So I just realized that it’s been a full month since I’ve posted anything on the dev blog, which is a bit ridiculous since we’re working on a ton of stuff for 10.10 and a number of announcements have also come out in the computer industry. I’ll try to catch up on various topics over the next week.
Where Is 10.10???
I’m pretty sure that that’s the money question: where is 10.10? The answer is: we are working on it, mainly fixing bugs pre-beta. When will the public beta program start? I don’t know – that will be determined by how quickly we can knock out some of the current bugs. My view is that it’s a waste of everyone’s time to go beta on 10.10 with known bugs that we can fix without going beta – going beta too soon means users waste their own time reporting bugs we know about, and we are distracted from fixing those bugs with the task of going through the duplicate reports.
64 Bit – Not Yet!
I think we’ve described this road map before, but in case there is any confusion let me be absolutely clear:
X-Plane 10.10 will not be 64 bit!
We have already made significant progress toward a 64-bit X-Plane and we will continue working on this front. But the plan was never to ship 10.10 with 64 bit support. Rather, X-Plane 10.10 ships with a number of changes to our compilers (as well as a ton of other stuff). The next major patch (10.20) will support 64 bit on all three platforms at once, and we will know that any problems will be due to the 64-bit-ness (and not the changes to compiler, runtime, makefiles etc.) because those will have been vetted in 10.10.
The reason to ship 10.10 in 32-bit is to get out all of the other changes we’ve made so far.
What’s In 10.10
This is not a complete feature list – when we do the first public beta we’ll run through our source control log to scrape out all changes. But here are some fairly big things:
- Austin is putting new UI into the sim for flight setup and airplane selection.
- Roads don’t shoot up in the sky anymore – crazy road grids was always a problem in how X-Plane showed the data, not the data itself. This change may also improve the stability of the sim.
- Chris has integrated “breakpad“, an open source automatic crash reporting system. The vast majority of the bug reports we receive are crash reports, and of them, the vast majority are missing critical files we need to understand what crashed. Automatic crash reporting should both save users time in reporting (you just have to click “ok” when X-Plane asks you if you want to send the bug to LR) and let us dig in with complete file information.
- 10.10 includes faster clouds on ATI hardware on Windows.
- This build moves us to new compiler setup – while this is an internal change, it should mean faster load times on Windows.
- 10.10 fixes some stability problems in 10.05r1. I don’t think the early betas will be great for long flights, but I think 10.10 will in total be better on this front. (But note: a lot of the crash reports we get are due to running out of memory. You can’t run X-Plane at the edge of your memory limits for 10 hours of flight – at some point it will go over. This particularly applies to Mac users.)
- Chris has rewritten the low level joystick code; while this was suppose to be ‘just the hardware’ code (with new UI coming in 10.20) it looks like one aspect will go live in 10.10: you can plug and unplug your joysticks while you fly without restarting the sim.
The artists have been working this entire time and we’ve built up a pretty good pile of art assets to ship too – I’m not going to try to enumerate them right now because I’m not up to date on what they’ve created.
Third Party Airplanes
One goal I have for 10.10 is to close out all of the bugs that are stopping authors from converting their payware add-on planes from X-Plane 9 to 10. Some of these are already fixed and some are still on my todo list. I’ll post more about some of the stickier remaining issues in another post.
This post will pretty much only be of interest to Linux users – everyone else, talk amongst yourselves. Topic of discussion: is neither a plane nor a communist. (Sorry, work on the road processing code has drained me of any remaining sanity.)
Linux History
The brief history of X-Plane for Linux is that Joshua Wise ported X-Plane to Linux a while ago because he felt like it (and being too young to drive at the time, apparently had some free time). The Linux port was never a commercial effort. – Laminar Research didn’t say “we’ll make a ton of money by porting to Linux, so let’s hire someone”. It just sort of happened. (Well, I wasn’t in the room so I don’t know exactly what was said.)
