int sample_rate;
int byte_rate;
short block_align;
short bits_per_sample;
// This utility returns the start of data for a chunk given a range of bytes it might be within. Pass 1 for
// swapped if the machine is not the same endian as the file.
static char * find_chunk(char * file_begin, char * file_end, int desired_id, int swapped)
while(file_begin < file_end)
chunk_header * h = (chunk_header *) file_begin;
if(h->id == desired_id && !swapped)
return file_begin+sizeof(chunk_header);
if(h->id == SWAP_32(desired_id) && swapped)
return file_begin+sizeof(chunk_header);
int chunk_size = swapped ? SWAP_32(h->size) : h->size;
char * next = file_begin + chunk_size + sizeof(chunk_header);
if(next > file_end || next <= file_begin)
return NULL;
file_begin = next;
return NULL;
// Given a chunk, find its end by going back to the header.
static char * chunk_end(char * chunk_start, int swapped)
chunk_header * h = (chunk_header *) (chunk_start - sizeof(chunk_header));
return chunk_start + (swapped ? SWAP_32(h->size) : h->size);
#define FAIL(X) { XPLMDebugString(X); free(mem); return 0; }
#define RIFF_ID 0x46464952 // 'RIFF'
#define FMT_ID 0x20746D66 // 'FMT '
#define DATA_ID 0x61746164 // 'DATA'
ALuint load_wave(const char * file_name)
// First: we open the file and copy it into a single large memory buffer for processing.
FILE * fi = fopen(file_name,"rb");
if(fi == NULL)
XPLMDebugString("WAVE file load failed - could not open.\n");
return 0;
int file_size = ftell(fi);
char * mem = (char*) malloc(file_size);
if(mem == NULL)
XPLMDebugString("WAVE file load failed - could not allocate memory.\n");
return 0;
if (fread(mem, 1, file_size, fi) != file_size)
XPLMDebugString("WAVE file load failed - could not read file.\n");
return 0;
char * mem_end = mem + file_size;
// Second: find the RIFF chunk. Note that by searching for RIFF both normal
// and reversed, we can automatically determine the endian swap situation for
// this file regardless of what machine we are on.
int swapped = 0;
char * riff = find_chunk(mem, mem_end, RIFF_ID, 0);
if(riff == NULL)
riff = find_chunk(mem, mem_end, RIFF_ID, 1);
swapped = 1;
FAIL("Could not find RIFF chunk in wave file.\n")
// The wave chunk isn't really a chunk at all. :-( It's just a "WAVE" tag
// followed by more chunks. This strikes me as totally inconsistent, but
// anyway, confirm the WAVE ID and move on.
if (riff[0] != 'W' ||
riff[1] != 'A' ||
riff[2] != 'V' ||
riff[3] != 'E')
FAIL("Could not find WAVE signature in wave file.\n")
char * format = find_chunk(riff+4, chunk_end(riff,swapped), FMT_ID, swapped);
if(format == NULL)
FAIL("Could not find FMT chunk in wave file.\n")
// Find the format chunk, and swap the values if needed. This gives us our real format.
format_info * fmt = (format_info *) format;
fmt->format = SWAP_16(fmt->format);
fmt->num_channels = SWAP_16(fmt->num_channels);
fmt->sample_rate = SWAP_32(fmt->sample_rate);
fmt->byte_rate = SWAP_32(fmt->byte_rate);
fmt->block_align = SWAP_16(fmt->block_align);
fmt->bits_per_sample = SWAP_16(fmt->bits_per_sample);
// Reject things we don't understand...expand this code to support weirder audio formats.
if(fmt->format != 1) FAIL("Wave file is not PCM format data.\n")
if(fmt->num_channels != 1 && fmt->num_channels != 2) FAIL("Must have mono or stereo sound.\n")
if(fmt->bits_per_sample != 8 && fmt->bits_per_sample != 16) FAIL("Must have 8 or 16 bit sounds.\n")
char * data = find_chunk(riff+4, chunk_end(riff,swapped), DATA_ID, swapped) ;
if(data == NULL)
FAIL("I could not find the DATA chunk.\n")
int sample_size = fmt->num_channels * fmt->bits_per_sample / 8;
int data_bytes = chunk_end(data,swapped) - data;
int data_samples = data_bytes / sample_size;
// If the file is swapped and we have 16-bit audio, we need to endian-swap the audio too or we'll
// get something that sounds just astoundingly bad!
if(fmt->bits_per_sample == 16 && swapped)
short * ptr = (short *) data;
int words = data_samples * fmt->num_channels;
*ptr = SWAP_16(*ptr);
// Finally, the OpenAL crud. Build a new OpenAL buffer and send the data to OpenAL, passing in
// OpenAL format enums based on the format chunk.
