FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Columbia, SC. Laminar Research announced today that in a surprising board room coup, the company is terminating owner, CEO, president-for-life and benevolent dictator Austin Meyer’s employment, effective immediately.
Randy Witt, VP of marketing, stated: “We couldn’t actually fire him because he owns the company, so instead we locked him in the first floor bathroom of his house. As far as we know the bathroom doesn’t have net connectivity, so he should be out of our hair. We left him some magazines.”
While many long-time X-Plane users were surprised that Mr. Meyer, who has worked on every version of X-Plane since version 1 and was the only X-Plane developer for the first 7 versions of the product, would be terminated so swiftly, others saw it coming. “We knew we had a problem a year or two ago when Austin started talking about plausibility all the time,” recalls Alex Gifford, Laminar’s resident mad scientist and autogen developer. “I had a really wonderful pig with a camera mounted on its head, but we couldn’t use it because it isn’t ‘plausible’ that such a pig would walk down the streets of New York. I thought to myself: the X-Plane I knew and loved would never have shied at putting random animals, some perhaps heavily armed, all over the sim. Just look at X-Plane 9!”
Senior grumpy software engineer Chris Serio concurs. “He wanted to remove the deer that randomly run across the runway at major class B airports. We begged him not to. We just looked at each other and said ‘who is this guy and what happened to the Austin we once knew?'”
But the final straw was Mr. Meyer’s early April 1st prank, stating that X-Plane would become a casual flying game similar to Microsoft’s recently released “Flight” product.
Barista-in-chief Ben Supnik describes the scene: “We were just appalled. I mean, publicly mocking our competition, preferably without using their actual products, while our own product has serious known bugs is standard operating procedure for Laminar Research. But the early release of the announcement was just unacceptable. Laminar has always been about missing deadlines, sometimes by several years. The notion that such a statement would come out over a full week early was just too much for us to bear.”
When asked how X-Plane might change in Mr. Meyer’s absence, Mr. Supnik hinted that the company would move to a table-based flight model with “at least four or five data points”, and that, with plausibility no longer a necessary design goal, the company was looking to license Skyrim as its rendering engine.
Posted in News
Ben Supnik |
X-Plane 10.05r1 is now available – click “get betas” and run the installer’s update function to get it. This is a really tiny patch; we needed to fix language on the 32-bit Windows warning, and we took the opportunity to fix hard cockpit walls and the carrier landing while we were at it.
Everything we’ve discussed on this blog for the upcoming beta is coming – but for a future patch in a few weeks. That will be a major patch with a multi-week beta period and real enhancements to the sim. We’re already deep into development on this work; the 10.05 micro-patch is just a quick build to fix a few tiny bugs.
I expect us to go final with 10.05 in a day or two – there are only two code changes, so it should be quick to find any possible problems.
X-Plane 10.04 went final yesterday – as always there’s one bug that gets by you. In our case, “solid” cockpits (cockpits that constrain the camera so you can’t move through walls) are inoperative.
At this point it looks like we will do a tiny micro-patch to make 10.05 that fixes this and puts some new strings into the app. Honestly if we didn’t have string changes, I’d probably wait for the next real patch for the cockpit fix, but I believe that it is a low risk change if we must cut the app anyway. The main goal of 10.05 is to get the language just right in some of the dialog boxes for the next set of DVD masters.
The amount of change from 10.04 to 10.05 will be very tiny – comparable to 10.04 rc2 to 10.04 rc3 – literally one or two lines of code changed total.
In the meantime we are working in parallel on the next big patch.
Work on 64 bits is underway – I do not believe it will be available in the next big patch, and we have not specified any date (soon or far away). Simply put, I am staying out of the business of release dates for work like this. Our internal estimates have huge margins of error, due to the many unknowns of the process, and I don’t think we make anyone happy by saying when the feature will be available and then being wrong.
Who Will Use 64 Bits
When X-Plane or the installer checks for updates, it sends an identifier (called a “user agent”) to the server. This is a standard part of HTTP and all web browsers and web-communicating programs do this; our servers (we use Apache, like most of the universe) keep a log of the “user agents” calling in, which can tell you what web browsers and other programs are requesting web pages.
Here is an example of two user agent strings from a real access to our web page:
Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2
As you can see, Safari and Firefox are both identifying what version they are and what operating system they are running on. This means the website owner can tell how many people are viewing with older browsers or tablets/mobile phones, and optimize the layout of the site accordingly.
Here’s what X-Plane looks like when it calls up our web server:
X-Plane 10.04r3-3-IBM6.1_64
For as long as we have had auto-check-for-update, X-Plane has include the operating system in its user agent string, just like web browsers do. This means that we can tell the approximate operating system split by looking at the user agent strings on the server.