Linux has steadily represented about 5% of our user base from that point on, and this gets to the “commercial problem” of Linux: even with the work we do to try to keep platform specific code in X-Plane to a minimum, Linux sales don’t justify the development cost to maintain the platform.
Yet there still is a Linux version of X-Plane. We keep renewing the Linux port for “one more version” because while the Linux community doesn’t buy a ton of copies of X-Plane, Linux users do contribute in an outsized way by providing code back to the scenery tools and other development efforts. In other words, the Linux community doesn’t contribute dollars, but they contribute a lot of code.
Code Contributions
This came up during the X-Plane 9 and 10 Linux discussions. Our primary request to Linux users has been “please support each other”. There are too many Linux distributions for us to provide support; our dedicated support staff does not even have Linux expertise, so Linux support immediately hits engineering.
While a number of Linux users have really done a great job of helping other users out, another issue came up. One of the ways we try to minimize Linux-specific costs is to keep the OS-specific code very basic and rudimentary. In the past we’ve taken patches from users to fix OS specific bugs, but this is an awkward process at best.
Some Linux users asked if we could find a way to release source to the OS-specific parts of X-Plane so that they could improve the Linux-specific code (and thus the platform-specific experience) themselves. Right now this is a very awkward process: I have to tell the user “give me a snippet that does X” and then hope that I can get the snippet integrated and tested on my own.
One of the suggestions that came up at the time was to separate out some of the code that abstracts the OS/hardware so that Linux users could patch it more easily.
A Hard Abstraction
Separating out the platform specific code is a good idea, but it wasn’t one we were going to drop everything to pursue – if we did, the end result would be no improvement to X-Plane after some number of weeks of heavy development. Instead, we are slowly moving the code in this direction as we work on it.
The first code to get a work-over is the joystick code; Chris has been refactoring the joystick code for a few weeks now. 10.10 won’t show you any new behavior; it runs the existing UI on top of new low level code. Once we are sure this works, Chris can implement a bunch of new joystick UI features on top of the new low level code quite easily.
The new joystick code separates out the OS-specific joystick interface code from the rest of X-Plane. In the long term, this will make it practical for us to share the hardware abstraction code with users as source, take patches, and even allow developers to swap it out on their local development machines via a shared object. We’re not there yet with this level of flexibility, but the new code makes these things possible.
You Can Keep Your Hat On
There is one immediate win to the new code that will be apparent to Linux users in X-Plane 10.10: the new code (which is based on input.h instead of joystick.h) recognizes hat switches as a set of buttons, rather than a pair of axes; this is almost certainly better from a UI configuration standpoint.
I fear one of the main points of my last post was perhaps lost in the excited discussion of how to cope with conflicting crowd-sourced airport submissions. The engineering principle is:
Fix real bugs, not hypothetical bugs. Solve real problems, not hypothetical problems.
By this I mean: it’s invaluable to wait until you actually have evidence of a problem before you design the solution. Without a real data point showing what the bug is, the solution might not actually fit the problem as it actually happens. In a program as complex as X-Plane, particularly when third party content is thrown in, it’s hard to predict in advance what is going to go wrong.
In the previous case (coping with conflicts) the key here is that I want to see a few conflicts before I choose a plan. I see proposals for a revision system, public logs, a registery, a voting system…any one of these ideas might be the right solution, but we don’t know yet because we don’t have two people submitting buildings.
The same principle applies to another issue that was brought up a while ago:
Won’t all of the default airports look the same since they all use the same library?
First, to be clear: we’re not trying to make the default library airports look like the real world airports, we’re not trying to duplicate custom scenery, and if people submit buildings for all 20,000 airports in X-Plane there’s no way we’re going to have 20,000 control tower libraries in the library.
But there is a valid issue: what if people heavily use the assets? Won’t we start to get a “sameness” either between two airports or within an airport as we use the library more and more?
This brings up the second half of “fix real bugs”:
Identify possible solutions, but don’t use them until necessary.
