
Tips for better frame rates Pt #1

Austin, Ben and I are still working on cleaning out the remainder of Ultra-High priority bugs right now which essentially consist of crashes or other things that impact large groups of people. Only once these types of problems are taken care of will we be able to start looking into figuring out what can be optimized in the sim.

Many of you are getting really decent performance. Many of you are getting “ok” performance and others are getting really poor performance. This is not a surprise because there is a huge spectrum of hardware out there. Moving forward, we have some tools at our disposal that we can use to collect some data see what’s impacting performance the most. Then we can optimize it. Then we can see what the second biggest problem is, and then optimize that….and around and around we go.

In my opinion, one major contributor to performance loss right now is having your settings wrong. X-Plane allows you to configure a LOT of settings to get optimal performance. We’ve given you more than enough rope to hang yourself with, and many of you are doing just that. X-Plane’s rendering engine is very flexible. It has to be because it has to run on a huge spectrum of hardware. Like any large system, it needs to be tuned properly for its intended use. Ben’s already told you that you need to hit rock bottom to tune X-Plane properly. What that means is that you need a baseline. Think of how you tune a guitar or any instrument for that matter. You need a reference pitch such as a tuning fork. You match one string up perfectly to that pitch and then you adjust ONE string at a time until it’s in tune with the previous string. Imagine trying to tune a guitar without a reference pitch. You would have no idea whether you were making progress or not!

The “tuning fork” of X-Plane is starting from zero. This is your reference. Turn off EVERYTHING. Turn of AI aircraft, set your clouds to clear, set your visibility to something reasonable like 20-30SM, turn off rain and storms. Go to your Rendering Options and set EVERYTHING as low as it will go. If you run X-Plane in fullscreen mode, turn down your resolution. If you run X-Plane as a window, reduce the size of the window. The item that says “Framerate-lock to monitor” should be set to “Do Not Lock” (more on this in a moment). Take a look at what kind of framerate you get in the sim. Don’t just sit on the runway, fly around, take note of the range that you see. Also, see what you’re system’s doing as well as you can. Take a note of CPU usage, Memory Usage (mainly how much is left to be used), and GPU usage if you have a fancy driver that lets you see this information. At this point, you should have a rough guess as to what your weakest link is. If your CPU is almost maxed out right now, it’s going to be your limiting piece of hardware. If your almost out of memory, that will be your limit etc.

(A quick detour on CPU cores…more is better-ish…to a point. 9 women can get together and do 9 different tasks in 1/9th of the amount of time it would take 1 woman, but 9 women cannot have a baby in 1 month! The point is, if X-Plane has multiple tasks going on (like AI traffic, scenery pre-loading etc), then multiple cores helps get the tasks done quicker. But if there’s only one task going on (like rendering), your other cores will NOT help you do it any faster.)

Back to tuning…Start with Rendering Options. Now start turning things up ONE setting at a time. Start with things that are most important to you. Each time you change something, go back to the sim and see how it impacted you. Take note of your hardware utilization again. Has CPU changed much? Has memory changed much? Don’t be fooled by large jumps in FPS. Remember, going from 100fps to 90fps is a difference of 10fps (“wow” you’re thinking)…but that’s only 10%! That same 10% reduction at 20fps would bring you down to 18fps. You should care about the PERCENTAGE change, not the FPS change. If you notice that one setting in particular causes your framerate to lose a huge percentage, then you’ve probably figured out what the weakest part of your particular hardware is. This is the setting that you’ll either have to live without or the one you’ll have to be VERY careful about touching. If this setting is important to you, perhaps there is something else that you can sacrifice to get some performance back for this setting. Or if you’re able to upgrade your hardware, that’s the thing that you should invest in.

At some point, hopefully you’ve found yourself with a configuration that you like. Again, note your average FPS in various situations. NOW you can go back and set the weather how you like it. Turn the clouds up, turn the visibility up if you want but be careful. Visibility can be a huge factor in performance. The farther you can see, the more things the system has to draw. I would not recommend going over 50SM unless you find yourself with a ton of performance left over. Now you can turn on the number of AI planes that you like flying around with. You may have to go back and retune some things to get the system balanced with the new weather and AI. Make SMALL incremental changes. You don’t want to de-tune it severely. When everything’s balanced, now go back into Rendering Options and note at the very bottom, it will tell you how much VRAM is being used. Turn the Texture Resolution up until the VRAM usage gets near the amount of VRAM you have on your GPU. Then fly around and test it. You should NOT notice any difference in performance. If you do, go back and turn your Texture resolution down a notch and try again. Your goal is to get your texture resolution as high as you can without impacting performance or going over your VRAM limit.

