The XPLMPlanes APIs allow you to control the various aircraft in X-Plane, both the user’s and the sim’s.

Note: unlike almost all other APIs in the SDK, aircraft paths are full file system paths for historical reasons. You’ll need to prefix all relative paths with the X-Plane path as accessed via XPLMGetSystemPath.



XPLM_API void       XPLMSetUsersAircraft(
                         const char *         inAircraftPath);

This routine changes the user’s aircraft. Note that this will reinitialize the user to be on the nearest airport’s first runway. Pass in a full path (hard drive and everything including the .acf extension) to the .acf file.


XPLM_API void       XPLMPlaceUserAtAirport(
                         const char *         inAirportCode);

This routine places the user at a given airport. Specify the airport by its X-Plane airport ID (e.g. ‘KBOS’).


XPLM_API void       XPLMPlaceUserAtLocation(
                         double               latitudeDegrees,
                         double               longitudeDegrees,
                         float                elevationMetersMSL,
                         float                headingDegreesTrue,
                         float                speedMetersPerSecond);

Places the user at a specific location after performing any necessary scenery loads.

As with in-air starts initiated from the X-Plane user interface, the aircraft will always start with its engines running, regardless of the user’s preferences (i.e., regardless of what the dataref sim/operation/prefs/startup_running says).




The user’s aircraft is always index 0.


This structure contains additional plane parameter info to be passed to draw plane. Make sure to fill in the size of the structure field with sizeof(XPLMDrawPlaneState_t) so that the XPLM can tell how many fields you knew about when compiling your plugin (since more fields may be added later).

Most of these fields are ratios from 0 to 1 for control input. X-Plane calculates what the actual controls look like based on the .acf file for that airplane. Note for the yoke inputs, this is what the pilot of the plane has commanded (post artificial stability system if there were one) and affects ailerons, rudder, etc. It is not necessarily related to the actual position of the plane’s surfaces!

typedef struct {
     // The size of the draw state struct.
     int                       structSize;
     // A ratio from [0..1] describing how far the landing gear is extended.
     float                     gearPosition;
     // Ratio of flap deployment, 0 = up, 1 = full deploy.
     float                     flapRatio;
     // Ratio of spoiler deployment, 0 = none, 1 = full deploy.
     float                     spoilerRatio;
     // Ratio of speed brake deployment, 0 = none, 1 = full deploy.
     float                     speedBrakeRatio;
     // Ratio of slat deployment, 0 = none, 1 = full deploy.
     float                     slatRatio;
     // Wing sweep ratio, 0 = forward, 1 = swept.
     float                     wingSweep;
     // Thrust power, 0 = none, 1 = full fwd, -1 = full reverse.
     float                     thrust;
     // Total pitch input for this plane.
     float                     yokePitch;
     // Total Heading input for this plane.
     float                     yokeHeading;
     // Total Roll input for this plane.
     float                     yokeRoll;
} XPLMPlaneDrawState_t;


XPLM_API void       XPLMCountAircraft(
                         int *                outTotalAircraft,
                         int *                outActiveAircraft,
                         XPLMPluginID *       outController);

This function returns the number of aircraft X-Plane is capable of having, as well as the number of aircraft that are currently active. These numbers count the user’s aircraft. It can also return the plugin that is currently controlling aircraft. In X-Plane 7, this routine reflects the number of aircraft the user has enabled in the rendering options window.


XPLM_API void       XPLMGetNthAircraftModel(
                         int                  inIndex,
                         char *               outFileName,
                         char *               outPath);

This function returns the aircraft model for the Nth aircraft. Indices are zero based, with zero being the user’s aircraft. The file name should be at least 256 chars in length; the path should be at least 512 chars in length.


The following routines require exclusive access to the airplane APIs. Only one plugin may have this access at a time.


typedef void (* XPLMPlanesAvailable_f)(
                         void *               inRefcon);

Your airplanes available callback is called when another plugin gives up access to the multiplayer planes. Use this to wait for access to multiplayer.


XPLM_API int        XPLMAcquirePlanes(
                         char **              inAircraft,    /* Can be NULL */
                         XPLMPlanesAvailable_f inCallback,
                         void *               inRefcon);

XPLMAcquirePlanes grants your plugin exclusive access to the aircraft. It returns 1 if you gain access, 0 if you do not.

inAircraft - pass in an array of pointers to strings specifying the planes you want loaded. For any plane index you do not want loaded, pass a 0-length string. Other strings should be full paths with the .acf extension. NULL terminates this array, or pass NULL if there are no planes you want loaded.

If you pass in a callback and do not receive access to the planes your callback will be called when the airplanes are available. If you do receive airplane access, your callback will not be called.


XPLM_API void       XPLMReleasePlanes(void);

Call this function to release access to the planes. Note that if you are disabled, access to planes is released for you and you must reacquire it.


XPLM_API void       XPLMSetActiveAircraftCount(
                         int                  inCount);

This routine sets the number of active planes. If you pass in a number higher than the total number of planes availables, only the total number of planes available is actually used.


XPLM_API void       XPLMSetAircraftModel(
                         int                  inIndex,
                         const char *         inAircraftPath);

This routine loads an aircraft model. It may only be called if you have exclusive access to the airplane APIs. Pass in the path of the model with the .acf extension. The index is zero based, but you may not pass in 0 (use XPLMSetUsersAircraft to load the user’s aircracft).


XPLM_API void       XPLMDisableAIForPlane(
                         int                  inPlaneIndex);

This routine turns off X-Plane’s AI for a given plane. The plane will continue to draw and be a real plane in X-Plane, but will not move itself.


XPLM_API void       XPLMDrawAircraft(
                         int                  inPlaneIndex,
                         float                inX,
                         float                inY,
                         float                inZ,
                         float                inPitch,
                         float                inRoll,
                         float                inYaw,
                         int                  inFullDraw,
                         XPLMPlaneDrawState_t * inDrawStateInfo);

WARNING: Aircraft drawing via this API is deprecated and WILL NOT WORK in future versions of X-Plane. Use XPLMInstance for 3-d drawing of custom aircraft models.

This routine draws an aircraft. It can only be called from a 3-d drawing callback. Pass in the position of the plane in OpenGL local coordinates and the orientation of the plane. A 1 for full drawing indicates that the whole plane must be drawn; a 0 indicates you only need the nav lights drawn. (This saves rendering time when planes are far away.)


XPLM_API void       XPLMReinitUsersPlane(void);

WARNING: DO NOT USE. Use XPLMPlaceUserAtAirport or XPLMPlaceUserAtLocation.

This function recomputes the derived flight model data from the aircraft structure in memory. If you have used the data access layer to modify the aircraft structure, use this routine to resynchronize X-Plane; since X-Plane works at least partly from derived values, the sim will not behave properly until this is called.

WARNING: this routine does not necessarily place the airplane at the airport; use XPLMSetUsersAircraft to be compatible. This routine is provided to do special experimentation with flight models without resetting flight.