I am not worried about collisions of airport because there are a huge number of possible solutions, many of which are easy to implement and have been proven to work well in the real world in other problems. In other words, the problem of merging crowd-sourced data is a solved problem, and we can use the right existing solution when we have enough data to pick that solution.
The same thing applies to repetition in the library: we have ways of fixing repetition. I want to develop a few airports and see what looks repetitive before asking our artists to spend their time making more stuff* but we at least know how we can fix the problem when the time comes.
Options to Deal With Repetition
So what are the safety valves here? How can we deal with repetition in the library? There are a few ways:
- Every object in the library can have multiple real OBJ models for each “virtual” object. X-Plane picks randomly among the choices, so we can always add more real objects. We already do this for cars. (There are something like a dozen cars and trucks backing up one or two library entities.)
- Some of the library elements are .agp (autogen-point) files – these files are mini-scenes made up of other objects, and the objects referred to within the scene are also subject to library variation. So we can have a mini-scene where some of the decorations are constantly changing.
- The facade engine contains some fairly flexible rules for picking which segments of walls go where, so there’s a lot of potential to break up the order of facade walls.
- We can add more types of facade walls to a given facade without hurting X-Plane’s performance.
All of these changes can be put into an X-Plane update.
In summary, there are a lot of ways we can make the library more diverse and less repetitive, and as we see the library get used (and certain elements become over-used) we can add more variation to keep things looking fresh.
* For example, it wouldn’t make sense for me to ask Tom to make 50 variants of the administration building if almost no one places it in any airport. We need to see what kinds of assets get used the most and then make decisions.
A quick note on an issue that apparently came up during the X-Plane Town Hall (I have not had a chance to listen to any recording or read a transcript; Austin just pinged meo n this):
What if two people submit library buildings for the same airport?
We actually already have to cope with this since we already crowd-source taxiway layouts.
My view is: we’ll put infrastructure in place when the problem occurs; there are a lot of of ways to cope with collisions of contribution, and the problem has been solved in many cases already. So I want to wait and see what kind of collisions occur and then pick the best method (whether technological or organizational) to deal with them.
Robin already tracks who submitted data, so we have the basis to identify when there has been a change or a possible collision.
WED 1.2 is in beta now — thanks to the users who have taken the time to submit WED bugs (which go here, btw). Tyler is working on an update to the manual, and I’ll try to find some time to squash bugs.
But how do you share an airport with terminals with the rest of the X-Plane community? At the X-Plane developer’s conference, we reiterated that we want to extend our crowd-sourced airport data collection to include terminal buildings and ATC routes, as well as the pavement layouts that Robin already curates for us.
To be clear: you do not have to share your WED creation to use WED! WED can be used for custom scenery and your own private creations; submitting your work for sharing with the community is optional!
Here is our thinking on submitting airports:
- Submitted airports will in the future contain three types of data: taxiway layouts (in an apt.dat), ATC taxi route data (also in the apt.dat) and library airport building placements.
- We will not accept custom art assets! The public database of airports is meant to be location data only! Custom scenery is great, but the purpose of the public database is to populate the world, not to crowd-source the art-creation process.
- WED will have a “package for submission” export option that properly bundles everything into a single file in a format useful for Robin.
- The package for submission option will do some basic validation, to catch problems like custom objects in the library, or possibly erroneous data.
You will also still be able to say “Build Scenery Pack” to create a custom scenery pack for your own use – WED 1.2 is meant to support both the crowd-sourcing and custom scenery work-flows.
The “package for submission” work is still in progress; Robin and I will test this out privately while WED is in beta so that test submissions don’t flood the data collection process.
Posted in Tools
Ben Supnik |
This is why.
Let me anticipate the inevitable “why don’t you just use Google Maps” question: to the best of my understanding, tracing your airport vectors off of Google Maps imagery is an unlicensed use of their service and would result in a derived product owned by Google. That’s pretty much a deal breaker.