Lastly, a note on VSync. I told you earlier that the “Framerate-Lock to Monitor” setting should ALWAYS be on “Do Not Lock”. This is a tiny white lie. If you’re an advanced user, if you know what VSync is, if you know how it works and if you have enough performance to spare and you want to stop scene tearing, go ahead and turn it on. Even then, don’t turn it on until you are done tuning framerate, because VSync will obscure changes in fps, making it impossible to tell what effect a rendering setting has on your hardware. If you don’t know what it is or what problem it’s meant to solve…please leave it off and forget it exists. It will NOT improve your performance. If you’re like me and just want to learn about it anyway, read this but leave the setting off anyway.

Feature Affected Subsystem
AI Aircraft CPU/VRAM/Bus Bandwidth
Cars CPU
Clouds GPU
Objects Bus Bandwidth (CPU on old cards)
Roads Bus Bandwidth
Forests Bus Bandwidth
Screen Resolution / Window Size GPU (usage proportional to resolution)
Shadows Bus Bandwidth (this amplifies all other bus bandwidth use a lot!)
Table 1. Feature vs. Affected Subsystem

***EDIT*** I didn’t want to have to do this but I’m going to be more heavy handed with the comment moderation because inevitably, the comments end up getting WAY off topic.  Feel free to ask questions or post comments directly related to the topic but this is not the forum for other discussions. I am also not going to be providing one-on-one tuning at this time so please do not post your specs unless asked. We have not begun diving into performance issues yet. The purpose of this post is to educate you on how to setup your own system in the most optimal way possible right now. Thank you for your understanding!

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Airplane Authors: Please Let Us Fix a Few Bugs

A number of third party authors (bravely) promised X-Plane 10 updates to their airplanes.  And I believe that a tune-up to be X-Plane 10 compatible isn’t going to represent a lot of man hours.

That is, unless you try to do this job now.

I have a number of open bugs where version 9 airplanes don’t load quite right in X-Plane 10.  If you have an X-Plane 9 airplane and you try to work around these bugs, a few things will happen:

  1. You will only be able to work around some of the bugs, as others are pretty hard-baked into the sim.
  2. When I actually fix the bugs (in the next weeks) your airplane will be “broken” yet again, since “fixing” the bugs now means trying to make a right with two wrongs.

So third party authors: please do file bugs if you haven’t already, and give us a little time to work through them.  Please do not try to work around these bugs, only to have your airplane become “re-broken” when we get the sim corrected.

And users: please be patient with your third party airplane authors.  They can’t make their plane v10 compatible until we fix some bugs, and if they try they’re just going to get thrashed.

There are some things that do need to be reworked for version 10, particularly for HDR mode.  But a lot of the reports I get are just things that are funky in the sim.

How to File an Airplane Bug

Since I am getting deluged with bug reports, support requests, questions, etc. I want to describe the best way to get an airplane compatibility bug to us.  By following these guidelines, you’ll make it easier for us to kill off compatibility bugs fast.

  • Please file the bug only once.  If you have filed the bug and haven’t heard that it’s fixed, you do not need to tell us in every new beta that it is still broken.
  • File bugs via  We can route this form to whomever we think is best suited to handle the bugs.  Please do not just email the last person you conversed with directly.
  • Please only file bugs if an airplane looks different in the latest X-Plane 10 build and X-Plane version 9.70.  X-Plane 9.70 is the version 9 release that we are targeting – no older version!
  • Please get us reproduction materials – preferably a complete ACF pack, and preferably a cut down one if it can be simplified.
  • Send us the v9 .acf file, before any modifications.  We want to see what your customers would have seen if they just tried to use the plane.  If you send us a version resaved in X-Plane 10, we don’t know what happened.
  • Please provide illustrations of how the plane should look in version 9 vs how it does look in version 10.  We need a reference point.
  • Please try to keep reproduction steps as short as possible.  If we have to make a 2 hours flight with 400 waypoints to see a bug, that’s a time sink for us.

A number of you have already sent us good bug reports – we will get to them as quick as I can.  If all goes well tonight my fires will be out and I’ll be able to jump into this shortly.

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Reinstalling the Sim is NOT the Answer

If I could have a nickel for every email I see from a user who says “I have installed X-Plane from scratch 6 times, and it still does not work”, well, I’d have enough money to buy more servers to handle the download bandwidth.