With X-Plane 10.04 we have moved to the more complete string you see above – in particular, it includes whether the version of Windows is a 32 or 64 bit edition. (The above string comes from Windows 7 64-bit. Why Windows 7 is versioned 6.1 is beyond me. The extra “3” is an indication that the user has a full global edition of the sim – this is a paying user running on Windows 7 64-bit.
So I can tell you that at least for users who have updated to 10.04r3:
- The platform split for full copies of X-Plane remains about 63% Windows, 32% Mac, 5% Linux.
- Among full-copy Windows users, about 85% are on a 64 bit Os – that is a surprise to me, but a good one – it means a lot of users will be able to utilize the 64-bit port. (Among demo users it’s about 75% 64-bit.)
Uh, What Do You Guys Do With This Information?
Not much. We didn’t actually set out to do a hardware survey – rather we put a user agent string into the installer when we first wrote it, because it’s required by the protocol. Apache logs user agents by default, so it was only after running the installer a while that we realized that we could “mine” the log for platform information.
We do not:
- Try to correlate these user agent logs with customer information in any way.
- Archive the logs permanently – as anyone who admins a web server knows, the logs get very big, so the server keeps a few weeks of records, then throws them out. Our only change from the default Apache config is to cut down the retention time because our server gets a lot of traffic.
- Send any personally identifying information in the user agent string or otherwise. The server logs incoming IP addresses, but this is not part of our installer – all web servers know the IP address of the incoming requests; logging them at least temporarily is necessary to be able to identify the source of a web attack should one occur.
First: X-Plane 10.04 rc3 is live – please grab it – make sure to check “get betas” to get this patch! (If you are already using 10.04 betas, simply go to the About box to update.) Because this is a release candidate (we think it’s good to go but we’re not sure) you must still check “get betas” – that check box should really be “get crazy experimental stuff that is not yet officially released to the world.”
I think we are reaching the point where we can slow down the rate of patches just a bit. Like past X-Plane releases, the first patches came out fast and furious, because we wanted to get critical bug fixes to as many users as possible. We are now reaching a point where we can slow down and get more done between each beta, which I think will mean better rate of improvement for the sim overall.
Of course, if we get a really huge bug fix (e.g. an ATI performance boost or a fix for NVidia start hangs) we’ll cut a tiny patch off of 10.04 immediately; our source control system lets us do an incremental update very easily.
So with the next patch we will be able to work on some bigger bugs:
- I think the next patch won’t be a full 64-bit patch, but it will contain a lot of the ground-work to get 64-bit working. We’ve already started on this code; by splitting it over two patches we can more rapidly deal with any kind of incompatibility introduced by the newer code. (Our goal is of course to make sure that any machine running 10.04 can run the 32-bit version of X-Plane when we support both bit depths.)
- Austin received a lot of feedback about the UI while we were in Mallorca, and he has already started this work, although I am not sure what will be released when.
- I will be digging into “Galloping Gertie” (our internal name for the many weird shapes the roads take when the road-placement code goes haywire). This is going to require some pretty major work to the road generation code, but of course it’s a critical fix.
- While the volume of complaints about performance have gone down, there are still one or two performance tuning changes I want to get into the sim.
There are only about four things I work on when I am in the office: performance, fixing bugs, developer tools, and the installer. Hopefully with 10.04 installer work is done for a while and I can get one major area off my plate. This should leave more time for developer tools and documents, which I try to leave a fixed amount of time for every week.
I just posted new versions of the installers with a few bug fixes. Let me try to clarify the situation.
The X-Plane installer and updater have been merged. The installer is now capable of updating. One app does it all now.
- If you bought a copy of X-Plane, use the X-Plane installer to update your copy of X-Plane. It will require a DVD or USB key, just like X-Plane does.*
- If you are just trying the demo of X-Plane, re-run the demo installer – it will update your demo.
- Or, easiest of all: just go to the “About Box” in X-Plane and let X-Plane check for updates and run the entire process. Simple!
The newest installer is here; if you haven’t bought X-Plane 10, the demo installer is here.
* Why does the full product require a DVD or USB key to update? The answer is that it will download files that are only part of the full installation, not just files that are part of the demo. This is part of our migration toward being able to update scenery and other full-sim features online.
Announcements on the plethora of betas that went up this weekend.
Edit: beta 5 is temporarily offline while we resolve a missing scenery texture. So you’ll get beta 4 if you update.
X-Plane 10.04 beta 5 is now available. Release notes here. I think we will be winding down the 10.04 patch in the next week and going on to 10.05. There are a number of cosmetic bugs that I hope to get fixed shortly; it looks like they’ll have to go into 10.05 and not 10.04.