OSM’s use of background imagery to trace (in Potlatch) comes from specific license agreements between OSM and the image provider – in other words, the image providers are “donating” to OSM by giving them a specific license to trace without ownership issues.
Anyway, I am open to other ideas. (Except for “no, you didn’t read the license right, Google really doesn’t mind if you use their imagery for free to create your own data set”. I am not open to that! 🙂
Posted in Tools
Ben Supnik |
I have updated the WorldEditor page to link to the new builds of WED 1.2 beta 1. This is the first beta of WED 1.2, which we showed at the X-Plane developer’s conference in SC a week ago. A few hilites:
- Finally, a real airport import dialog box – when you import a dialog box, WED will let you pick a subset of airports to grab. So now you can open the entire apt.dat file from Robin and just pick the airport you want.
- There is now a library preview pane for objects, autogen scenes (.AGP files) and draped polygons.
- WED 1.2 supports all of the new v10 overlay editing extensions, e.g. forests as tree lines, facade wall-type control, etc.
Tyler and I are working on a 1.2 manual but it’s still chaotic enough that I think it isn’t even ready as a beta document.
Last weekend I was in Columbia, South Carolina for the second X-Plane developer’s conference – that is, the US meeting. I’ll try to write that up later, but first a quick note on WED 1.2. We had Tom Kyler on site, and his demonstration of WED 1.2 with the new lego brick objects turned out to be the surprise hit of the weekend. It’s one thing to say “we’re going to crowd-source airports” – it’s another to show the pieces in action.
WorldEditor 1.1 is released, and WED 1.2 is available as a “developer preview” – it’s that developer preview we showed at the conference. A real “beta 1” will be out shortly.
What’s a developer preview? It’s an incomplete beta. In this case we didn’t have all of the features of 1.2 in place, but I wanted to get it out there for people to poke at. Tom set up Seattle using the developer preview, so clearly it’s “usable” – albeit with a heavy dose of caution.
My plan is to get WED 1.2 beta 1 released some time this week, with every planned feature except for “submit-to-Robin”, which he and I should probably test internally a bit while we make sure that WED’s output is solid.
Note that if you are making custom scenery, there’s no reason why you can’t use WED 1.1 for now – it’s finished and stable. WED 1.2 has usability and v10 updates, but overlay editing has been available in WED 1.1 for a while.
After WED
After WED, the next scenery tools priorities will be:
- Getting ac3d and Blender 2.49 caught up for version 10 technology. For Blender 2.49, I am trying to merge my
hackingchanges with Jonathan’s, so that users of the public scripts can use my v10 mods without having to rework content. I will send these to Jonathan, and also post some of our newer scripts (e.g. autogen-editing).
- MeshTool 2.x will write v9 meshes, but a new 3.0 version will be needed to make “v10”-style DSFs; this is on my todo list.
What About That Program That Simulates Airplanes?
It’ll take a bit to get through the scenery tools because we are also mid-patch for X-Plane. 10.10 will be the next “patch” with new features. It looks like we will post a 10.06 first with some new translation files that have come back to us from a number of sources.
We’re in the middle of the X-Plane developer conference here in South Carolina; I’ve had a chance to improve and revise some of the presentations since Mallorca; my voice is totally shot but once it comes back Austin and I can turn some of the talks into YouTube videos.
As always seems to happen, we’ve put a few features into the sim during the conference…why talk about a problem when we can just fix it?
So for the next patch, you can put a shortcut or alias or simlink to a scenery pack into the Custom Scenery Folder, rather than the custom scenery pack itself and that means…
…that the scenery pack can be on another hard drive. This may take the sting out of an orthophoto pack if you run X-Plane off of an SSD.
Edit: to answer a few commonly asked questions:
- This is new if you are on Mac/Win and want to use the file-browser-level alias mechanism. Yes, Linux nerds can use simlinks (I was actually surprised that this path works, but apparently it does.)