ALuint buf_id = 0;
alGenBuffers(1, &buf_id);
if(buf_id == 0) FAIL("Could not generate buffer id.\n");
alBufferData(buf_id, fmt->bits_per_sample == 16 ?
(fmt->num_channels == 2 ? AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 : AL_FORMAT_MONO16) :
(fmt->num_channels == 2 ? AL_FORMAT_STEREO8 : AL_FORMAT_MONO8),
data, data_bytes, fmt->sample_rate);
return buf_id;
static ALuint snd_src =0; // Sample source and buffer - this is one "sound" we play.
static ALuint snd_buffer =0;
static float pitch = 1.0f; // Start with 1.0 pitch - no pitch shift.
static ALCdevice * my_dev = NULL; // We make our own device and context to play sound through.
static ALCcontext * my_ctx = NULL;
// This is a stupid logging error function...useful for debugging, but not good error checking.
static void CHECK_ERR(void)
ALuint e = alGetError();
if (e != AL_NO_ERROR)
printf("ERROR: %d\n", e);
// Mac specific: this converts file paths from HFS (which we get from the SDK) to Unix (which the OS wants).
// See this for more info:
#if APL
int ConvertPath(const char * inPath, char * outPath, int outPathMaxLen) {
CFStringRef inStr = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, inPath ,kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
if (inStr == NULL)
return -1;
CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, inStr, kCFURLHFSPathStyle,0);
CFStringRef outStr = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
if (!CFStringGetCString(outStr, outPath, outPathMaxLen, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle))
return -1;
return 0;
// Initialization code.
static float init_sound(float elapsed, float elapsed_sim, int counter, void * ref)
char buf[2048];
// We have to save the old context and restore it later, so that we don't interfere with X-Plane
// and other plugins.
ALCcontext * old_ctx = alcGetCurrentContext();
// Try to create our own default device and context. If we fail, we're dead, we won't play any sound.
my_dev = alcOpenDevice(NULL);
if(my_dev == NULL)
XPLMDebugString("Could not open the default OpenAL device.\n");
return 0;
my_ctx = alcCreateContext(my_dev, NULL);
if(my_ctx == NULL)
my_dev = NULL;
XPLMDebugString("Could not create a context.\n");
return 0;
// Make our context current, so that OpenAL commands affect our, um, stuff.
ALfloat zero[3] = { 0 } ;
// Build a path to "sound.wav" in our parent directory.
char dirchar = *XPLMGetDirectorySeparator();
XPLMGetPluginInfo(XPLMGetMyID(), NULL, buf, NULL, NULL);
char * p = buf;
char * slash = p;
if(*p==dirchar) slash = p;
#if APL
// Generate 1 source and load a buffer of audio.
snd_buffer = load_wave(buf);
// Basic initializtion code to play a sound: specify the buffer the source is playing, as well as some
// sound parameters. This doesn't play the sound - it's just one-time initialization.
alSourcefv(snd_src,AL_POSITION, zero);
alSourcefv(snd_src,AL_VELOCITY, zero);
// Finally: put back the old context _if_ we had one. If old_ctx was null, X-Plane isn't using OpenAL.
return 0.0f;
PLUGIN_API int XPluginStart(char * name, char * sig, char * desc)
strcpy(name,"OpenAL Sound Demo");
strcpy(desc,"Demonstrates sound playback with OpenAL.");
if( sizeof(unsigned int) != 4 ||
sizeof(unsigned short) != 2)
XPLMDebugString("This example plugin was compiled with a compiler with weird type sizes.\n");
return 0;
// Do deferred sound initialization. See
// for more info.
return 1;
PLUGIN_API void XPluginStop(void)
// Cleanup: nuke our context if we have it. This is hacky and bad - we should really destroy
// our buffers and sources. I have _no_ idea if OpenAL will leak memory.
if(my_ctx) alcDestroyContext(my_ctx);
if(my_dev) alcCloseDevice(my_dev);
my_ctx = NULL;
my_dev = NULL;
PLUGIN_API int XPluginEnable(void)
return 1;
PLUGIN_API void XPluginDisable(void)
PLUGIN_API void XPluginReceiveMessage(XPLMPluginID from, int msg, void * p)
switch(msg) {
// An example of actually playing the sound. First we change to our
// context, then we play the sound at pitch, then we change the context back.
// We check for null contexts both for us (our init failed) and the old context
// (X-plane's sound failed).
ALCcontext * old_ctx = alcGetCurrentContext();
pitch *= 1.1f;