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Wing properties. These give you the most specific access to control surfaces (for example, these include variable flaps with roll and pitch). The wings are indexed as: wing 1 left, wing 1 right .. wing 4 left, wing 4 right, left hstab, right hstab, rudders 1 and 2, then the 20 misc wings, for 32 indices.
Deflection of the aileron from set #1 on this wing. Degrees, positive is trailing-edge down. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+
Deflection of the aileron from set #2 on this wing. Degrees, positive is trailing-edge down. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+
The dihedral increase BEYOND DEFAULT of this wing... this would only have a non-zero value for planes like the Navy F-4 which can fold up the outer wing panels. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00 - v9.99
The sweep increase BEYOND DEFAULT of this wing... this would only have a non-zero value for planes like the F-14 which can sweep their wings. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00 - v9.99
Per-element data, 10 per wing x 32 wings.
Per element condensation ratio
Type: float as a ratio
Valid v11.30+
Increased incidence Dimension is {dim}.
Type: float in <9>>
Valid v12.00+
Per element - is this element stalled?
Type: float as a boolean
Valid v11.40+
Width of chord at the MAC.
Type: float in meters
Valid v11.30+
per element surface area
Type: float in square_meters
Valid v11.30+
Deflection of the elevator from set #1 on this wing. Degrees, positive is trailing-edge down. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+
Deflection of the elevator from set #2 on this wing. Degrees, positive is trailing-edge down. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+
Deflection of the flap from set #1 on this wing. Degrees, positive is trailing-edge down. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+
Deflection of the flap from set #2 on this wing. Degrees, positive is trailing-edge down. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+
Deflection of the rudder from set #1 on this wing. Degrees, positive is trailing-edge right. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+
Deflection of the rudder from set #2 on this wing. Degrees, positive is trailing-edge right. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+
Deflection of the speedbrakes from set #1 on this wing. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+
Deflection of the speedbrakes from set #2 on this wing. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+
Deflection of the roll-spoilerfrom set #1 on this wing. Degrees, positive is trailing-edge down. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+
Deflection of the roll-spoilerfrom set #1 on this wing. Degrees, positive is trailing-edge down. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+
Strength of wing condensation for this wing, 0 is none, 1 = max Dimension is by wing.
Type: float as a ratio
Valid v11.30+
Strength of wing tip vapor trail for this wing, 0 is none, 1 = max Dimension is by wing.
Type: float as a ratio
Valid v11.30+
Degrees of deflection of a line from the wing root (extended to the plane centerline) to the tip.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v10.00+
Deflection of the yaw-brake on this wing. A yaw-brake is a set of spoilers on the top and bottom of the wing that split open symmetrically to drag that wing aft and yaw the plane. They are used on the B-2, for example. Dimension is by wing.
Type: float in degrees
Valid v9.00+