- We are only doing this for scenery packs. Scenery packs are the biggest single thing you can install, so to relieve hard disk pressure we will start with scenery packs. We might allow linking some other pack later, but for now we are not doing aircraft – our goal is to keep X-Plane maintenance simple, predictable, and supportable.
Posted in News
Ben Supnik |
One complaint we hear a lot from tech support is that the 747 knobs are hard to control in the 3-d cockpit. Javier and I did some investigation into this; this post describes what we found, what we are changing, and what why I don’t think the scroll wheel probably shouldn’t be used to affect the 3-d cockpit.
Hard To Drag
The fundamental problem is that it’s hard to control the autopilot knobs in the 747 by dragging with the mouse. Large drags make only a small change in the knob, so it takes forever to dial in an autopilot altitude. You’d think the solution is simple: change the scale for dragging on the knobs, right? Well, not quite.
It turns out that the “sensitivity” of the knobs to dragging is a function of the way you turn your head in the cockpit. Sit in the default 3-d position, turn your head 30 degrees to the right and drag and the knobs turn quickly. But look straight ahead, slide to your right, and drag and they are very slow.
The problem is one of perspective, and this is where it gets interesting for authors. The drag axis manipulator (which lets you make the 3-d cockpit respond to dragging the mouse) measures its drag in meters. But the distance on the screen that the drag distance takes up (in meters) depends on where the camera is placed and at what angle it is turned. This can lead to some very strange effects: in some views, a 500 pixel drag moves the altimeter only a few hundred feet, while in other views, 500 pixels moves tens of thousands of feet.
Screen Space Dragging
For real physical parts like a lever (a part that moves as you drag it), dragging in meters makes perfect sense; it lets authors match their animations to their manipulations.
But for a drag that doesn’t have a real-world correlation (e.g. you drag on the knob and the knob spins but it doesn’t move) having the camera angle affect the drag distance results in panels that can be used only from certain viewpoints.
To fix this, we are introducing a new “pixel” drag axis – unlike the current drag axis, the distance over which the user can drag is specified in pixels, so that the “sensitivity” to the mouse is the same no matter what view angle the user has. I will post details on this when we go beta.
The Mouse Wheel
While I was working on pixel drag axis, I looked at using the mouse wheel to turn knobs, something our users asked for. And while the prototype seemed ‘clever’, after some arguments with Chris I came to a bit of an inescapable conclusion: the mouse wheel for changing parts of the panel is the wrong tool for the job.
The problem with the wheel is that in the rest of the universe it is use to manipulate view information. This is true in X-Plane 10.05 as well (and it works well), but things get quite tricky once the mouse wheel is added in. Some of the problems:
- Making the mouse wheel zoom and manipulate (e.g. if you are over a knob it manipulates the knob, otherwise it zooms) risks surprising results. A user who wants to zoom might accidentally “bump” a cockpit knob, something that’s pretty frightening to a real pilot.
- We looked at requiring once of the buttons to be held down while mouse-wheeling, but that’s not a gesture you see anywhere else in the universe – effectively one of the two uses of the wheel is “buried” and we might as well only use the other. Furthermore, if we are going to require a click, the user might as well just drag on the knob itself.
- If we have to pick one or the other (zoom or manipulate), zoom is by far the most consistent thing, the thing that fits with the host OS.
- If we make the option a preference (e.g optional mouse-wheel on knobs) so few users will enable it that authors won’t be consistent in adding support to their cockpits, and the system will never get momentum. (We can’t just add “mouse wheel automatically” because the sim doesn’t know how much one click of the wheel should change a given dataref.)
We tossed the mouse wheel idea around, but in the end we concluded that the wheel should be a view/zoom/scroll function, not a data change function – we couldn’t find any example apps that used the wheel to change the contents of the screen. In the end, authors need to make clicking work well, and we need to provide manipulators (like the screen-space drag manipulator) to make that possible.