What’s the logic behind this patching? Basically we’re going to keep doing small patches until we get a certain set of bugs fixed – bugs that we think are important and that we can fix without tearing the sim to bits. The patch runs sometimes have to be closed off to burn new DVD masters* (this is the case with 10.04). In all cases, if you don’t want to deal with beta chaos, you can ignore the betas and get a new patch every few weeks with a little more performance and a few more bugs fixed.
I spent some time yesterday retuning cloud performance and the effect of the cloud rendering setting. Besides trying to find a better performance-quality trade-off point, the old slider had way too much range on it. It defaulted to 50%, but that 50% point really represented “a good setting for a high end gaming desktop”; going past that would put you into the range of “this isn’t ever a good idea, but the engine can do this without crashing”. The side effect was that running at 25% clouds (a very reasonable setting) would feel demoralizing because the setting scale was so vast.
The new scale marks a “100%” point at about where I would put it for high quality if you’re just sitting on GPU power (e.g. small screen, nice GPU). You might still want to turn it down for performance reasons. The range from 100%-150% is highly experimental land…if you want to turn it up to eleven, we’re not going to stop you.
WorldEditor Developer Preview
There is now a binary build of WED 1.2 (download here). This is a developer preview: WED is still in environment and doesn’t meet the criteria for beta software. Basically: do feel free to poke around with it, but don’t use it on your real work. Don’t edit your scenery packs with it – make a copy first. WED 1.2 has not been tested enough to use for production yet!
The main feature of interest is ATC taxiway editing: WED 1.2 contains complete support for taxiway networks, as well as “flow” information to control the direction of operations. A number of weird ATC bugs actually stem from the automatically generated taxi layouts that X-Plane produces when the apt.dat layout contains no taxi information. By providing a custom layout, you can get the AI planes to behave quite a bit better.
* We periodically re-burn the disc 1 master to put the latest sim on it whenever we are preparing new DVD inventory. If you have an old DVD, please do not panic! Once the updater is run, the sim looks the same no matter which DVD you have.
10.04 Beta 4 was released last night. The changelog can be found here as usual. Remember, you have to run the updater with the box checked that tells it you WANT to participate in the beta testing in order to get this version. Bug reports go here!
Posted in News
Chris Serio |
X-Plane 10.03 beta 4 is out – just a few unrelated notes:
- Legacy scenery packs should work – I’ll write that up in detail in another blog post.
- If you have Paris or Denver installed, you need to update using the newest updater (version 3.02). If you update from the About Box, you get this version automatically. But if you have a version of the updater already on your hard drive, get a new one here.
- If your third party add-on worked in v9 and is still not in working in v10, please file a bug if you have not done so already. If you did file a bug, please bear with us – we’re killing off compatibility bugs with each patch, but there are still some major ones out there. (For example, I have on my plate to fix some bugs with OBJ materials that affect a lot of airplanes.)
And I meant to link to this: everything you ever wanted to know about global scenery but were afraid to ask.
I have a number of technical issues to cover relating to v10 scenery, so I’ll try to increase the blog post frequency to get through it all over the next week or two.
The short answer is: I think it will be fixed for everyone in 24 hours, but less if you want to get it by hand. Here’s the whole story:
The Paris DSF rendered incorrectly when we cut the global scenery. We discovered this after we cut the global scenery DVDs, but before they shipped out to users. I found the bug in the DSF generator (it was an error in airport processing) and fixed Paris and 5 other tiles. This was a top priority fix – it’s been fixed for probably two weeks now.
The Paris DSF is included in the X-Plane 10.02 beta series – that is, it has been available for over a week!
But here’s where things go sideways: since we’ve never updated global scenery before, you need a new updater to actually get the file. And what I am just realizing now is: while you need the X-Plane 3.02 updater to get the file, everyone is using the 3.01 updater, which doesn’t know to grab the Paris fix if you have Paris installed from DVD.
Hang on one second while I bash my head on my desk.
Okay. So there are two ways you can get your Paris fixed.
The Fast Way
If you want Paris fixed now, do this:
- Get the X-Plane Updater from here.
- Run the updater on your copy of X-Plane.
Paris should be fixed, at least I think.
The Easy Way
If you have already installed global secnery for Paris and you do nothing now, but get beta 4 when it comes out, X-Plane will use the latest updater to get beta 4 and you’ll get Paris anyway. I expect beta 4 tomorrow…maybe Monday at the latest.
If your joystick throttle axis won’t move the throttle (but will move in the axis tab) it could be that the autothrottle is on – autothrottle state appears to be saved across sim runs and airplanes in X-Plane 10. I am investigating this and we should have a fix soon, but in the meantime if you’re stuck, you may have to open a plane with an autothrottle on the panel (or use a key command) to turn it off.
Posted in News
Ben Supnik |