If your copy of the X-Plane 10 demo is not working, please do not do a full reinstall.  It will not help.

You can run the X-Plane updater at any time.  The X-Plane 10 updater checks every single file in the install and replaces any file that isn’t exactly what it should be.  When the updater is done, you basically have a clean install, but at a fraction of the download.

The demo servers are starting to show lower load – please don’t re-download and kill the servers all over again.

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Where To Get Help, Where to File Bugs

Hint: not the comments section of this blog.  If you have not filed a bug but did write a comment, please do not assume that we know about it.

You can email tech support here:

You can file bugs here:

If you file a bug an do not hear back from us immediately, please be patient; I am back-logged with reports right now, so if it is going to my part of the code, it’ll be a bit of a wait.

I will post more on reporting airplane compatibility bugs later today.

***EDIT*** Chris says: Please do not email Austin, Ben or Me directly unless we ask you to…Even if we’ve asked you to do so for a bug in the past, please do not email us directly for a new bug. Bugs need to go through our support channel. Ben wakes up to over 100 emails each morning…I can only imagine what kinds of emails Austin gets. This takes away precious development time.

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X-Plane 10.02 Beta 2 Is Here

You can update via the about box or the updater application.  If you update from the about box, the updater app may already be in your X-Plane folder, ready to use.

This build should hopefully fix any crashes and colored-triangle artifacts introduced by 10.02 beta 1; the smoke puff performance optimization wasn’t my best work.

Also your airplanes may have engines again, which is nice for flying, I’m told.

If you are getting a crash in 10.02 beta 2 but did not get a crash in 10.0, please file a bug ASAP!  (If you always get a crash, file a bug if you haven’t; we’re working through them.  But I definitely don’t want to go backward in terms of hardware support with the betas.)

Note: the torrent is still 10.02 beta 1, so you’ll want to run a quick update on it.  I’ll recut the torrent periodically, but I think it probably works better for everyone if the torrent can build up a bunch of seeders.

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We Have Our First Patch

Austin just posted an announcement.  The short version: we have the first patch to X-Plane 10.  You can read more about how to get the patch here.  A few key points:

  • You don’t have to re-download the whole sim!  You can simply run an update, which will get only the changed files.  Less than 150 MB, I think.
  • If you can’t run X-Plane 10 because the app isn’t getting along with your graphics card, you can still update – just run the updater directly.
  • We have posted a new torrent – zipped, so it should be smaller, have correct permissions, and not drive µTorrent nutty with too many files.

Compatibility With Graphic Cards

I’ll try to post on-going status updates with regards to graphics card support; I’ve posted a chart on the wiki.  If you have gotten one of the cards for which the status is “unknown” to work, please post a comment.

The two cases that I believe we have fixed for the 10.02 patch are Intel HD integrated graphics and Radeon X1000 series GPUs – both were not functioning due to bugs in X-Plane (which were revealed by the particular capabilities of these cards).

I was surprised by how many reports of Intel HD graphics crashes we got but in hind sight it makes sense: everyone with a Core i3/i5/i7 chip has one of these GPUs, since it is built into the chip.  In some cases, users were running on the Intel GPU despite also having a real GPU, so even with the crash fix, those users will need to figure out how to change their default GPU.  (For a desktop this is usual a BIOS operation – for a laptop it’s usually black magic.)

I still have at least six different GPU crash cases that I am investigating, so there’s a lot of compatibility work to do.

The other major compatibility problem I am hearing about is just a slew of reports of weird stuff with NVidia GeForce cards.  Graphic artifacts, hangs, screen corruption, two copies of the app – you name it.  It’s going to take a while to figure out what’s going on.

Framerate and Performance

We put out X-Plane 10.02 to fix a few crash problems and cases of graphic corruption; there are only a few performance tweaks along for the ride.  The majority of performance work is still to come.  You may get a few fps back with AI planes, or if you have a Mac NVidia GPU.

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Torrent Issues

A few notes about the torrent.

First: the torrent contains a single FranceVFR custom DSF that is not present in the regular demo install.  This file is due to a mistake made by me while building the torrent; the FranceVFR team sent me the file to test v10 compatibility and I stupidly used the same version of X-Plane to build the torrent.  My gravest apologies to the FranceVFR team for not being more careful with their IP.

Second: if you can’t execute the apps on OS X or Linux, it’s because the permissions are not set correctly.  I have no idea why that happened – the permissions are correct in the source files.  There are two ways to fix this:

  1. The easy way: delete the apps, then run the X-Plane 10 updater for Mac, Win, or Linux.  By deleting the apps first you’ll get new ones from the net with correct permissions.  Or
  2. The nerdymanly way: chmod u+x in the terminal from the X-Plane demo directory.

This will fix the app bouncing and then disappearing.

Third: for some reason the torrent won’t finish on some torrent clients.  I have no idea what that’s about, the solution to all three problems for the next patch is: I’ll build a new torrent and zip it into one big file.

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A Few Settings Tricks to Try

For those who cannot wait to try to get X-Plane 10 to run fast, a few tips on how to ‘break down’ where a bottleneck might be:

  • Run with clouds vs. clear skies.  The clouds chew fill rate.  Are clouds the issue?
  • Turn down visibility – X-Plane 10 will run at 100 nm but some machines will die with this.  Does a low visibility help?
  • Turn off the AI planes.  Any better?  They take draw time when on screen and cores.
  • Turn down texture res if you haven’t already.  (Well, most people try that by default.)  Start with low settings and work your way up.
  • Try areas away from KSEA.  Compare down-town to rural, and different airports.
  • If you have an nvidia card before the 400 series, try running with –no_instancing from the command-line.  This can particularly help Mac users.

In most cases there is only one setting killing your framerate – find it, fix it, and things get a lot better…fix it and you’ll find those other settings you turned down can go up at least a bit.

The gotchas in v10 are definitely different from v9.  Shadows can kill your fps in a huge way – I’ll be spending a bunch of time tuning them to look better and kill fps less.  Turn water reflections down if you don’t need them – the “advanced” setting is frankly a bit pointless.  Turn off full screen anti-aliasing if you are going to run in HDR mode, then restart the sim.

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Rendering Settings and FPS: Don’t Panic

I am still trying to dig out my in-box this morning, but Chris tells me that there is a lot of concern over X-Plane 10’s framerate.  For now I can only offer one bit of advice:

Don’t panic.

I have no doubt that many users are seeing terrible fps with version 10.  But I think that we’re going to get this sorted out over the next few weeks and the end result will be really good.

How can I think that when so many users are seeing poor performance?  Here’s why…

  • With X-Plane 9, four years after its debut, you still can’t run X-Plane 9 at extreme objects on a modern computer.
  • With X-Plane 10, all of 1 day old, with very little performance ,i can run at extreme objects on my core i5 and get > 20 fps in the demo area.

In other words, the hardware usage of v9 was never properly “fit” to the capabilities of a modern desktop.  By comparison, version 10 is at least on the right curve, and we know how to tune for performance.

Please bear with me for a few days: the current state of chaos in our server download farm is a high priority right now, as are a few serious bugs.  So if you send me a list of your hardware specs, settings, and some numbers, I cannot help you.

When I do have time to look at performance (hopefully real soon) here’s how we will do it:

  • I will post some standard fps-test command lines that you and other users can try.
  • You can send me back the log.

One I have that data, controlled for all rendering settings, across a variety of hardware, then we’ll be able to understand performance and fix engine bugs and provide work-arounds.

X-Plane 10 is only fast if it hits the fast path through the driver every time it needs to; there are all sorts of little things that can go wrong that can kill fps that are not an indication that long-term the sim will suck.  We have worked through nasty performance issues before and we will again!  It took two months to kill off the very last driver problem in X-Plane 9.0 – I certainly hope it won’t take that long to get the vast majority of users running well in version 10.  But I do believe that fps problems we see now may be as much a case of driver vs. engine quirks than a fundamental performance gap.

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That Burning Smell

Happy Thanksgiving!  X-Plane 10 is now out the door, and over the next few weeks I’ll post on a number of topics.  But for tonight: that burning smell is our five download servers pushing 100 mbit each and not even coming close to meeting the demand for X-Plane 10 demos.

We are working on this now, and over the next few days we will get more servers into the pool.  But first we are going to analyze traffic and try to find the most efficient way to deploy our available bandwidth given such high demand.  Hopefully over the next few days we’ll be able to improve overall demo download times.

The demo is 2 GB and a lot of you have fast pipes, so it’s going to be slow going for a bit no matter how many servers we throw at the problem.  If you can run BitTorrent, you may want to give it a try, but we are definitely working to make a straight demo-download a viable option.


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